VIPERS (spammers venom)
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00:38 Wed 8 Feb 12 (GMT)
Yeah, was all tactical.....
I predicted he'd draw a viper so i took one for the team
I predicted he'd draw a viper so i took one for the team
00:46 Wed 8 Feb 12 (GMT)
Wow super smart fry.... First time for everything
00:49 Wed 8 Feb 12 (GMT)
Lol shame it its just for an hour.
Quick go do the lottery
Quick go do the lottery
00:51 Wed 8 Feb 12 (GMT)
i have already done it....
need to check me numbers
need to check me numbers
01:00 Wed 8 Feb 12 (GMT)
girl_power7 (05) vs ryanbelfast (10)
9 ball 4-1 ryan
8uk 3-2 ryan
8ball 3-2 ryan
wp jess.. unlucky not to get some more games. gl for season
1st game for vipers :)
9 ball 4-1 ryan
8uk 3-2 ryan
8ball 3-2 ryan
wp jess.. unlucky not to get some more games. gl for season
1st game for vipers :)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
(IP Logged)
01:30 Wed 8 Feb 12 (GMT)
Lions Den (43) vs (62) Vipers
__7baller__(1) vs (14) _pro__frog_
andy2b (11) vs (4) staffie_man
omg (8) vs(7) hotdave
matt0021 (4) vs (11) cree
girl_power7 (5) vs (10) ryanbelfast
jacko (6) vs (9) fry06
lewismcv (8) vs (7) coldsteel12
FCL Friendly
poolballers elite (17) vs (39) vipers
paul1990 (4) vs (11) fry06
scottishgal vs broxi
balladsinger (8) vs (7) wade_
chris7ball (1) vs (10) hotdave tbc
funkymuir (4) vs (11) coldsteel12
format 5us,9ball,8uk
deadline 12th of feb 2012
__7baller__(1) vs (14) _pro__frog_
andy2b (11) vs (4) staffie_man
omg (8) vs(7) hotdave
matt0021 (4) vs (11) cree
girl_power7 (5) vs (10) ryanbelfast
jacko (6) vs (9) fry06
lewismcv (8) vs (7) coldsteel12
FCL Friendly
poolballers elite (17) vs (39) vipers
paul1990 (4) vs (11) fry06
scottishgal vs broxi
balladsinger (8) vs (7) wade_
chris7ball (1) vs (10) hotdave tbc
funkymuir (4) vs (11) coldsteel12
format 5us,9ball,8uk
deadline 12th of feb 2012
02:38 Wed 8 Feb 12 (GMT)
00:36 Wed 08/02/12
Won the Straight Pool Tournament, winning 378 TournaPoints!
Won the Straight Pool Tournament, winning 378 TournaPoints!
02:41 Wed 8 Feb 12 (GMT)
played zac, i was keeping an eye on you on that
i say its the frog factor that gets people winning these tournaments
i say its the frog factor that gets people winning these tournaments
02:44 Wed 8 Feb 12 (GMT)
cree said:
Only great minds can read this
This is weird, but interesting!
fi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid too
Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can.
i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! if you can raed tihs forwrad it
This is weird, but interesting!
fi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid too
Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can.
i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! if you can raed tihs forwrad it
02:56 Wed 8 Feb 12 (GMT)
Lmao I think its the viper factor ;)
_pro__frog_ said:
played zac, i was keeping an eye on you on that
i say its the frog factor that gets people winning these tournaments
i say its the frog factor that gets people winning these tournaments
Lmao I think its the viper factor ;)
03:08 Wed 8 Feb 12 (GMT)
[B][U]FCL Announcement[/B][/U]
Transfer window closes today at midnight. After the window has closed/before could you please send in your full team squad to [MEMBER]diamond_jem[/MEMBER] please.
Deadline for you team lists is the 10th @ Midnight but faster we get them the better.
Thank you.
Head League Runner
Transfer window closes today at midnight. After the window has closed/before could you please send in your full team squad to [MEMBER]diamond_jem[/MEMBER] please.
Deadline for you team lists is the 10th @ Midnight but faster we get them the better.
Thank you.
Head League Runner
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VIPERS (spammers venom)
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