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08:06 Sat 11 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Also would like to point this out.

scottishgal does not from what i know have the exp to run a clan in the league.

She was in top guns and other clans under another username but ended up being banned.

She has not had the 1 season exp as a player in FCL therfore should not be allowed to captain a clan.
Deleted User
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09:24 Sat 11 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
bluenose1872 said:
Makes no odds to me really, i was trying to help people out and so i took on Jem's idea. Clearly not many people are in favour of this so the decision has been made and the idea will not be going ahead.

Would you agree to what the FBL does though? if a player becomes eligible during a fixture then they can actually be used in that fixture? For example sarny_lad becomes eligible a week after the pre season starts this would mean he would be eligible for the second week. In affect this way would help a captain see if indeed the player is reliable and he can only play it due to be a month old on the account.

I'm against that, once the fixtures are released the match has started and if you aren't eligible when a match starts you shouldn't play in it.
If a player is going to be eligible for the first set then they should be allowed to play in pre-season games.
People sign players for the season not to get pre-season games done and we're testing their reliability if they haven't got a player available that will be once the season starts then you aren't getting an accurate view of the clan's reliability.
Posts: 7,164
09:52 Sat 11 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
q_tip said:
Also would like to point this out.

scottishgal does not from what i know have the exp to run a clan in the league.

She was in top guns and other clans under another username but ended up being banned.

She has not had the 1 season exp as a player in FCL therfore should not be allowed to captain a clan.

has this not already been checked ???
or as per are we going to allow previous accounts to be to be taken into consideration as jenny

you used it for no_talking = big_mouse last season,, so there is a precident set there,
i never agreed with taking other accounts as experince,,, its ridiculous

ive said this many times before you should only judge people on current accounts

but i guess jenny added together with scottishgal gives a season

these are rules that shouldve been looked at before the season gets underway, or do we now loose another possible team

i say this again,,,, are we not rushing the league start

Edited at 08:08 Sat 11/02/12 (GMT)
Deleted User
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10:17 Sat 11 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well the scottishgirl account hasn't played in any league unless i'm mistaken so it's just if the jenni had played a full season. we aren't rushing the start of the season craig we want to get going lol
Posts: 7,164
10:22 Sat 11 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
can we look at this please

i will make it easy for myself here without quoting the rules

a team captain needs a full season as a player to be able to run a clan team last season u could use 2 accounts to achieve this ??

so can a player now use the same principle to achieve the same goal,

i challenged this last season, it was ignored as per

another example of rules being ignored, but twisted to suit
Deleted User
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12:37 Sat 11 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
so what your saying if a captain changes his name
and wants to start up a new team he cant cause he not played in his new name for one season
so if like to change my name before the new season starts i cant but players can

so dose the same apply to players that keep changing there names and keep deleting there old ones to make new ones
Deleted User
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12:54 Sat 11 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
i dont know the situation but jay or jem u need to look into this. as preseason is here and there players that could miss out if they cant find a captain.
Deleted User
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14:11 Sat 11 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
I will get Jay to look at this when he wakes up, I am not making any predictions to what Jay will decide and then the outcome be the opposite.

But Craig is right, a precedent has been set and if the account "jenni" has experience then she should be allowed to captain. As far as I am aware provided League Runners know of peoples previous accounts and their history with clans then they allow them to captain.

I only assume on the basis (and proper landing myself in it here ) that this is what they did with myself... and this was before me and Jay got together and before I was League Runner - in case anyone thinks its my relationship that allowed this to be OK. I approached League Runners well into last season and enquired about it and was told that as they knew who I was, my experience could be carried over.
Posts: 12,419
14:48 Sat 11 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
scottishgal played with vipers before being banned
Posts: 22,512
14:59 Sat 11 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
scottishgal has got season experience to run the clan, i looked into this when she first started the clan.
Deleted User
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15:08 Sat 11 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Exceptions have been made before, and turned out to be mostly successes. Even though she might not have had a full season. She's played the majority of it.
Posts: 8,885
15:44 Sat 11 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
she hasnt played a full season as she joined top guns mid season joined vipers then she got banned soo she not had a full season this rule never realli sticks soo y bother havin this rule
Posts: 22,512
17:14 Sat 11 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
bluenose1872 said:
scottishgal has got season experience to run the clan, i looked into this when she first started the clan.

I'll say again shall i, i already looked into this like last week! end of story a closed book.
Deleted User
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19:12 Sat 11 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
bluenose1872 said:
scottishgal has got season experience to run the clan, i looked into this when she first started the clan.

i was also allowed with this ruling so i cant see there being a problem for her
long as the runners no who they are
Posts: 7,164
20:05 Sat 11 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
thats the point it isnt right

the rule clearly states you cant,,
there is another clan with a captain same problem as in qtip

it makes a farce of everything, you argue about rules and a player without a months account and yet manager can do as they please already into our great new season and rules broken already

ammend the these rules and just put in anything you want, make them up as we go
Posts: 22,512
20:12 Sat 11 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
There is a difference with the q_tip case though, yes he has the experience to captain a clan, but his account is not one month old until the second week of pre season.

He can not make subs or swaps for the first week, as soon as it gets to the 19th he can, i explained this to him already.

He is not the only player affected by that rule you know, there is...

playa86 (think thats his name)

and a few more.
Posts: 7,164
20:21 Sat 11 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
you need to have a seasons experince end of

were does it say anyone can be a captain in the rules and use other usernames just show me tht rule

how ironic q_tip points out about scottish girl
hmmmmmmmmmm when he is in the same situation

laugh a minute

honestly i give up

just make rules up to suit friends and family

im saying no more ,,, funny as qtip shot yourself in the foot there
Posts: 38,097
20:25 Sat 11 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
1.10 Forming a new clan
New clans are permitted entry into the league only between seasons and at the discretion of the league hosts. A player wishing to form their own clan must have experience of playing in a clan for a minimum of one season.

can i ask craig where it says it must be on the current username? fact is doesn't state that. I knew Rick had the experience through Bulldogs and X Factor, if he didn't he would have served a season anyway.

same with Dex, except as Jay pointed out he is ineligible due to the month rule.

about Jenni, im not sure about the situation there but Jays mind is made up.

now lets move along
Deleted User
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20:28 Sat 11 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Who is bending rules for friends and family?

Dex (q_tip) is my friend and my co captain, nothing stopping him being captain, just the account isnt 1 month old which is the only reason he is being left out for now. He had his previous account which we know was dextr, so he can captain this season no problem.

So all in all, he is being treated no differently to scottishgal, only thing is, she has an account which is over 1 month old.

Was you lot who protested against us letting in the less than a month old account users into pre seasons - you have no reason to complain now.

We are following what has been done in previous seasons therefore really we are not and have not changed any rules regarding this matter.
Posts: 7,164
20:32 Sat 11 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
exactly dgen make the rule up again ...of course its what
it means

your telling me that rule ment any player with 100 accounts tht adds up to one seasons experience can now be a captain ,,, your so funny

this is what happened last season its like a repeat,, whats next emmerdale

you make me laugh
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