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Posts: 38,097
03:28 Tue 5 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
we all have our opinion on each league which makes them great.

for example Super League is my favourite league due to short format. FCL is in close second (whereas 2 seasons ago i disliked it) and i didn't like FBL much the past month or so but opinions change. as one of my metal gear solid favourite quote would say...

"time flows as easily as the wind changes, an enemy is only an enemy in relative terms, reason they are human beings like us, so what is an enemy?".

thats not a dig by the way
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03:30 Tue 5 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Love that post Cree. A nice "good luck with the fbl" would of sufficed not its gona fail what a negative attitude to have about something that you will still play in due to your team entering it. I hope if nothing else of this season we will prove you wrong

hey? sorry? i was just saying? if you want any help im here! i dont want it to fail? i just want us all to stop argueeing and become one! im gunna stop posting tbh as i always say the wrong thing
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03:32 Tue 5 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Nobody in this thread is arguing dude we have took 5 people and created the fbl from scratch today apart from the teams that are entering it but Jay and jema have worked very very hard on a New website and searching for stuff that was lost, I have been in constant offline messages all day tryin to piece pieces back together just so we can have a successful season which I personally think with the people we have at the helm will succeed in.
Posts: 22,512
03:34 Tue 5 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Cree, there is always going to be arguments and disagreements mate as it is an online game. Pool has always been known to raise these arguments because the clan league is much bigger over here. It won't ever change, maybe get better but it will not change.
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03:36 Tue 5 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
I personally wouldn't rule anything out seeing as this site has shown me that anything can happen lmao. However it would be preferable the leagues are kept seperate
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06:53 Tue 5 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
punkpoet said:
hey guys I think 3 on 3 will be difficult to do tbh, can it be 2 on 2?

Reasons 3 v 3 won over 2 v 2 were...

1)We think they will actually be easier to arrange games as clans will prioritise playing the games instead of waiting till they have their best 2 players online

2)We want a team, fun element to the games and 6 man will bring that a lot more than 4 man

3)Clans have 4 or 5 players online at peaktimes most days, shouldn't be hard to do games.

4)We think the main weakness with the FBL format is the superstar straight players decide the fixtures (players like seb can go a whole season without dropping a frame in it) having 6 man games means there is a chance with good teamwork of evening the playing field a bit.

5)Soon as one player is out in a 4 man it's game over

6)Killer is a hugely popular game on the site
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12:25 Tue 5 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
What we need to do now is is diacuss the point chris raised yesterday about how defaults would work. As if one team doesn't want to play it in a fixture but the other team does then the team that does are potentially losing points they might of gained.
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12:56 Tue 5 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Which leads to what Chris was saying yesterday (or at least i think he was saying) you either have to say it is compulsory or not have it at all that way if it is compulsory if a team refuses to play then they do not gain points but the team wanting to does. Before the knives come out this is purely my opinion
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12:58 Tue 5 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
I agree with that part to be honest Matt the part of struggling with is defaults itself how do I determine who has tried the most out of two teams of 16 players lol.
Posts: 38,097
13:03 Tue 5 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
normally the captains arrange so could do it through them, but you would need to trust a lot of luck that the information is correct as its hard to prove.

i do agree with matt there as you say its optional but going to defaults makes it lose the optional incentive.

maybe for first season do a separate league (with same format if you like) with teams who want to enter so if it does go wrong in league then no harm done. I know what chris will say about the other games but killer is just a baby at the moment and needs time to grow
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13:04 Tue 5 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
ahhh i see where you are coming from, now that is a little more tricky but i dont see it being too much of a problem if any 3 players can play in each fixture ( i know the same 3 players cannot play in both) but still dont see this as a problem unless a team wants to make a problem by refusing to play. i also like the idea of arranging a time on the forum so a captain/vice can ask their players if Wednesday at 8pm is good for them then posting on the opposing thread for all to see that they have made an effort if this time isnt good then the opposing captain maybe has to post a counter offer so to speak?

now breathe lol
Posts: 703
13:05 Tue 5 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Wow, i have the bank holiday off and you lot all go crackers!!

I take it i am now not needed to help run this. Thats no problem, i will let you guys get on with it, i hardly did anything anyway.

Good luck with it, i hope you do as good a job as Sarah did because i thought she was amazing.

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13:07 Tue 5 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
See I think it was seb that suggested this when the fixtures get release you arrange a time with the opposing team as that's the time you tell your players and you play with any 3 players I have /can get on. If it doesn't get played it goes to default and te default is done according to how many players each team had on?
Posts: 38,097
13:07 Tue 5 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
got any cheese to go with that sam
Posts: 38,097
13:09 Tue 5 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
copied from our thread if you need it matty:

Any 3 players on the teamsheet can play in the killer game. Captains or anyone else in charge will have to arrange these games with the opposing teams.
If the teams are unable to arrange a time, the game will automatically have to be played at 9pm GMT on the night of the deadline. Whoever is online at that time may play.

Although 3 vs 3 is the ideal format, only a minimum of 2 players from one clan and 1 player from the other need to be present to play the game.

The clan with the winning player wins the game. If 1 player from the winning team is left standing at the end, the score is 4:2.
2 players - 5:1
3 players - 6:0

If the game isn't arranged and not enough players are present on deadline night at 9pm, the following table will be used for defaults:

If it's 3 players present vs 0 present, the default is 6-0.
If it's 2 vs 0, the default is 4-0.
If it's 1 vs 0, the default is 1-0.
If it's 1 vs 1, the default is 1-1.
If it's 0 vs 0, the default is 0-0.
Deleted User
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13:10 Tue 5 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
See I think as I think it was an that suggested this when the I fixtures get release you arrange a time with the opposing team as that's the time you tell your players and you play with any 3 players I have /can get on. If it doesn't get played it goes to default and te default is done according to how many players each team had on?

yes or allow the teams to pick a time which is good for them and make sure this is posted on the opponents thread so negotiations are public, this will help with the default information in my opinion
Posts: 1,594
13:11 Tue 5 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Yh put it in another league boys, it gives Captains a choice not to enter then, cuz in my eyes its going to be a nightmare to sort out, if Craig doesn't come back i won't enter shooters.

Maybe not for Shooters but throughout last season some clans i was struggling to find 1 guy on in a day, Say 1 guy didn't turn up then u would have to arrange it all over again, then maybe this time 1 of the other guys doesn't show, gunna be arguments galore.

I say put it in another league, Captains can enter their team or just stick to the 3 other leagues.
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13:12 Tue 5 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
That's basically it James yea i think that's the way to do it I knew it was you or seb that had posted it lol.
Deleted User
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13:12 Tue 5 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
copied from our thread if you need it matty:

Any 3 players on the teamsheet can play in the killer game. Captains or anyone else in charge will have to arrange these games with the opposing teams.
If the teams are unable to arrange a time, the game will automatically have to be played at 9pm GMT on the night of the deadline. Whoever is online at that time may play.

Although 3 vs 3 is the ideal format, only a minimum of 2 players from one clan and 1 player from the other need to be present to play the game.

The clan with the winning player wins the game. If 1 player from the winning team is left standing at the end, the score is 4:2.
2 players - 5:1
3 players - 6:0

If the game isn't arranged and not enough players are present on deadline night at 9pm, the following table will be used for defaults:

If it's 3 players present vs 0 present, the default is 6-0.
If it's 2 vs 0, the default is 4-0.
If it's 1 vs 0, the default is 1-0.
If it's 1 vs 1, the default is 1-1.
If it's 0 vs 0, the default is 0-0.

just like that
Deleted User
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13:14 Tue 5 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Yh put it in another league boys, it gives Captains a choice not to enter then, cuz in my eyes its going to be a nightmare to sort out, if Craig doesn't come back i won't enter shooters.

Maybe not for Shooters but throughout last season some clans i was struggling to find 1 guy on in a day, Say 1 guy didn't turn up then u would have to arrange it all over again, then maybe this time 1 of the other guys doesn't show, gunna be arguments galore.

I say put it in another league, Captains can enter their team or just stick to the 3 other leagues.

would the way the defaults are determined in the post from James not help you mate? i know Shooters are a very active team from experience so i dont think you would have any problem with having your own players on.
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