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21:50 Fri 10 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
ab_rfc said:
Is this some sort of joke ?, looking good for the season ahead, NOT lol

I hardly expected anything else to come from you Alan. You do not like any decision/idea I make but oh well Jay agrees - decision stands
Posts: 7,940
21:52 Fri 10 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
I'm sorry but if this is the way the leagues going to be run I'm surprised anyone wants to play in it.
I hoped bending rules was a thing of the past, obviously not.

Come up with a decent idea and I'm sure I will like it, just not happening tho.

Edited at 19:55 Fri 10/02/12 (GMT)
Posts: 38,097
21:54 Fri 10 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
theukspoon said:
doubted2 said:
why ?

clan friendlies are official the rules apply

sorry snooker squad but i agree, what is the point in doing clan friendlies when rules are twisted to help clans qualify, not even in the season and rules are being bent.

like i said before i don't care what happens regarding the one month rule so leave Snooker Squad out of it, Seb asked if sarny was eligible to play, it lead to a debate.

another thing (not you spoonie but to alan), not having ago here mate but last season didn't you say league runners should stand up for themselves and any choice made should be accepted by the public?
Deleted User
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21:57 Fri 10 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well I am sorry we cannot create a league to suit everyone's wants and needs. The league is hardly being run any different to how it was before, except we decided it might be nice to let players know about this situation rather than keeping it hidden from them... perhaps we should just start being sneaky with our decisions from now on then?

You are captain and you still want to play in the league sooo kind of makes you point invalid really.

I would understand frustration if we bent the rules for our own gain but Snooker Squad is not connected to any of us, our reasons for a minor out of league rule alteration are perfectly legit and reasonable.
Posts: 9,926
21:59 Fri 10 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
diamond_jem said:
Lots of people including myself, with Unbeatables, have created new accounts and registered with a clan (announced, clan pics etc) before my account was 1 month old, MVP even did it with Jay, I remember because we made accounts at about the same time. BUT we never played for the clan before our accounts were 1 month old.

Now in my eyes, sarny_lad is officially recognised by Snooker Squad regardless of being 1 month or not. We decided that Snooker Squad, in this case, could play sarny_lad as he became eligible before the official start date of 4th March and should also be allowed to prove his reliability to Snooker Squad and us League Runners - which is the point of pre seasons friendlies - to prove your worth.

Incorrect with this statement. Yes MVP approached jay before his account was a month old and yes jay displayed an MVP pic before his account was a month old, we only registered him to play for MVP after his account was a month old and he was going to be available for that set of fixtures as per the rules.

From what i can see this is no different from sarny_lad apart from, we are changing the rules to allow him to play when he is actually still serving his one month wait. If snooker include him in their team list that is their choice but what happens if he gets poached by another clan before his account is a month old, he can choose to play for anyone as he can only be registered when his account is a month old. If a clan has 3 or 4 players who are waiting for the month and we allow them to play in pre-season and then all that players get poached before league starts what do we say then when that clan that they leave folds or is unreliable. I understand why you don't think it matters and proves reliability but it could also be quite the opposite and the reason why rule was introduced. As said before rule used to be 2 months and was then changed to 1 month when pre-season games were introduced as the pre-season and registration generally takes approx 1 month from end of previous season so any player who deactivates can be back and able to play in the following season.
Posts: 7,940
22:02 Fri 10 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Stick to the rules and we wouldn't be having this conversation, why have rules if the league runners are going to make them up as they go a long, changing rules when leage runners feel like it will cause arguments all season, I and many hoped the league was going to improve but seems we are back to square one.
Posts: 7,940
22:05 Fri 10 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
diamond_jem said:
Well I am sorry we cannot create a league to suit everyone's wants and needs. The league is hardly being run any different to how it was before, except we decided it might be nice to let players know about this situation rather than keeping it hidden from them... perhaps we should just start being sneaky with our decisions from now on then?

You are captain and you still want to play in the league sooo kind of makes you point invalid really.

I would understand frustration if we bent the rules for our own gain but Snooker Squad is not connected to any of us, our reasons for a minor out of league rule alteration are perfectly legit and reasonable.

Posts: 38,097
22:08 Fri 10 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
here are 2 million dollar questions for anyone who think the league is a "joke"

A) If you feel like you can do better why not ask Jay and Jem if "you" can run it.

B) if "A" doesn't apply then maybe do a debate instead of bringing the league to its knees?

this is for Jay and Jem, if your mind is made up i can't stop you and accept your choice (for those who will say its because of snooker squad its not) even if you still had the month rule for the friendlies.

an idea could be to have a talk away from here with all the league staff who run the league and come to a final choice, once that choice is made then tell people to stop complaining or leave the league.

simple but effective
Posts: 7,164
22:10 Fri 10 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
so i guess we are back to no rules all over again whats the point
Posts: 9,926
22:10 Fri 10 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
The whole reason i decided to be a league runner was to stop the rules being changed as previous seasons, again we have done this and i have had no input, i would never post on here saying as a league runner i change this rule and if you don't like it so be it. I would always ask the other league runners and only if we were in agreement make such decisions.

Sorry but i don't get why we are doing this and just asking for aggro from the majority of teams. From last season the majority of clans kept asking to apply the rules that were in place and at the first hurdle we have failed.
Posts: 7,940
22:11 Fri 10 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
no one said the league is a joke, that was last season lol

We just hoped it was going to improve but looks like rule bending is going to continue, all we want is league runners that stick to rules, that way we all know where we stand.
Posts: 7,164
22:14 Fri 10 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
diamond_jem said:
To be honest, it makes absolutely no odds to any other clans. Points from pre-seasons are not counted as part of overall score at the end of the season. Pre-seasons are about proving reliability which is what we are allowing SS to do.

League runners say overrides a rule as its our job to run it as we see fit. The decision to allow sarny_lad to play has been made and is final. Now you lot can "discuss" this to your hearts content but I allowed SS to include sarny_lad and I stand by my reasons for doing so - so decision = final !

these games are the most important

big boots ..... twisted rules speaks volumes get on with it

any other rules ur gunna change ?????
let me no if you want shooters in this league
Posts: 7,164
22:34 Fri 10 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
dont you just love it
the silence ccccccccceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

the league changing hands was gunna be great, now rules been bent already and now the thread starts up

can you not just stand back and see whats wrong with last season to the forthcomming one

i hoped that the FCL league is gunna be the stand up league it should be ..... make it happen please

you wrote the rules expect all of us to follow them
is tht such a hard request, you will get total support please dont bend them

Edited at 22:00 Fri 10/02/12 (GMT)
Deleted User
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22:36 Fri 10 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Let him play stick to your guns Jem and Jay, don't let the moaners win
Posts: 7,164
22:45 Fri 10 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
why liam ?????

last season the qualifiers where the best thing since sliced bread v v important read back

ok go with it how many unregisterd players can play 1 or 8
Posts: 7,940
22:48 Fri 10 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Would have to be unlimited, cant say yes to one and no to others lol
Posts: 7,164
22:50 Fri 10 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
not worth the wind in the sales

youve set your stall out

no more from meee on this
Deleted User
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22:53 Fri 10 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Cause he should be able to play, he will be available to play when the league starts so just let him play. Can't understand why anyone cares, he is a good reliable player just had a new name.
Posts: 9,926
22:55 Fri 10 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
pool_king said:
Cause he should be able to play, he will be available to play when the league starts so just let him play. Can't understand why anyone cares, he is a good reliable player just had a new name.

I am sure he is but by changing his name he should have known he would have a one month wait to play for his clan.
Posts: 9,926
22:56 Fri 10 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
ab_rfc said:
Would have to be unlimited, cant say yes to one and no to others lol

Exactly, why it shouldn't be allowed. Nothing against SS or any other clan, we all know the rules regarding accounts.
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