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Straight pool ladder

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Posts: 974
22:52 Tue 27 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
9ballsniper1 said:
Why do i need to play number 9 can i not play number(3) a challenge..if i win i go up!

Then that makes the ladder just about pointless? lol. You should have to work your way up, not to play 1 game and move from bottom to top.
Posts: 31,220
21:28 Wed 28 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Yep, and that's exactly the way this ladder is set up.But once you keep winning, you'll keep playing players above you and beating them and going up, up, up. But if you lose, then you'll be playing players below you. For example, I lost to eemad (above me) so now I have to play tinie (below me).

To be played
the_only_ego vs cphaynes
liam__scfc vs eggfriedrice
the_diamond vs junster333

Deadline is Jan 3rd. One player has been offline for 7 days, one has been offline since yesterday, and the remaining four were online today.
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22:26 Wed 28 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
umm. Ok. I was sayin i wont move up to top jus 1 spot.
Posts: 31,220
23:30 Wed 28 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
No worries... By the way, you'll be playing the losing player of the_diamond vs junster333.
Posts: 31,220
06:11 Thu 29 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Reminders sent... That is all, I'll be back on Tuesday to confirm the next set of games.
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17:35 Thu 29 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Posts: 4,971
22:32 Thu 29 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
w_hoolahan 29 - 36 punkpoet
Posts: 19,819
22:32 Thu 29 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
played it early
punkpoet 36 vs 29 w_hoolahan
ul ggs
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04:37 Sat 31 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hah, I know I'm not as good as you guys, but I was wondering, could I join from the lowest level, of course? I really really like this ladder event ^^ Let me know and please don't laugh or sth...
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19:34 Mon 2 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
liam__scfc vs eggfriedrice

liam said he wont be able to play that
what now?
Posts: 2,463
18:30 Tue 3 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
another early one,
beenjammin 35 - 33 bulldog_oc
at the start we were both getting bad luck, then I thought he had me until he got vul!
gg, nice fellow
Posts: 5,224
18:33 Tue 3 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
he did great come back to win
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23:21 Tue 3 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
eggfriedrice said:
liam__scfc vs eggfriedrice

liam said he wont be able to play that
what now?

just in case u missed it :-)
Posts: 31,220
23:34 Tue 3 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Right, time is up, and the_only_ego hasn't been online in 13 days, so that's that one sorted. He goes down and cphaynes goes up. As for liam__scfc vs eggfriedrice, I have to give the nod to eggfriedrice on that one, and again they swap places. liam__scfc has not been on much by his own admission. Tough choices, but they have to be done. Finally, there's the_diamond vs junster333, but it seems to me that the_diamond has been the more active player, with 9 pages of results, so both players stay where they are.

Level 1/2: eemad 37-4 clooneman
eemad stays at Level (or Step or Rung) 1, clooneman stays at Level 2

Level 2/3: dunkyfunk 35-29 dgeneratio
dunkyfunk stays at Level 2, dgeneratio stays at Level 3

Level 3/4: w_hoolahan 25-36 tinie
tinie is promoted to Level 3, w_hoolahan is relegated to Level 4

Level 4/5: the_only_ego no show; cphaynes walkover
cphaynes is promoted to Level 4, the_only_ego is relegated to Level 5

Level 5/6: punkpoet 35-34 bulldog_oc
punkpoet stays at Level 5, bulldog_oc stays at Level 6

Level 6/7: liam__scfc no show; eggfriedrice walkover
eggfriedrice is promoted to Level 6, liam__scfc is relegated to Level 7

Level 7/8: cke1982 11-37 beenjammin
beenjammin is promoted to Level 7, cke1982 is relegated to Level 8

Level 8/9: the_diamond vs junster333 (no activity)
the_diamond stays at Level 8, junster333 stays at Level 9

Level 9/10: theukspoon 37-17 9ballsniper1
theukspoon stays at Level 9, 9ballsniper1 is relegated to Level 10

So... The positions for Week 2 are as follows, with Week 1's winning players listed first on each level:
Level 1: eemad
Level 2: dunkyfunk, clooneman
Level 3: tinie, dgeneratio
Level 4: cphaynes, w_hoolahan
Level 5: punkpoet, the_only_ego
Level 6: eggfriedrice, bulldog_oc
Level 7: beenjammin, liam__scfc
Level 8: the_diamond, cke1982
Level 9: theukspoon, junster333
Level 10: 9ballsniper1, cajanka (new player)

Which leaves the confirmed games for Week 2 as follows:
eemad (1) vs dunkyfunk (2)
clooneman (2) vs tinie (3)
dgeneratio (3) vs cphaynes (4)
w_hoolahan (4) vs punkpoet (5)
the_only_ego (5) vs eggfriedrice (6)
bulldog_oc (6) vs beenjammin (7)
liam__scfc (7) vs the_diamond (8)
cke1982 (8) vs theukspoon (9)
junster333 (9) vs 9ballsniper1 (10)

And as you can all see, we have a new player: cajanka. Welcome aboard and good luck. cajanka's first game will be at Level 10, which means that every other week, one of those will not be playing and therefore not have a chance to play for promotion. The good news is that they can't get any lower, which is possible if more players join, which is what we all want. Ordinarily (or at least how I originally imagined it)
9ballsniper1 would be facing a bye this week, but that wouldn't really be fair so soon. Plus he was included on the next set of fixtures So the loser of junster333 vs 9ballsniper1 will have no game next week, unless someone else joins.

anyone who fails to play in two consecutive rounds faces removal. If it's not your fault, fair enough; it's those that are not making the effort that I am worried about.

You know who you are...

And finally!!! Two games have already been played. Good work all four of you, and promotions for both winners. Very close games.
w_hoolahan (4) 29-36 punkpoet (5)
bulldog_oc (6) 33-35 beenjammin (7)

To be played
eemad (1) vs dunkyfunk (2)
clooneman (2) vs tinie (3)
dgeneratio (3) vs cphaynes (4)
the_only_ego (5) vs eggfriedrice (6)
liam__scfc (7) vs the_diamond (8)
cke1982 (8) vs theukspoon (9)
junster333 (9) vs 9ballsniper1 (10)

And I think that with w_hoolahan as the losing player on Level 5 and beenjammin as the winning player on Level 6 for Week 3, those players will be playing each other.
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23:46 Tue 3 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Thanks for involving me :)
I'm a bit confused with the fixtures set, so I'll just be looking at this thread twice a day like I usually do, lol. And wait for my fixture :) It's gonna be fun.
Posts: 31,220
23:53 Tue 3 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Your first game will be in 1 week You'll be playing the loser of cke1982 vs theukspoon.

Deadline for this week's games: January 10th. Good luck all! And apologies for those of you who got the same message twice, because I'm hopeless as you can see
Posts: 19,819
01:55 Wed 4 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Cloone will I be playing the winner of dgen and cphaynes?
If not this ladder baffles me lol.
And ul bulldog 34 against me then 33 against beenjammin, cruel.
Posts: 31,220
15:58 Wed 4 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
You challenged the player above you and you won. Therefore you move up from Step 5 to Step 4. This mean that next week, you will be playing someone in Step 3, and it will be a player who has lost their last match.

That player will be either me or tinie. I'm on Level 2, he's on Level 3. If he beats me, I get relegated down to 3 and you'll be playing me to go up at my expense. If I beat tinie, he'll stay at Level 3, but he'll be playing you to try to avoid going down; and once again, you'll be playing to go up.

So basically, if you have (2) vs (3) and (4) vs (5), the loser of (2) and (3) will play the winner of (4) and (5). A winning player will always play someone above them; a losing player will always play someone below them. (This would change if someone dropped out of the ladder; then you'd have vastly different fixtures.)
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16:09 Wed 4 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Straight Pool Friendly - cphaynes (1) 35-2 (0) dgeneratio
Posts: 38,097
16:10 Wed 4 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
chris 35-2 me
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