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Deleted User
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13:15 Tue 5 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Yh put it in another league boys, it gives Captains a choice not to enter then, cuz in my eyes its going to be a nightmare to sort out, if Craig doesn't come back i won't enter shooters.

Maybe not for Shooters but throughout last season some clans i was struggling to find 1 guy on in a day, Say 1 guy didn't turn up then u would have to arrange it all over again, then maybe this time 1 of the other guys doesn't show, gunna be arguments galore.

I say put it in another league, Captains can enter their team or just stick to the 3 other leagues.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13:16 Tue 5 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Yh put it in another league boys, it gives Captains a choice not to enter then, cuz in my eyes its going to be a nightmare to sort out, if Craig doesn't come back i won't enter shooters.

Maybe not for Shooters but throughout last season some clans i was struggling to find 1 guy on in a day, Say 1 guy didn't turn up then u would have to arrange it all over again, then maybe this time 1 of the other guys doesn't show, gunna be arguments galore.

I say put it in another league, Captains can enter their team or just stick to the 3 other leagues.

would the way the defaults are determined in the post from James not help you mate? i know Shooters are a very active team from experience so i dont think you would have any problem with having your own players on.

This is true Pete as long as a time was arranged then you could he people on it wouldn't hinder you in the slightest and as Matt said A very active team from what I can remember and also I'm playing fbl for shooters so would probably be able to help with us there?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13:20 Tue 5 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
I have thought about it and still havent come up with anything better than my original post below...

Thats why I would advocate a set time for each game - that way its up to each clan to have players available at that time. Have it late in the fixture period and allow teams to arrange to play at any mutually convenient time in advance of that set time. However if not played then the set time is where the default decision is based if it is required. Otherwise the game goes ahead at that time even if one clan has more players than the other.

That seems to give the flexibility for clans to arrange games whenever, but also the structure of a final set time if all else fails.

It could potentially distort a default by basing it purely on what happened at the set time, and disregarding any efforts made prior to that, if a game was not played. However, against that, it is fair and even to both clans as they would both have the best part of two weeks notice to make sure that players are on and available, at that set time.

At the set time the game goes ahead no matter what - if one team has no one available then its a maximum default win/loss. If both sides have one player each on then the points are shared. Those are the only default decisions required as in any other scenario (ie with 3 or more players) a game will take place and be scored as per the agreed scoring system whether it be 2 v 1, 3 v 1, 2 v 2, 3 v 2 or 3 v 3.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13:20 Tue 5 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
i do see what Pete is saying but i think there are enough "honest" players that wouldnt want to see a game go to default, and i for one would not like a game going to default so would happily be the sacrificial lamb to try and get the game played and i might even get lucky and manage to grab 2 points lol
Deleted User
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13:22 Tue 5 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Chris those are some excellent points there
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13:31 Tue 5 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Thanks to everyone I will get the other runners to have a look through and we will try to come to a conclusion that pleases the most part clearly we can. It please everyone but we will certainly try :-)
Posts: 1,594
13:51 Tue 5 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Thanks matty, just trying to help u guys out

Posts: 9,926
14:20 Tue 5 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Yh put it in another league boys, it gives Captains a choice not to enter then, cuz in my eyes its going to be a nightmare to sort out, if Craig doesn't come back i won't enter shooters.

Maybe not for Shooters but throughout last season some clans i was struggling to find 1 guy on in a day, Say 1 guy didn't turn up then u would have to arrange it all over again, then maybe this time 1 of the other guys doesn't show, gunna be arguments galore.

I say put it in another league, Captains can enter their team or just stick to the 3 other leagues.

I agree put in a separate league, we cannot get 8 games with 1 v 1 played and now we want 2 games with 3 v 3 arranged and played, sorry but it doesn't make sense. There will be a lot more defaults or if we go with set times there will be a lot of 3 v 1 or 3 v 2 games which defeats the purpose of a fair game why should any clan game start with uneven teams.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:55 Tue 5 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
why should any clan game start with uneven teams.

Because they cant get any 3 willing players out of 16 on at a set time with two weeks notice - or arrange a game at any mutually convenient time before that.

A radical idea thrown in - one Killer game with 6 points alongside one Straight game of 6 points thereby reducing exposure to both, supposedly, unpopular game types!! Doesnt quite negate the Straight advantage but reduces it a bit.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:56 Tue 5 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
I I'd make a suggestion to another runner last night whereby we keep both straight games but only have one killer game where all three people are different to the other 8 players?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:57 Tue 5 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Still means you are only using 11of 16 players available so not even 3/4 of your team.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:58 Tue 5 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Trouble is you then need 11 active players at least during a period - thats a lot maybe.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:00 Tue 5 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
I suppose it Is a lot I don't wana get rid of the straight, unless we say something like one killer wit only one player that has already played being allowed to play like zak suggested yesterday?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:43 Tue 5 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
So let me get this right? You are thinking of removing straight from the fixtures? I just dont think that killer is a popular enough game to introduce it to the fixtures, THIS SEASON. Not saying it shouldnt be? but i for one dont particularly like killer, but i know loads who do.
Why not have a seperate killer league? like we do for individuals.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:44 Tue 5 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
No I am not thinking or removin straight that's why I said I won't be removing it.
Posts: 12,419
16:04 Tue 5 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
personally, when i first saw the killer idea i didnt really approve of it. This maybe is because i am not a killer player. However with the initial league runners leaving i dont think it would be a wise move to introduce it this season. I think that killer games would be too difficult to arrange and in all fairness, i enjoyed the FBL format as it is. But as i dont represent majority, its down to the rest of the players. I would have thought setting up a poll to see who wants killer, then we can devellop ideas from it so that it satisfies the majority
Posts: 38,097
16:10 Tue 5 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
If you do a poll you could include following.

Do you wish to see Killer in the FBL this season?

- Main League
- Separate League
- Both
- None of Above
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:16 Tue 5 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Do you wish to see Killer in the FBL this season?

- Main League
- Separate League
- Both
- None of Above
^^ cree
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:16 Tue 5 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Any polls are pointless as the only ppl voting are likely to be those posting here - just as in any of these discussions.

I do agree with frog that I think it will be difficult to come up with an agreed format in the time before you really want the league to be kicking off this season.

Discuss it during this season between the two of you. Decide if you want to implement it and if yes then agree a best format, stick with it (so that theres no need to go over the same ground again) and then bring it in for next season before teams have to commit to signing up.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:30 Tue 5 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
surprised Craig resigned but i am even more surprised that Craig and Sarah deactivated over it leaving matty in the lurch with basically no experience (no disrespect matty ).

well i tell you lot should be ashamed of yourself sarah was one of the best league runners around
why she the only league runner i know would never bend a rule for anyone on here not like some league runners that are and was
i think you all should be asking her to come back as she is the best league runner on this site by mile honest and helpful and trustworthy
i told sarah this killer would not work on here
but i think that was craig doing
i never got on with the guy but he also was a lot of help to sarah in running the league a honest league a fair one out that not like most will always bend rules for some people on here
yes that was must leagues iv been in
FBL was honest and you could not try get a rule overture if you tried
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