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Posts: 22,512
22:36 Tue 5 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL Announcement

It is with great pleasure that the FBL can now release the new website. Link to the website will be at the bottom of this post.

A few minor changes have been made/will be made from the previous site.

If you look on the home page there is a part that mentions the FCL league, if you click the highlighted "here" word it will open up the FCL website in another tab, this has also been added to the FCL website for the FBL one

The rules are currently under construction as some of them make no sense at all, rules are being done just now and may be finished by tonight at the latest.

FBL Website:
Deleted User
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22:53 Tue 5 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Thanks to both jay and Jema who have worked for two days on this for us
Deleted User
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23:15 Tue 5 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Thanks bluepixiebum! Looking good
Posts: 22,512
23:28 Tue 5 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
^^^ that made me laugh a little loud! Haha
Posts: 19,967
23:52 Tue 5 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Whats the plan for the killer games on pre-season friendlies?
Deleted User
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23:56 Tue 5 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Whats the plan for the killer games on pre-season friendlies?
It was posted on ll thread earlier mate by ipotalot
Posts: 19,967
00:01 Wed 6 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
I can only see the plan for killer in the regular season, not the pre-season friendlies which have a different format (3 vs 3, different members for both games as opposed to 2 vs 2 same members can play both games)

Do we play 3 vs 3 like the new format or 2 vs 2 as was told by the last runners for pre-season?
Deleted User
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00:06 Wed 6 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Ahhhh sorry yeah it's one game of 3x3 in pre season as its only 5 days to play it
Posts: 19,967
00:24 Wed 6 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Thanks mate i'll post on our thread now
Deleted User
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00:27 Wed 6 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Thanks mate i'll post on our thread now

Thanks zak mate and no problem :-)
Posts: 22,512
00:53 Wed 6 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Its not 5 days anymore Matty.

The new deadline is the 17th as the games were released on the 3rd. Perfectly within our right to make the deadline the 17th now as the one week deadline was stupid. It does not harm the schedule i made last night either as i made the schedule based on the pre season ending on the 17th.
Posts: 22,512
01:22 Wed 6 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL Announcement

To all clans that it may concern, the deadline on the pre season has now been increased by another week.

New Deadline: 17/6/12
Posts: 1,594
01:57 Wed 6 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Hey, quick question is the killer games mandatory?
Deleted User
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01:59 Wed 6 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Yes killer games are now part of the FBL format and mandatory
Posts: 1,594
02:03 Wed 6 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
okey doke.
Posts: 19,967
02:21 Wed 6 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Ahhhh sorry yeah it's one game of 3x3 in pre season as its only 5 days to play it

Still just the one to play?
Deleted User
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12:37 Wed 6 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Ahhhh sorry yeah it's one game of 3x3 in pre season as its only 5 days to play it

Still just the one to play?

Yes mate just the one killer game Zak although the deadline has web pushed back we still feel with the late notice it's only fair to allow only one game to be played :-)
Posts: 22,512
13:00 Wed 6 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Still think the actual league games should have the one killer game in them also, maybe for the one season. Means that one we can monitor the trialing of it in the league easier and two the chances of defaults will be decreased maybe.

On that note Riley just had a nice milky burp and it stinked!
Deleted User
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13:04 Wed 6 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Lol jay. I think we will keep th two games in the league and let's remember If it does fail this season which it won't, captains can vote against it next season we are sure this is the way forward and we just want the support of all the captains and clans alongside the co-operaton of them also.
Posts: 22,512
13:09 Wed 6 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
I'm not saying don't keep the two games though Just trying to be the odd runner

I do actually think though with the format being like this...

2 x 8US
2 x 9US
2 x 8UK
2 x Straight
1 x 3 Man Killer

Would be more efficient in my eyes, maybe if it was just the one game it could be increased to a 4 - 5 Man game? I hate the idea of a bigger man game though so maybe not . Just think that 10 games in a fixture may see an increase on defaults especially with two killer games, as its not guaranteed that all clans involved would have the right number of players on at one time.
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