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Posts: 31,220
17:44 Mon 12 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Nice one... 40-34? Very close for a finish so! He must have got as far as 22 in the second game?
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20:16 Mon 12 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
scott7a 40-29 mattywellie

Good game mate.
Posts: 31,220
23:14 Mon 12 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Right, every game either has been played or won't be played for whatever reason, so the way is clear to launch the next week. But first, Week 20's results:

beenjammin (1) 46-33 w_hoolahan (2)
beenjammin stays at Step 1, w_hoolahan stays at Step 2

punkpoet (2) 40-34 jose_enrique (3)
punkpoet stays at Step 1, jose_enrique stays at Step 2

_merkovo_ (3) N/S-BYE clooneman (4)
clooneman is promoted to Level 2, _merkovo_ is relegated to Level 3

Group A:
scott7a 40-29 mattywellie
scott7a is ranked ahead of mattywellie

Group B:
dvz W/D-BYE sarny_lad
sarny_lad is ranked below mattywellie; dvz has withdrawn

lethal_playa 35-31 ritcho
lethal_playa is ranked ahead of ritcho

Group C:
sniper deact.-deact. ripped_rank

Some very close games there, with all the losing players getting to within 6 points of victory.

Firstly, the provisional ladder, based on the results above plus the ranking of players within the groups, with Group A ranking above Group B, which in turn is above Group C:

Level 1: beenjammin
Level 2: punkpoet, w_hoolahan
Level 3: clooneman, jose_enrique
Level 4: _merkovo_, scott7a
Level 5: mattywellie, sarny_lad, lethal_playa
Level 6: dvz, ritcho
Level 7: sniper, ripped_rank

I have dumped three people into Level 5 purely for organisational convenience, because of what happens next. Firstly, _merkovo_ is a no-show and has been since September 21st, so he's out. Next, dvz has informed me of his withdrawal due to other commitments, so we say goodbye to him. And finally, sniper and ripped_rank have deactivated and there's no sign of them to show their heads anywhere, so they're gone until they come back; then they'll start at the bottom (where they were anyway).

Level 1: beenjammin
Level 2: punkpoet, w_hoolahan
Level 3: clooneman, jose_enrique
Level 4: scott7a, mattywellie
Level 5: lethal_playa, sarny_lad
Level 6: ritcho

The only decision facing me was in which order lethal_playa and sarny_lad should be placed, as the first player plays for a place in the level above them, and the other guy plays to avoid relegation to the level below them. lethal_playa 788.7 (25th) vs sarny_lad 752.5 (352nd) decides it.

So then, here are the fixtures for Week 21:

beenjammin (1) vs punkpoet (2)
Previous meetings
Week 5: punkpoet (3) -1-54 beenjammin (4)
Week 11: beenjammin (1) 35-23 punkpoet (2)
Week 16: beenjammin (1) 12-41 punkpoet (2)
Week 19: beenjammin (1) 35-26 punkpoet (2)

w_hoolahan (2) vs clooneman (3)
Previous meeting
Week 11: clooneman (4) 35-29 w_hoolahan (4)

jose_enrique (3) vs scott7a (4)
No previous meetings

mattywellie (4) vs lethal_playa (5)
No previous meetings

sarny_lad (5) vs ritcho (6)
No previous meetings

Deadline: Monday, November 19th. Good luck!
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23:16 Mon 12 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Am confused
Posts: 31,220
23:26 Mon 12 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Here's the condensed picture:

Level 1: beenjammin
Level 2: punkpoet, w_hoolahan
Level 3: clooneman, jose_enrique
Level 4: scott7a, mattywellie
Level 5: lethal_playa, sarny_lad
Level 6: ritcho

How it works
Each week, players on different levels/steps/rungs/etc will play each other. So beenjammin (at the top) will play punjpoet below him. If beenjammin wins and punkpoet loses, both players stay where they are. But if punkpoet wins and beenjammin loses, beenjammin gets relegated to Step 2 and punkpoet gets promoted to Step 1.

In your case, you're on Level 5, mattywellie's on Level 4, and if you win, you'll get promoted and he'll get relegated. But if you lose, you'll stay where you are, and you'll be playing the guy on the level below you to try and not get relegated.

beenjammin (1) vs punkpoet (2)
w_hoolahan (2) vs clooneman (3)
jose_enrique (3) vs scott7a (4)
mattywellie (4) vs lethal_playa (5)
sarny_lad (5) vs ritcho (6)

Deadline: Monday, November 19th.
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12:23 Tue 13 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Sorry i didnt notice any of this until now. I have been back for few weeks now near :P i should have let you know clooneman. Put me in where you feel. SNIPER
Posts: 19,819
15:22 Tue 13 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Nice one... 40-34? Very close for a finish so! He must have got as far as 22 in the second game?

Yep I was counting along lol, luckily for me he missed ball 35 phew!
Posts: 31,220
01:41 Wed 14 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  

We'll stick you back in at the bottom, 9ballsniper_.

Whoops, forgot to send the notifications out... The deadline remains next Monday.
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10:12 Wed 14 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Posts: 31,220
14:28 Fri 16 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
No games played yet...! Reminders sent. Deadline is Monday.

If only one game were to get played, then, with the rule about relegating players who don't play, who make no contact and who then get relegated as punishment, the winner of that one game played would automatically shoot to the top of the ladder as everyone above him would get relegated.

No player sitting at the top of the ladder has ever been relegated after not playing a game.
Posts: 2,463
15:35 Fri 16 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
punkpoet and I scheduled 7pm today uk time
Posts: 2,463
21:26 Fri 16 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
beenjammin 35 - 4 punkpoet
gg ul
Posts: 19,819
21:37 Fri 16 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
beenjammin 35 - 4 punkpoet
gg ul

Cheers pal, steam rollered me, not many can touch him when he's playing at that standard wp gg
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23:01 Fri 16 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Ill sure try for monday
Posts: 31,220
15:29 Mon 19 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
1) Deadline is today.
2) Who would prefer having 2 weeks to play 2 games instead of having 1 week to play 1 game?
Posts: 4,971
18:12 Mon 19 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
w_hoolahan 35 - 9 clooneman

gg mate.
Posts: 31,220
18:18 Mon 19 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
"gg, really excellent play" were my parting words, and the highlight of the match, w_h's run of 26, is proof of that. A solid showing, and unlucky after the winning shot that you couldn't have continued the run.
Posts: 31,220
01:37 Tue 20 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well that's another thrilling week of games finished...! Yeah. So, here are Week 21's results:

beenjammin (1) 35-4 punkpoet (2)
beenjammin stays at Step 1, punkpoet stays at Step 2

w_hoolahan (2) 35-9 clooneman (3)
w_hoolahan stays at Step 2, clooneman stays at Step 3

jose_enrique (3) N/S-BYE scott7a (4)
scott7a is promoted to Level 3, jose_enrique is relegated to Level 4

mattywellie (4) vs lethal_playa (5)
Not played.

sarny_lad (5) N/S-BYE ritcho (6)
ritcho is promoted to Level 5, sarny_lad is relegated to Level 6

Note: N/S = no show

Not a tremendous showing at all. I'm seriously thinking of revamping (slightly) the competition and perhaps making it a little better. I've already asked the question above.

ritcho made contact with me regarding not being able to get a response from sarny_lad. Players who are having trouble must make contact or post on the thread, or else they end up facing the punishment described by the rule on Page 12 of this thread. For this reason, ritcho gets the nod over sarny_lad. Rule:

jose_enrique vs scott7a - no-one got in touch, but jose_enrique hasn't logged on in 4 days, so it makes no sense to punish them both.

mattywellie vs lethal_playa - both players are active, neither of them offered any excuses, so my hands are tied, and the rule I mentioned above some in.

Provisional ladder for Week 22:
Level 1: beenjammin
Level 2: w_hoolahan, punkpoet
Level 3: scott7a, clooneman
Level 4: mattywellie, jose_enrique
Level 5: lethal_playa, ritcho
Level 6: sarny_lad

First, we invoke that rule and move mattywellie lethal_playa down a notch and move the other affected players up. Secondly, everyone say hello to 9ballsniper_, our newest player (and probably the first one to begin his third spell on the ladder ).

Revised ladder for Week 22:
Level 1: beenjammin
Level 2: w_hoolahan, punkpoet
Level 3: scott7a*, clooneman
Level 4: ritcho*, jose_enrique*
Level 5: mattywellie, sarny_lad*
Level 6: 9ballsniper_, lethal_playa

The dreaded asterisks...!

What I failed to mention last week (sorry) was that, with an even number of players on the bottom rung of the ladder and an odd number overall, someone was gonna have to miss out this week, and that honour goes to lethal_playa as 9ballsniper_ gets his show on the road.

Here then are the fixtures for Week 22:

beenjammin (1) vs w_hoolahan (2)
Previous meetings
Week 3: w_hoolahan (5) 22-35 beenjammin (6)
Week 13: beenjammin (1) 60-21 w_hoolahan (2) (approximate score)
Week 18: w_hoolahan (1) -3-35 beenjammin (2)
Week 20: beenjammin (1) 46-33 w_hoolahan (2)

punkpoet (2) vs scott7a (3)
No previous meetings

clooneman (3) vs ritcho (4)
No previous meetings

jose_enrique (4) vs mattywellie (5)
No previous meetings

sarny_lad (5) vs 9ballsniper_ (6)
Previous meetings
Week 19: Group 2: sarny_lad BYE-deactivated sniper

lethal_playa (6) BYE

Deadline: Monday November 26th. Good luck!
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02:16 Tue 20 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Boom tyvm!
Posts: 4,971
18:24 Tue 20 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
w_hoolahan 6 - 56 beenjammin

gg wp mate, a great 29 run to finish.
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