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Posts: 11,062
21:24 Sat 19 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Can someone correct me if I'm not understanding the idea correctly:

It will be 3 players from both sides playing each other in killer. The 3 players can still play in one of the other game types, even if they play killer right?
And they just play 1 game?
Deleted User
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21:31 Sat 19 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
I think this killer thing should have a seperate table to other games - if it's being trialled as part of the season it shouldn't be counted towards overall points

if teams don't like it and it's being forced on them then they might leave the FBL - like MVP - it would not be fair to teams who do not want killer to lose out on obtaining points during the season because this is being trialled alongside the normal FBL format - just my opinion

your concern is noted thanks
Deleted User
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21:36 Sat 19 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Can someone correct me if I'm not understanding the idea correctly:

It will be 3 players from both sides playing each other in killer. The 3 players can still play in one of the other game types, even if they play killer right?
And they just play 1 game?

I believe that to be correct but as Craig Said its a trial so if u want get three players online as will I and we will see :-).
Deleted User
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21:38 Sat 19 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Can someone correct me if I'm not understanding the idea correctly:

It will be 3 players from both sides playing each other in killer. The 3 players can still play in one of the other game types, even if they play killer right?
And they just play 1 game?

that is the format we are looking at
any player can play, its dosnt affect the other 8 games who will be named players,

this allows 3 of 16 players to be onlinelay the game

if this is not progressed the FBL will have a seperate team game and league..
Posts: 22,512
21:41 Sat 19 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
What is the scoring? Like for winning and stuff or have i missed that?
Deleted User
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21:41 Sat 19 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
as ive said ...

anyone making comments should try playing it

it really does make a good game,
discuss it when uve played it

id say its the most tactical game on here, you have to rely on your team mates to kill others

everyone has cried on for seasons about a doubles game well now its here try it beofre you knock it,, get your players to try it,,

at least give it a gooo before you say no,,,,,, everything deserves a try surely
Deleted User
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21:43 Sat 19 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
6 players at worst 4

3 for the winner
2 for second
1 for third

or 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

if 3 man teams dont work then it will be doubles
Deleted User
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22:05 Sat 19 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
I am in favour of Killer, recommended it to be brought in to the CPL 2 years ago, and already volunteered to play in this for my team.

However if you are going to introduce it you either need to commit to it, or else trial it completely outside of league points scoring.

If my team was less than 6 points ahead in a fixture with only the Killer game left why would I let the game get played and risk losing the match and win bonus points?

From what I have read thats what I see happening if teams have the choice of playing the Killer game or not. If I have misunderstood the way it's to work then OK.
Deleted User
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22:09 Sat 19 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
ok chris, good point, how about a different table (like individs) but for teams who wish to play killer, so not every team needs to get involved
Deleted User
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22:20 Sat 19 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
its is in the league at the moment

until teams play and feed back is recieved

if it isnt in this season it will be a seperate league within the fbl umbrella
Deleted User
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22:20 Sat 19 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
How about just committing to it? If teams dont like it then they dont have to play it and their opponents get the points.

Underdogs have the same choice in Straight. I think I may be the only Straight player in our team and I am not able to play too much of it any more. So others who dont like it play the games or else we give the six points away.

No difference here with Killer I think.
Deleted User
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22:27 Sat 19 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
cant we just have a killer league set up, just like fcl individs is? although i feel fcl individs never really took off like it was hoped to, i think a team game would be totally different, so if one player gets a tad bored of it, another player can take over, rotatin the team
Deleted User
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22:28 Sat 19 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
the format is far different to other league games, you are not asking 1 person from each team to commit to a game but 3 from each team!

putting a trial game requiring a lot more input from clans with points at stake inside the league isn't fair, whether you make killer optional or not.
Deleted User
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22:35 Sat 19 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
If it was me...

I would announce in advance the start time for the Killer matches - eg 9pm UK on the second Saturday of the fixture (could be different for each match).

At that time clans pick a maximum of three of their players to play who are a) willing to play and b) online at that time. If one clan has only one available player and the opponents three, then the game goes ahead 3 v 1. Similarly if one side has no one then it goes ahead 3 v 0 and the side with the three obviously takes all the points. Anything with less than three players (ie 2 v 1) goes to default.
Deleted User
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22:37 Sat 19 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
pixie we are not wanting negatives we want games playing first, to be honest , nothing is unfair ,, till games are played
have you played the game
,, what is the point in making negatives until you play

we are committed to it chris, but like everything we want games played before commenting

really pointless until ppl try it

honestly ive asked for ppl to trial it then and only then will formats take shape with the help from everyone
Deleted User
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22:38 Sat 19 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
chris its not a question at the moment of saying anything we want games and feedback
Posts: 22,512
22:40 Sat 19 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
I thought that their post's where feedback, feedback before and after is always good, as some people are making quite good suggestions
Deleted User
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22:41 Sat 19 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
who said i was being negative? i am offering my opinion which was asked for. i wont try a clan v clan killer match as it will not be any different to any other killer match.

i like killer and the idea isnt a bad one, but just would have thought it made sense to trial something on its own before enforcing it inside the league.
Posts: 38,097
22:42 Sat 19 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
i have on snooker, if you include it in FBL fixtures (i know craig said yes already but just in case) then should be same deadline as normal league games then i think the captains should arrange a day a time and get people who are online at that time.

If you do ants way you have all season but must play all other teams and can only place once.
Posts: 38,097
22:46 Sat 19 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
i wont try a clan v clan killer match as it will not be any different to any other killer match.

there is a difference though, normal killer games its a free for all straight away you attempt to kill/eliminate players.

this killer is a team game so you work together.

i.e. me/Seb/Jose vs Craig/Lethal/Blueberry

say order is like this...


the SS players and SR would set their own teammates while trying to eliminate competition, once you are down to just teammates then its a free for all to decide the winner.

alternatively if your 1 vs 3 its a free for all for you but team deathmatch for them.

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