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Frequency of tournaments

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Posts: 2,463
01:34 Tue 3 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
_pro__frog_ said:
no one can say for sure that they are the best as it all changes every so often, not gonna lie i this beenjammin is one of the best (not the best) on here. But is there really need for the constant bickering, were all here to have fun, although i thought we were meant to be anyways.

Well said, and thank you. That's all i'v claimed to be.

You too potalot, well said
Posts: 268
02:36 Tue 3 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
ipotalot said:
Seems a massive contradiction here kirk, if you genuinely want tournaments to be a challenge why are you spending your time annoying one of the players that could give you a challenge.
Hate people prattling on about how great snooker is too if it's so wonderful why aren't you over there?!

Im not annoying him, he is choosing to be annoyed, i have nothing against him. You are misunderstanding what im saying so forget it lol. Might aswel cap this mods lol.
Deleted User
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03:49 Tue 3 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
beenjammin said:
jinxer said:
beenjammin said:
jinxer said:
lol me and kirk have both won more than 400 tournis, its not that big a deal. but hey whatever floats yer boats.i dont play pool much now , im to busy deactivating haha

be well and prosper

Yeah well, I have proof

yeh you do mate and bless you for being so proud of yourself lol.. anyway congrats on ur 400 wins

Thank you, I am proud, but my point was that anyone can claim to have done it. You shouldn't deactivate if you want most people to believe it.

To kirky. I never claimed to be the best, although I do think I'm one of them. I'm just getting tired of you talking so negatively about me just because some of the tables say I am.

i dont claim anything! and i dont care who believes it lol, if i cared i wouldnt deactivate. i stated a fact and the ppl that know me know its a fact. i just think its strange that your proud of being good on an online game lol summit to tell the grandchildren eh... but yes you are a great player i dont mind admitting that at all. and congrats again

Edited at 01:57 Tue 03/01/12 (GMT)
Posts: 491
19:51 Mon 9 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Completely agree with everyone saying tournys were funner playing against 80+ people. Like hightops said, it was much funner playing tournaments having 10 or more great players instead of 10 people total in the tournament. As someone said, it doesnt feel as rewarding even if you win 20 tournaments a day if you're only playing against 4 other people. The old 24 hour schedule was more entertaining too, seeing people come on for their favorite tournys just for the challenge of it. The UK Marathon for example - niall, onua, hightops, _steven_, _anth0ny_, kgb, just to name a few of the people that were always fun to watch and play. Seems like most of the players have completely lost interest now - ladysapphire, cityfan, smithbit, etc.
Posts: 7,324
19:58 Mon 9 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Good post Marc...completely agree, would love to see a return to just hourly tournys and having more people in them, much more challenging and enjoyable. I think it would encourage a few more to come back and play more regularly, I know I would.
Posts: 289
20:10 Mon 9 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
There is far too many I remember when i first played this site there was so many people in them and it took me ages to win one haha!

I think having ranked tournys is ok though if they were to go back to friendlys I dont think many would play now..
Deleted User
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21:01 Mon 9 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Completely agree with what both niall and marc said... the likelyhood of it getting done isn't exactly promising though I dont have that much time to play this game anyway atm but i'd be more inclined to try if it went back to hourly tournaments.

Oh and the arcade games were scrapped :P
Posts: 491
21:37 Mon 9 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
lol yeap same here
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Frequency of tournaments

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