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22:53 Sun 1 Jan 12 (GMT)
Exactly, that's the way it should be done. League runners get everyone's opinions and ideas off here then make their decisions. They don't need a commitee because they are the comitee that represents everyone...nothing to do with individual clans
ab_rfc said:
Maybe we should go back to the league runners making a decision thats final, I remember a while back a league runner said to someone "if your not happy don't play in the league, no ones forcing you to play in clans, we run the league so we decide", some of you might think thats powermad but that league runner was right. I think since Steph and Jan stepped down league runners have not been keen on making decisions and members have ended up with too much say, this has meant lots more arguing.
There will always be arguments/debates whilst everyone gets a say because everyone wants the league run different and not everyone will agree on suggestions.
Why not in future instead of league runners putting things out for discussion let the members put the suggestions to the league runners and let them decide if they want it or not, at the end of the day they run the league so we can play as a team.
There will always be arguments/debates whilst everyone gets a say because everyone wants the league run different and not everyone will agree on suggestions.
Why not in future instead of league runners putting things out for discussion let the members put the suggestions to the league runners and let them decide if they want it or not, at the end of the day they run the league so we can play as a team.
Exactly, that's the way it should be done. League runners get everyone's opinions and ideas off here then make their decisions. They don't need a commitee because they are the comitee that represents everyone...nothing to do with individual clans
22:55 Sun 1 Jan 12 (GMT)
I'm not having a go at you Jay, basically all I'm saying is league runners started putting too much out for discussion and now the members think they own and decide how its run.
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22:55 Sun 1 Jan 12 (GMT)
Said one complaint regarding the new transfer rule this season...sorry must have missed all the hoardes of people complaining about it.
That's the one thing there hasn't been any arguments about refreshingly all season so let's change that shall we.
chris said:
One complaint? Think I must read a different thread.
There are problems every season. I defy anyone to dispute that!!
There are problems every season. I defy anyone to dispute that!!
Said one complaint regarding the new transfer rule this season...sorry must have missed all the hoardes of people complaining about it.
That's the one thing there hasn't been any arguments about refreshingly all season so let's change that shall we.
22:57 Sun 1 Jan 12 (GMT)
Never said you was mate . Im eating my chinese don't except a post for a bit haha
ab_rfc said:
I'm not having a go at you Jay, basically all I'm saying is league runners started putting too much out for discussion and now the members think they own and decide how its run.
Never said you was mate . Im eating my chinese don't except a post for a bit haha
23:00 Sun 1 Jan 12 (GMT)
Exactly, that's the way it should be done. League runners get everyone's opinions and ideas off here then make their decisions. They don't need a commitee because they are the comitee that represents everyone...nothing to do with individual clans
Yeh they could do that then just a post from them saying "we as league runners have discussed such and such idea and like it or feel its not needed at the moment"
members should then accept that decision or read the bold bit in my previous post lol.
Yeh they could do that then just a post from them saying "we as league runners have discussed such and such idea and like it or feel its not needed at the moment"
members should then accept that decision or read the bold bit in my previous post lol.
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23:00 Sun 1 Jan 12 (GMT)
If its one person or a committe that decides, the decision has to be accepted. Thats where it isnt at the moment. Thats all decisions including rules or defaults.
I dont mind how the decision is arrived at, but thought a decision arrived at by an all encompassing group carries more weight.
Jay making future decisions on his own is going have arguments left right and centre unless a) all such comments are just totally ignored and not responded to and/or b) penalty action is taken against those making comments (like bringing the game into disrepute charges in football. ).
I dont mind how the decision is arrived at, but thought a decision arrived at by an all encompassing group carries more weight.
Jay making future decisions on his own is going have arguments left right and centre unless a) all such comments are just totally ignored and not responded to and/or b) penalty action is taken against those making comments (like bringing the game into disrepute charges in football. ).
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23:03 Sun 1 Jan 12 (GMT)
and when league runners did have a set and stood up they get slated and shot down catch 22
23:04 Sun 1 Jan 12 (GMT)
Right... Im the committe, like it or not when i make a decision it will be final, if people don't like it then yeah they know where the door is. If i think it will benefit the league i will do it but i would also take the other runners views to.
23:05 Sun 1 Jan 12 (GMT)
I got a set thank you very much please don't make me get Jem confirm that haha
staffie_man said:
and when league runners did have a set and stood up they get slated and shot down catch 22
I got a set thank you very much please don't make me get Jem confirm that haha
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23:08 Sun 1 Jan 12 (GMT)
that's why u bluenose lol from all the bruising from the punchs you got coming lol
But hey being serious as a captain i have my views but also respect that what the league runners say is final more people need to RESPECT the league runners for the work effort and commitment for our pleasure.
But hey being serious as a captain i have my views but also respect that what the league runners say is final more people need to RESPECT the league runners for the work effort and commitment for our pleasure.
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23:08 Sun 1 Jan 12 (GMT)
You didn't have a set kenny, you dished it out then cried about being disabled when you got it back and deactivated holding the site to ransom once a week....let's not bring up the past though eh
staffie_man said:
and when league runners did have a set and stood up they get slated and shot down catch 22
You didn't have a set kenny, you dished it out then cried about being disabled when you got it back and deactivated holding the site to ransom once a week....let's not bring up the past though eh
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23:12 Sun 1 Jan 12 (GMT)
You didn't have a set kenny, you dished it out then cried about being disabled when you got it back and deactivated holding the site to ransom once a week....let's not bring up the past though eh
lee u cant resist it can ya lol
for last time i am disabled are u saying cause that we not aloud to play mmm
2 i never held website to ransom it was offered to kev04 who refused to take it.
and lee u bang out of order.
ipotalot said:
staffie_man said:
and when league runners did have a set and stood up they get slated and shot down catch 22
You didn't have a set kenny, you dished it out then cried about being disabled when you got it back and deactivated holding the site to ransom once a week....let's not bring up the past though eh
lee u cant resist it can ya lol
for last time i am disabled are u saying cause that we not aloud to play mmm
2 i never held website to ransom it was offered to kev04 who refused to take it.
and lee u bang out of order.
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23:16 Sun 1 Jan 12 (GMT)
No you mouthed off at people then used your disability when they gave it back to you is what i'm saying kenny so don't dream about having digs at members about your turn in charged, you were a disgrace and everyone remembers the site situations so protest all you want....just my opinion.
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23:17 Sun 1 Jan 12 (GMT)
sorry jay i but i thought we were allowed to post our views which is what i did then the puppy started nothing changes lol
full of puppy's.
sorry again jay m8 i wont post here again.
full of puppy's.
sorry again jay m8 i wont post here again.
23:19 Sun 1 Jan 12 (GMT)
You can post views, but people are always going to see different on what happened when you where running the league, got to accept there opinions sometimes, but enough now please. Both had a bit of a rant so leave it at that or do it in private message
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23:26 Sun 1 Jan 12 (GMT)
i accept but why bring it up know one knows my personal reasons no one even asked me except dext and yourself plus i NEVER RAN THE LEAGUE so as this is a meant to be friendly league please get FACTS straight.
and ban me from league i dont really care but fed up with watching this puppy always running his mouth every argument he is in.
and ban me from league i dont really care but fed up with watching this puppy always running his mouth every argument he is in.
23:29 Sun 1 Jan 12 (GMT)
That is the reason it started, people knew exactly what you where referring to thats all.
Im not going to ban you from the league? if i did i would have to ban most of the league for arguing
Im not here to fall out with anyone, don't care who started it but i would like to finish it, if i cant then i'll ask a mod to do it.
Back to discussion, there has been alot of votes so far
staffie_man said:
and when league runners did have a set and stood up they get slated and shot down catch 22.
That is the reason it started, people knew exactly what you where referring to thats all.
Im not going to ban you from the league? if i did i would have to ban most of the league for arguing
Im not here to fall out with anyone, don't care who started it but i would like to finish it, if i cant then i'll ask a mod to do it.
Back to discussion, there has been alot of votes so far
Deleted User
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23:31 Sun 1 Jan 12 (GMT)
Just on that one I can remember many times where yourself and Keith argued decisions that you thought were wrong. Had either of you, or another MVP rep, been involved in the decision process you might a) have contributed to a far better quality decision with a compelling argument that had not been considered or b) seen the reasoning behind a decision and accepted it for what it was, even if you still believed it to be wrong. Either way it would have been beneficial. That was simply my reasoning behind having fuller representation of clans in the decision process.
However clearly if people prefer the public arguments then I'll go with that too.
ab_rfc said:
Maybe we should go back to the league runners making a decision thats final, I remember a while back a league runner said to someone "if your not happy don't play in the league, no ones forcing you to play in clans, we run the league so we decide", some of you might think thats powermad but that league runner was right. I think since Steph and Jan stepped down league runners have not been keen on making decisions and members have ended up with too much say, this has meant lots more arguing.
Just on that one I can remember many times where yourself and Keith argued decisions that you thought were wrong. Had either of you, or another MVP rep, been involved in the decision process you might a) have contributed to a far better quality decision with a compelling argument that had not been considered or b) seen the reasoning behind a decision and accepted it for what it was, even if you still believed it to be wrong. Either way it would have been beneficial. That was simply my reasoning behind having fuller representation of clans in the decision process.
However clearly if people prefer the public arguments then I'll go with that too.
23:34 Sun 1 Jan 12 (GMT)
Member's have to keep the moderator squad busy somehow, other wise you would be sitting in a rocking chair knitting a little jacket for a dog =/
chris said:
However clearly if people prefer the public arguments then I'll go with that too.
Member's have to keep the moderator squad busy somehow, other wise you would be sitting in a rocking chair knitting a little jacket for a dog =/
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