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M.V.P. - The Return (Part 2)

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04:28 Wed 29 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
i agree with tht
Posts: 3,610
21:54 Wed 29 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
lol... sounds like som1s got there rule book out after being here 2 mins
Posts: 974
22:25 Wed 29 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
4 away from 100 60+ runs!

Anyway I beat flash_is_bac 3-0 in straight. I had a 50 something and a 70, apart from that, very scrappy!
Posts: 22,512
23:35 Wed 29 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  

The fixtures for the first set of league games are now posted on the FCL Fixture Thread which can be found by following the link provided. Please note only league runners can post on this thread.

FCL Fixture Thread:

Can you please send your team list(s) of eight players to bluenose1872 by Friday the 2nd of March @ Midnight, failure to do so will result in league runners choosing your team to play.

First fixture set is due to be released on the 4th of March around 8PM (UK Time).

Thank you.

Head League Runner.

Just a quick reminder
Posts: 9,926
23:48 Wed 29 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Fighting Eagles 10 - 14 MVP

8 us colpepper 5 - 1 beenjammin
8 us vegas v davybaumers

9 ball upforit v potlimit
9 ball eaglestrike 4 - 2 techno

8UK cam07 1 - 5 cphaynes
8UK kingywhu v i_am_blessed

Straight flash_is_bac 0 - 6 eemad
Straight _anaconda_ v dvz

MVP 4 - 8 Latin Legends

8 us budweiser v bonkerss17
8 us rapid_pot 3 - 3 therev

9 ball bunrzybhoy v zantetsukenz
9 ball bluenose1872 1 - 5 champof9ball

8UK polar_bear v barbaycue
8UK andyw1 v red4ever

Straight eemad v joker86
Straight dvz v shortstop


6 frames of 8 Ball US
6 frames of 9 Ball US
6 frames of 8 Ball UK
3 frames of straight

Deadline 11/03/12

Good Luck All

Come on lads get these games played
Posts: 7,940
23:51 Wed 29 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Beat me too it
Posts: 22,512
23:51 Wed 29 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
What was with the double post on games? pahaha
Posts: 38,097
23:54 Wed 29 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
What was with the double post on games? pahaha

earlier on snooker when i Quoted Seb's game list, i was tempted to do the Quote 3 times just for the red colour
Posts: 4,700
15:50 Thu 1 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Budweiser offline for 12 days
polar_bear offline 7 days

any idea when they coming back or do you have any subs for this two players?
Posts: 22,512
18:21 Thu 1 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL Individual League

For some people who may have missed the last announcement about this the individual league is still recruiting players for all games types. If you are interested in plaing inividually and showing the rest of the clan scene that you mean business

8US - 9 Spaces Available
9US - 10 Spaces Available
8UK - 7 Spaces Available
Straight - 11 Spaces Available

Registration for this league event will most likely end on the 3rd of March, so be quick.

Individual League Thread -
Posts: 4,762
22:19 Thu 1 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
MVP v Latin Legends
bunrzybhoy v zantetsukenz

9US: 3-3

Quite a fair result, however I missed a simple run out and rattled 8 ball in next frame! Oh well.

Good games Well played Mate!!
Posts: 4,762
22:25 Thu 1 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Fighting Eagles 10 - 14 MVP

8 us colpepper 5 - 1 beenjammin
8 us vegas v davybaumers

9 ball upforit v potlimit
9 ball eaglestrike 4 - 2 techno

8UK cam07 1 - 5 cphaynes
8UK kingywhu v i_am_blessed

Straight flash_is_bac 0 - 6 eemad
Straight _anaconda_ v dvz

MVP 7 - 11 Latin Legends

8 us budweiser v bonkerss17

8 us rapid_pot 3 - 3 therev

9 ball bunrzybhoy 3 - 3 zantetsukenz
9 ball bluenose1872 1 - 5 champof9ball

8UK polar_bear v barbaycue
8UK andyw1 v red4ever

Straight eemad v joker86
Straight dvz v shortstop


6 frames of 8 Ball US
6 frames of 9 Ball US
6 frames of 8 Ball UK
3 frames of straight

Deadline 11/03/12

Good Luck All! - Lets get these games done!!
Posts: 9,926
22:29 Thu 1 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Budweiser offline for 12 days
polar_bear offline 7 days

any idea when they coming back or do you have any subs for this two players?

Hi mate,

They are both active on snooker, i have chased both to get games played.

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12:41 Fri 2 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Clan Grand Slam - The Players Championship

Clan lock-downs will be tonight at Midnight (UK) and the First Round draw posted tomorrow. All that means simply is that any new players not registered by that time will not be able to take part in this individual cup competition this season.

Please see ...

for further details.
Posts: 22,512
13:08 Fri 2 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  

Can you please send your team list(s) of eight players to bluenose1872 by Friday the 2nd of March @ Midnight, failure to do so will result in league runners choosing your team to play.

Awaiting lists from Shooters, Snooker Squad & MVP.

First fixture set is due to be released on the 4th of March around 8PM (UK Time).

Thank you.

Head League Runner.
Deleted User
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14:56 Fri 2 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Deleted User
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01:10 Sat 3 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hey guys sorry had no laptop for a week or so phone only but back to business now!
Deleted User
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02:07 Sat 3 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Clan Grand Slam - The Players Championship

Round 1 Draw (selected) - Any players not shown have a bye to Round 2

(MVP) ab_rfc v (VIP) i_am_classic
(MVP) eemad v (VIP) smithy3417
(MVP) polar_bear v (SS) junster333
(MVP) rapid_pot v (CR8) try
(LL) mighty_zeus v (MVP) beenjammin
(VIP) staffie_man v (MVP) budweiser
(TA) poolbiird v (MVP) bunrzybhoy
(TA) chalkie35 v (MVP) cphaynes
(CR8) buzzboxxuk v (MVP) horse10000
(LL) toluca231 v (MVP) i_am_blessed

Deadline is Midnight (UK) 10/3/12. Failure to notify a result by the deadline may lead to an automatic DQ for both players.

All games will consist of 9 racks in total (3 each of US8, UK8 and US9). In addition to one point per rack there will be bonus points for any events achieved (Golden Breaks/Run Outs). Should the scores be level following the 9 racks there will be a sudden death deciding rack. The game type for this 10th and deciding rack will be chosen by the player who won the preceding (9th) rack.

This a voluntary tournament so there is no requirement to play or attempt to play if you wish not to. Please do not badger or harrass opponents if they do not reply or do not wish to play, simply retain evidence of contact and effort.
Deleted User
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03:22 Sat 3 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Is it just me, or is it extremely quiet these days? Other then the above (^^^), which i got bye for.... grrr always getting bye's
Posts: 22,512
03:24 Sat 3 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
I got a bye too, and yes it is really quite but that is mainly because there is only FBL games to be played. Should liven up again when i release the FCL fixtures on sunday
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M.V.P. - The Return (Part 2)

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