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Posts: 11,057
16:06 Sat 14 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
chris said:
You shouldn't have a situation where one team has access to, and can comment on, default discussions whilst the other doesn't. The team with the access has the ability to see the points/issues being raised and address them, or highlight other points to take into consideration that may have been missed, potentially giving them an unfair advantage in influencing the decision in their favour.

It could be that once there is a default panel member from every clan the problem no longer exists. But it would still need to be made clear whether the reps of the two clans directly involved in the decision were allowed to comment or not.
I agree with you and that issue will be covered with next season's default team composition. The reason why both captains SHOULD comment on their own defaults is because they have all the information about what went on- why subs were made, what was said, other communication etc.
As long as they don't get a vote, I don't think it's wrong. It's still every default member's personal decision.
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16:14 Sat 14 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
whocares8x8 said:
As long as they don't get a vote, I don't think it's wrong. It's still every default member's personal decision.

I agree, as long as it's a level playing field for all there's no problem. One more thing just to be firmed up in the rule writing.
Posts: 7,164
16:18 Sat 14 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
dunkyfunk got called a liar for a message he said existed and got slated for it

part of the default ,,, default was changed because ppl said it didnt exist and it was a forgery

then rubber_duck said the message was for real,, nothing happened with the default and dunky is yet still to recieve an apology disgraceful
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16:19 Sat 14 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
dgeneratio said:
i trust all my default staff to make the choice they think is right.

now the default is over, PLEASE move along.

Issue with reading doubted2?

And if you read you will find that is not the reason the default was changed.
Posts: 7,164
16:20 Sat 14 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
seb why should it be ok

once the default info is posted by the captain that should be it no more comment the reason below

5. a panel member, then having an ability to post on his own clan default and influence and argue a case isnt correct, if it was , were does it say that in the rules,,,

6. if this is the case why is the opposing captain not afforded the same luxury hence 48 hour deadline
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16:22 Sat 14 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
seriously guys its really time to get over this.

move along like dgen said.

seriously thinking of requesting cap on this thread for next season, might stop all this faff !
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16:23 Sat 14 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
doubted2 said:
seb why should it be ok

I think you will find we were saying that next season there are reasons why both Captains should have the ability to comment.

Edited at 14:27 Sat 14/01/12 (GMT)
Posts: 38,097
16:23 Sat 14 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
yes but a member of defaults panel also wrote information after the deadline, probably not intentionally but i ok'd the explanation as i didn't expect a riot to break out.
Posts: 38,097
16:29 Sat 14 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
anyways a few guidelines (strict but may work) for default staff on final fixture set.

- If your involved in the default only post information before Wednesday midnight (if i see any after that time i will edit/delete the post as required)

- If your a person who can comment on that default, only predictions will be accepted and not information after Wednesday Midnight (if i see any i will edit/delete the post as required)

- When i set a deadline to complete defaults by i expect people to stick to it so any predictions after that time frame will be ignored (even if its a minute past the deadline)

- I will only send one message to defaults team on thursday morning (or earlier depending if all the information is in) after that its up to you to comment
Posts: 7,164
16:29 Sat 14 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
dosnt really matter and an apology for dunkyfunk ??????

still not forthcomming
Posts: 38,097
16:32 Sat 14 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
doubted2 said:
dosnt really matter and an apology for dunkyfunk ??????

still not forthcomming

thats for ant and dunky to sort out.
Posts: 11,057
17:11 Sat 14 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Moved from news thread:

ipotalot said:
whocares8x8 said:
Yeah, defaults have become a lot trickier without the activity tracker. This may be part of the reason that there have been a lot more fights and discussions about them. In the past, we always had numbers to back the decisions up.

Might be more fights and discussions about them because of the ridiculous amount this season.
Before this set, we had a normal amount of defaults compared with previous seasons.
And no, I think as I said before the fights come much more frequently when there is no activity tracker, because the defaults team can much more easily justify decisions with numbers. So people didn't question decisions nearly as often in the past. You can't accuse someone of being biased when he has data to fall back on.
Posts: 38,097
17:22 Sat 14 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
personally i feel the activity tracker was the life of defaults, it told you how long people browsed/played/offline for each day as well as an overall statistic, because of this it was VERY easy to predict defaults because for example say you had a guy who logged in for 2 days and the other for 5 days the tracker would pick this up instantly.

since the tracker has gone they has been more arguments because now the defaults is purely guesswork and nothing more. now i feel like there is a shadow over the defaults world and going to be difficult without playing your games to bring the light back on defaults.
Posts: 11,057
17:31 Sat 14 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
lol poetic!

It will improve if the default team is recomposed next season. People can't question it if all clans are involved. That's as long as the default team can function with lots of additional (and in some cases inexperienced) members on it.
Posts: 38,097
17:43 Sat 14 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
spent me ages to write it too, dam firefox
Posts: 22,512
17:52 Sat 14 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
As of late i have been getting a lot of stick from clan members about next season, either its they are not happy with who i chose to have on the team or dont have, something stupid about rules and other stuff, or they just plainly go behind my back and talk about me to other people which i find is a rather childish. Im right here you can talk to me if need be.

I have been thinking over the past few days and im seriously considering not taking over the league next season, trying to help the league but get so much hassle about it. Everyone moaning about rules being changed and so on, well i did say they would be discussed further before the start of the season.

Oh yeah, and this little Top Dogs v Shooters vendetta going on can stop as of now! If you cant civil to eachother then just dont talk at all seriously!

Yes i plan on changing the default panel around and the staff also. If i chose to let someone in and it goes badly then ill take the heat for it, but at the end of the day it is up to me and i go by trust and trust alone.
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18:00 Sat 14 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
bluenose1872 said:

Oh yeah, and this little Top Dogs v Shooters vendetta going on can stop as of now! If you cant civil to eachother then just dont talk at all seriously!

*shooters and Sarah as it has been proved to be in the last few days!
Posts: 38,097
18:02 Sat 14 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
about TD/Shooters ive learned not to even look at their thread, works a treat unless of course a member asks you to look there.

can't see why people just can't accept choices, i hope you stay Jay but i wouldn't blame you if you left either.
Posts: 22,512
18:07 Sat 14 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  

I don't care who is starting it or anything like that, but since when do people have the right to abuse people and call them a liar when they dont even know that person. Its an internet game and some of the posts i have seen are down right wrong!

It doesn't take an expert to see that Craig and Emma do not get on, it either ends up in an argument with stupid digs getting thrown around the place. Just keep the talking for games and arranging them no need for the silly digs at each other, there is a warning rule that is still in affect what was posted at the start of this season? Maybe that should be used just to ease the arguing i don't know.

Like i said i am going by trust for next season, if no one can trust me then send me a message dont talk about me behind my back as i will find out .

Ant your a mate, if that above sounded harsh or that it wasn't meant to, having a real bad day today haha
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18:10 Sat 14 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Sound as that post makes out am one of prime causes I won't bother with next season...

Hope that makes it easier for you jay 8-)
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