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M.V.P. - The Return (Part 2)

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Posts: 22,512
19:46 Sun 4 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
I'll post the FCL games just now, i thought Alan would have as i seen him online but he must have went off while i was announcing them.
Posts: 22,512
19:47 Sun 4 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Fighting Eagles 12 - 24 MVP

8 us colpepper 5 - 1 beenjammin
8 us vegas 0 - 6 davybaumers

9 ball fired_up_cue 2 - 4 potlimit
9 ball eaglestrike 4 - 2 techno

8UK cam07 1 - 5 cphaynes
8UK kingywhu v i_am_blessed

Straight flash_is_bac 0 - 6 eemad
Straight _anaconda_ v dvz

MVP 10 - 14 Latin Legends

8 us budweiser v bonkerss17
8 us rapid_pot 3 - 3 therev

9 ball bunrzybhoy 3 - 3 zantetsukenz
9 ball bluenose1872 1 - 5 champof9ball

8UK polar_bear v barbaycue
8UK andyw1 3 - 3 red4ever

Straight eemad v joker86
Straight dvz v shortstop


6 frames of 8 Ball US
6 frames of 9 Ball US
6 frames of 8 Ball UK
3 frames of straight

Deadline 11/03/12

Come on guys, lets get these games played ASAP, hope you've all messaged your opponents, we will start looking to use subs after the weekend.

Posts: 22,512
19:52 Sun 4 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL Fixture Set One.

MVP v Top Pool Aces

eemad v _dntbmad_
cphaynes v fleetwood
bluenose1872 v greyhound
polar_bear v jpenny3
dvz v rustybmf
andyw1 v run_outt
beenjammin v dementedmind
potlimit v chanel

MVP v Team Angry

i_am_blessed v _egotistical
dvz v avicii
beenjammin v chalkie35
rapid_pot v ipotalot
davybaumers v no1hustl3r
techno v pool_king
eemad v scott7a
cphaynes v slimeball

Deadline: 18/03/12 @ Midnight.

Good luck lads, message and add your opponent(s) as a friend.

Posts: 22,512
19:53 Sun 4 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Have added greyhound as a friend and sent a message his way telling him what times i am on and that it would be best if we played before the 10th as i am going away for a bit and im unsure if i will be able to get on the actual game server.

Edited at 18:08 Sun 04/03/12 (GMT)
Posts: 22,512
21:17 Sun 4 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Myself and Shaun (greyhound) have arranged to play in about an hours time, here's hoping i get a few practices in before the game
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21:59 Sun 4 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
mich vs BBQ

3-3 in uk8

I was 3-0 up but then had a few unfortunate lies, but hey ho he was good value for the scoreline so it was fair!

Posts: 38,097
22:19 Sun 4 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Myself and Shaun (greyhound) have arranged to play in about an hours time, here's hoping i get a few practices in before the game

whenever i practice before a game it never goes my way haha.
Posts: 22,512
23:16 Sun 4 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
bluenose1872 (6) - (9) greyhound

bluenose1872 (2) - (3) greyhound @ 8US
bluenose1872 (1) - (4) greyhound @ 9US
bluenose1872 (3) - (2) greyhound @ 8UK

Great games Shaun mate.

Can't and won't complain about this match scoreline could have gone to either player to be honest, both had unlucky moments throughout but it was the type of game if you miss you lose. I never had much luck in 9US and Shaun took all his chances that where given. My one game in 9US was a golden break and Shaun got a golden break in the last frame of the match in UK

All in all good quality games with a very nice lad, pleasure to play you mate and good luck with the rest of your season.
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23:22 Sun 4 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
hi there
just letting you know that I have messaged polar bear about playing our FCL game

thanks, James
Posts: 2,463
23:37 Sun 4 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
vs top pool aces

beenjammin 11 - 4 dementedmind

8us 5 - 0
9 4 - 1
8uk 2 - 3
Maybe that redeems me a little for the fbl loss
Posts: 22,512
23:43 Sun 4 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Great result Been mate, makes up for my loss that does.
Posts: 2,463
23:46 Sun 4 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
thanks , and I dont blame you for losing to him anyway, He knocked me out of a 9b tourny just today
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00:24 Mon 5 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Messaged my opponent, chanel, asking what times suit him/her best. Added as friend too so we'll get these games done. Hopefully.
Posts: 9,926
00:36 Mon 5 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Good start
Posts: 7,940
00:58 Mon 5 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL Fixture Set One.

MVP 17 - 13 Top Pool Aces

bluenose1872 6 - 9 greyhound
beenjammin 11 - 4 dementedmind
eemad v _dntbmad_
cphaynes v fleetwood
polar_bear v jpenny3
dvz v rustybmf
andyw1 v run_outt
potlimit v chanel

MVP v Team Angry

i_am_blessed v _egotistical
dvz v avicii
beenjammin v chalkie35
rapid_pot v ipotalot
davybaumers v no1hustl3r
techno v pool_king
eemad v scott7a
cphaynes v slimeball

Deadline: 18/03/12 @ Midnight.

Good luck lads, message and add your opponent(s) as a friend.

Posts: 7,940
00:59 Mon 5 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Fighting Eagles 12 - 24 MVP

8 us colpepper 5 - 1 beenjammin
8 us vegas 0 - 6 davybaumers

9 ball fired_up_cue 2 - 4 potlimit
9 ball eaglestrike 4 - 2 techno

8UK cam07 1 - 5 cphaynes
8UK kingywhu v i_am_blessed

Straight flash_is_bac 0 - 6 eemad
Straight _anaconda_ v dvz

MVP 13 - 17 Latin Legends

8 us budweiser v bonkerss17
8 us rapid_pot 3 - 3 therev

9 ball bunrzybhoy 3 - 3 zantetsukenz
9 ball bluenose1872 1 - 5 champof9ball

8UK polar_bear 3 - 3 barbaycue
8UK andyw1 3 - 3 red4ever

Straight eemad v joker86
Straight dvz v shortstop


6 frames of 8 Ball US
6 frames of 9 Ball US
6 frames of 8 Ball UK
3 frames of straight

Deadline 11/03/12

Come on guys, lets get these games played ASAP, hope you've all messaged your opponents, we will start looking to use subs after the weekend.

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(IP Logged)
12:02 Mon 5 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Spoke to jpenny via offline message...

Seems we may have trouble as he is only available between 8pm and 10pm weekdays whereas I am only available 8am to 8pm mon-fri and 11am to 8pm week ends.

If anyone could do a fixture swap would be much appreciated!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:22 Mon 5 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
hey Toluca any word on the game against me n budweiser as not heard anyhin yet, let me know through mail please. cheers

For Alan and Keith
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
21:01 Mon 5 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Spoke to jpenny via offline message...

Seems we may have trouble as he is only available between 8pm and 10pm weekdays whereas I am only available 8am to 8pm mon-fri and 11am to 8pm week ends.

If anyone could do a fixture swap would be much appreciated!

I just saw your message, I can do weekends sometimes!
Posts: 9,926
21:22 Mon 5 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  

MVP v Latin Legends

budweiser v bonkerss17

is now

beenjammin v bonkerss17
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M.V.P. - The Return (Part 2)

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