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Posts: 11,057
02:12 Wed 29 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
That's what I was thinking horse! We're one of the few clans to stick with 1 captain and 1 vice lol
Posts: 22,512
02:13 Wed 29 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Your vote count is wrong Seb, my vote does not count.

Even if a team captain and there vice vote that only = 1 vote for the team as we doing it as one team agreeing or disagreeing counts as 1 vote.


5 votes for
4 against
Deleted User
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02:15 Wed 29 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
so far the majority is in favour of increasing it to 3, TPA is the only clan to not have commented.

crazy eights - 3
vipers - 3
assassins - 3
divine forces - 3
team angry - 3

latin legends - 2
mvp - 2
shooters 2
snooker squad - 2

TPA - ?
Deleted User
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02:15 Wed 29 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Keith-With squad sizes at 16 and only 5 teams in each division do you think that a player gets to influence his/hers team's season enough playing 4 games?
Lot of funky junkies in the clan leagues, let players have games!
Think the amount of games should be flexible each season dependant on entries...
5 teams per division = play each other 3 times
6 teams per division = twice will suffice
Posts: 11,057
02:16 Wed 29 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Let's hope captains and vices never disagree then, huh?
Posts: 9,926
02:16 Wed 29 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Your vote count is wrong Seb, my vote does not count.

Even if a team captain and there vice vote that only = 1 vote for the team as we doing it as one team agreeing or disagreeing counts as 1 vote.


5 votes for
4 against

Nice theory but what if captain says he is for it and vice says he against it, how is that going to work?
Posts: 9,926
02:18 Wed 29 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Keith-With squad sizes at 16 and only 5 teams in each division do you think that a player gets to influence his/hers team's season enough playing 4 games?
Lot of funky junkies in the clan leagues, let players have games!
Think the amount of games should be flexible each season dependant on entries...
5 teams per division = play each other 3 times
6 teams per division = twice will suffice

Why 4 games, we play everyone twice so there is 8 games. If you only get picked for 4 that is between you and your captain
Deleted User
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02:18 Wed 29 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Let's hope captains and vices never disagree then, huh?

mine knows better
Posts: 22,512
02:18 Wed 29 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Pretty simple, the captains choice is taken as he/she is in fact the captain.

So Latin Legends captain could agree while his vice does not, his vote counts as he is the captain.
Posts: 7,164
02:18 Wed 29 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
if there is no mistake how come its just being discussed

look im sorry uve asked my oppion, iv given it

it had nothing at all with running with FBL as suggested, it was very clear and in no uncertain terms there would be no delay which is what was discussed

my last post on this,, the league has always been played with each team playing twice so why change it...
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02:18 Wed 29 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Yeah I can't speak for my clan, just myself and I dare not speak for Ang lol
Posts: 11,057
02:19 Wed 29 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
So you could've just asked for captain's opinion, since vice is irrelevant, right?

More importantly, the votes can still change if more captains come and vote.

Any word on how many captains and vices we're allowed? Some teams have 2 captains and 2 vices listed.
Posts: 7,164
02:20 Wed 29 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
the vote speaks volumes let div 2 have 3 fixtures then nps and div 1 2 fixtures

i cant believe we are having a vote on how many games to be played 5 days before fixture release
Posts: 22,512
02:20 Wed 29 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  

No one was even discussing your FBL ties or what ever in the last 5 or so pages so that is irrelevant really.

Same also goes for Team Angry is Ang said she is against it then her vote over powers Lee's which was in favour for it.
Deleted User
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02:22 Wed 29 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
So you could've just asked for captain's opinion, since vice is irrelevant, right?

More importantly, the votes can still change if more captains come and vote.

Any word on how many captains and vices we're allowed? Some teams have 2 captains and 2 vices listed.

we wanted to get this done quickly as we will need to change schedules again if the change went ahead. so we asked captains (and vices in absense of a captain online) to comment.

i would say no more than 2 of each, my clan needs two captains as i am due to give birth in just under 8 weeks so i need someone to run things whilst i am away and if he is offline, we still have a vice to make decisions
Deleted User
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02:22 Wed 29 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Thought we were all voting as individuals and members of the league? Don't know where the teams divide comes into it to be honest.
Deleted User
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02:23 Wed 29 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
yes Jem i know better than to disagre ewith YOU lol
Posts: 22,512
02:23 Wed 29 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Oh yeah Craig how is that going to work exactly? get a grip and read what you said, if that was done then division one teams would be waiting at least a month or more before the new season to start as division two would still be ongoing. Plus a division two team has disagreed anyway pending a vote from their captain though.
Posts: 9,926
02:24 Wed 29 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Can't believe we are looking to change something that no one has ever complained about, because we think league is too short at 8 weeks. League has been 8 weeks several seasons previously and has never been an issue.

Extra fixtures add nothing we would be better doing away with preseason limiting clans to 10 and just have a 2 week break for a transfer window / break and then get straight back into the next season. At least then we wont have extra games which mean nothing as the league will be over after everyone has played each other twice.
Posts: 11,057
02:24 Wed 29 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Oh yeah Craig how is that going to work exactly? get a grip and read what you said, if that was done then division one teams would be waiting at least a month or more before the new season to start as division two would still be ongoing.
Easy, stretch division out to the same time by putting the byes back in....
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