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22:04 Sun 1 Jan 12 (GMT)
Everyone isn't entitled to their opinion according to where chris wants to go jem
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22:04 Sun 1 Jan 12 (GMT)
Seems to work fairly well in any other sporting context.
Suggest you read what I put again - never said anything like how you have taken it
Anyone is free to continue to voice ideas for discussion. But final decisions on any matter should come from a group of representatives of all the teams. And if any one individual or group doesnt like what was decided by the group then tough but the decision wont change.
Suggest you read what I put again - never said anything like how you have taken it
Anyone is free to continue to voice ideas for discussion. But final decisions on any matter should come from a group of representatives of all the teams. And if any one individual or group doesnt like what was decided by the group then tough but the decision wont change.
22:04 Sun 1 Jan 12 (GMT)
There is obviously some poeple going to be un happy about the poll final standings but if needs must we are going to go with what the mejority want. can't keep everyone happy sadly
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22:07 Sun 1 Jan 12 (GMT)
Lol Lee... not keen on the group representatives idea I must admit, there are some rather volatile people inside clans and them having someone speak for them would not be a good idea, especially if their opinions differed.
22:07 Sun 1 Jan 12 (GMT)
In our case, early in the season (around the first set of fixtures), a player that was in TPA wanted to join us, since she liked the idea of a Snooker clan. She did join us, but is not allowed to play games for the entire season because of the strict no transfer rule. That's a good 3 months of not being allowed to play. Bit silly really.
How about a half season quarantine if players switch clans? Meaning if there are 6 fixtures in the season, they'll be suspended for 3 fixtures or something. This way, players won't leave a clan without good reason, since they'd have to sit out for over a month. They also have the chance to play again this season if they are being unjustly benched by their tyrant captains (lol).
chris said:
If they cant be resolved amicably and in private then tough they cant play and wait till the next season.
How about a half season quarantine if players switch clans? Meaning if there are 6 fixtures in the season, they'll be suspended for 3 fixtures or something. This way, players won't leave a clan without good reason, since they'd have to sit out for over a month. They also have the chance to play again this season if they are being unjustly benched by their tyrant captains (lol).
Deleted User
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22:12 Sun 1 Jan 12 (GMT)
As i said before rubbish, we aren't speaking as teams when we're discussing rule changes, everybody has their own mind.
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22:12 Sun 1 Jan 12 (GMT)
Thats fine but you just continue to invite the endless tedious arguments. This would be a way of taking the wind out of their sails in public and resolving the issue in private.
Just an idea though as its not much fun trawling through clan arguments on the forum.
diamond_jem said:
Lol Lee... not keen on the group representatives idea I must admit, there are some rather volatile people inside clans and them having someone speak for them would not be a good idea, especially if their opinions differed.
Thats fine but you just continue to invite the endless tedious arguments. This would be a way of taking the wind out of their sails in public and resolving the issue in private.
Just an idea though as its not much fun trawling through clan arguments on the forum.
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22:16 Sun 1 Jan 12 (GMT)
Missing the point again!! Anyone can discuss ideas on the forum but at some point a person/a group of persons/a group of representatives from each clan have to take a final decision. At that point ideally the discussion must end and hopefully so would any arguing over the decision made particularly if your own clan has been party to the decision made.
ipotalot said:
As i said before rubbish, we aren't speaking as teams when we're discussing rule changes, everybody has their own mind.
Missing the point again!! Anyone can discuss ideas on the forum but at some point a person/a group of persons/a group of representatives from each clan have to take a final decision. At that point ideally the discussion must end and hopefully so would any arguing over the decision made particularly if your own clan has been party to the decision made.
Deleted User
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22:16 Sun 1 Jan 12 (GMT)
Come on chris you know we like making scenes on here
I like the concept of resolving issues in private but there are people who will bypass the "representative" and just mouth off anyway. It is a shame but that is also just how it is.
I like the concept of resolving issues in private but there are people who will bypass the "representative" and just mouth off anyway. It is a shame but that is also just how it is.
Deleted User
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22:19 Sun 1 Jan 12 (GMT)
You're missing the point that it isn't clan related chris!!! We have discussions on here then league runners make decisions...one person from each clan makes no sense. If you want some commitee which I don't think is a good idea anyway it should be made of the best people for the job.
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22:21 Sun 1 Jan 12 (GMT)
but then do we need a committee to decide who the best people for the job are? because we would have to agree on that too
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22:23 Sun 1 Jan 12 (GMT)
Lol jem we'll have to have a vote on that one ....jeez headache
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22:24 Sun 1 Jan 12 (GMT)
basically at the end of it all, we are miserable sods who are just here to make James (currently) and Jays (next season) lives hell
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22:25 Sun 1 Jan 12 (GMT)
The vast majority of any arguments that are clan related on here come from teams that have no representation in any of the decisions made. That has been the case every season I can remember. Might be a coincidence!!
Deleted User
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22:29 Sun 1 Jan 12 (GMT)
The stupid thing is there weren't any problems with rules last season at all and now everything is getting changed every 5 minutes.
There has been 1 complaint the whole season about the transfer rule and sorry but beth caused that herself from reading wolf pack's thread but the transfer rule is being changed again.
No wonder some captains can't get a grasp on the rules they're changing every day.
There has been 1 complaint the whole season about the transfer rule and sorry but beth caused that herself from reading wolf pack's thread but the transfer rule is being changed again.
No wonder some captains can't get a grasp on the rules they're changing every day.
Deleted User
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22:32 Sun 1 Jan 12 (GMT)
One complaint? Think I must read a different thread.
There are problems every season. I defy anyone to dispute that!!
There are problems every season. I defy anyone to dispute that!!
Deleted User
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22:32 Sun 1 Jan 12 (GMT)
I like the existing transfer rule but we will see what will happen when the vote comes back from the poll i think a poll is the best way to go as it will give us a majority, obviously some of us will not like the outcome but unfortunately this seems the fairest way. If you do not vote you do not get to complain afterwards... bear that in mind!
22:34 Sun 1 Jan 12 (GMT)
The vast majority of arguments on here are because people are being stupid, acting like a bunch of kids or just plainly out to start an argument over nothing.
chris said:
The vast majority of any arguments that are clan related on here come from teams that have no representation in any of the decisions made. That has been the case every season I can remember. Might be a coincidence!!
The vast majority of arguments on here are because people are being stupid, acting like a bunch of kids or just plainly out to start an argument over nothing.
22:47 Sun 1 Jan 12 (GMT)
Maybe we should go back to the league runners making a decision thats final, I remember a while back a league runner said to someone "if your not happy don't play in the league, no ones forcing you to play in clans, we run the league so we decide", some of you might think thats powermad but that league runner was right. I think since Steph and Jan stepped down league runners have not been keen on making decisions and members have ended up with too much say, this has meant lots more arguing.
There will always be arguments/debates whilst everyone gets a say because everyone wants the league run different and not everyone will agree on suggestions.
Why not in future instead of league runners putting things out for discussion let the members put the suggestions to the league runners and let them decide if they want it or not, at the end of the day they run the league so we can play as a team.
There will always be arguments/debates whilst everyone gets a say because everyone wants the league run different and not everyone will agree on suggestions.
Why not in future instead of league runners putting things out for discussion let the members put the suggestions to the league runners and let them decide if they want it or not, at the end of the day they run the league so we can play as a team.
22:50 Sun 1 Jan 12 (GMT)
Hold it!
I wanted feedback on this one, read back and you will see . I have no trouble in making the decision and saying that above you have in bold! haha. I just felt that this particular subject i would like to see what the members of the league thought.
I wanted feedback on this one, read back and you will see . I have no trouble in making the decision and saying that above you have in bold! haha. I just felt that this particular subject i would like to see what the members of the league thought.
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