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Posts: 38,097
01:25 Sun 25 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
doubted2 said:
ab_rfc said:
dont think its a rule thats required, after the match has started its obviously too late to sub out

this game hadnt started ,,,,,,,,,,,,, it was over an hour later and id gone offline

there is evidence check the times of his and my swap and sub

also check there results thread

the game started over an hour later

there shouldnt even be a discussion about it

its a discussion for next season
Posts: 7,164
01:31 Sun 25 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
james im not answering anything after this

you show me in the rules where

1) i cant make a sub when i want
2) that it is wrong to make a sub an hour before the game was played
3) were an opposing team can make a swap and im not allowed to respond with a sub within minutes
4) the captain had me ignore is that right
5) that i didnt post on all 3 threads i had made the sub

just show me in the rules where ive done wrong

the facts are there on 3 threads,,,, and the times are on the results page of both players

and finally i had no idea and still dont if theyd decided to play or anything else

yetti told me to sub him out of all fixtures because he was playing to well due to a lack of form I DID

end of
have a merry xmas ,
Posts: 38,097
01:33 Sun 25 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
also fact that they agreed to play before you made the sub, i don't see why players got subbed out if they arranged. anyway you keep missing my questions.

also you referred Ricks swap as 'tactical' why is that?

im not on anyones side here by the way, i just want to know everything before i refer the case to the defaults team, personally im not bothered if the game stands or not.
Posts: 7,164
01:38 Sun 25 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
whether you understand why i subbed out or not is totally irevalant im allowed to make subs

where does it say in the rules i cant
the sub was made well in advance,,, there is no default to be involved the game should be played according to the sub made well in advance of any game played

the game was david5 v big_mouse

it was documented on all 3 subs,,, in plenty of time
Posts: 1,594
01:44 Sun 25 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
james i respect ur opinion but sub was made, end of discussion, get david5 to play big_mouse craig, dont worry bout this m8 just have xmas, happened to me be4 wen i played a whole match and i was already subbed, result was invalid so same rule applies this time, unless there is a hidden rule that i dont no about?
Posts: 38,097
01:47 Sun 25 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
dgeneratio said:
also fact that they agreed to play before you made the sub, i don't see why players got subbed out if they arranged. anyway you keep missing my questions.

also you referred Ricks swap as 'tactical' why is that?

keep missing my questions

Why wasn't Yetti informed of the Sub?

last question is most important of them all.

Shooters - If the Result was Yetti 12-3 Big_mouse would you have kept the result or kept result as void?

TPA - If you was in Shooters shoes would you keep the result or make it void (if you won or lost)

please answer truthfully
Posts: 38,097
01:48 Sun 25 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
lethal_lures said:
james i respect ur opinion but sub was made, end of discussion, get david5 to play big_mouse craig, dont worry bout this m8 just have xmas, happened to me be4 wen i played a whole match and i was already subbed, result was invalid so same rule applies this time, unless there is a hidden rule that i dont no about?

fair point however its only end of discussion when craig answers my questions, something he is currently avoiding to do.

like i said, im not on anyones side, personally i think the game should be void but only because of the sub time length before play.
Posts: 1,594
01:49 Sun 25 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
irrelevant questions james, sub was made, either way it would never stand or shud i say shouldn't stand

its unfortunate for TPA and big_mouse
Posts: 7,940
01:50 Sun 25 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
You just forgot to inform your player, if you had the fixture wouldn't have got played.

Its not just a case of Rick not checking the forums, your own player didn't know and went on to play the fixture and for that reason alone the result should stand.

10 minutes untill Christmas, have a good one mate
Posts: 1,594
01:50 Sun 25 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
lets leave this for tommorow tho guys i like u both and we all shouldn't be argying on christmas eve, have fun guys n happy xmas
Posts: 38,097
01:53 Sun 25 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
im taking a day off tomorrow (running league) but will address the situation on Boxing Day, all i wanted is for my questions to be answered thats all (especially the last one), i know about rules but i just wanted to know if yetti won would shooters keep the result or make it void?
Posts: 7,940
01:59 Sun 25 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
lethal_lures said:
lets leave this for tommorow tho guys i like u both and we all shouldn't be argying on christmas eve, have fun guys n happy xmas

totally agree, Merry Christmas mate
Posts: 38,097
02:05 Sun 25 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
merry christmas everyone
Posts: 1,594
02:11 Sun 25 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
merry christmas james, ab and craig enjoy it
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
02:59 Sun 25 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
doubted2 said:
4) the captain had me ignore is that right

You have captains on ignore
Posts: 5,250
08:42 Sun 25 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Merry Christmas to all..James could you message me about my position as i have no recollection that i was officially binned as a league runner. I do admit FBL took up alot of time but now with sarah...who is reliable and does the the work she says she will.. I feel you have booted me without any notice and also see that my forum status has been downgraded without notification.

The question is :

Am i in or out ?
Posts: 11,057
11:28 Sun 25 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hey, here's my only contribution to the discussion about the game between TPA and Shooters:
The game was obviously played in good spirits and should stand. If you would like to base it on rules, I would suggest the following:

Rules said:
5.5 Required approval
Subs are not required to approval by anyone but league runners may step in and cancel any subs they see fit if the system is being abused.

League runners can decide whether the game stands or not and can base it on that rule.

Enjoy your break!
Posts: 1,594
11:41 Sun 25 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
lol totally abused.

Edited at 09:57 Sun 25/12/11 (GMT)
Posts: 1,594
11:49 Sun 25 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
It was the captains choice if he wanted to sub him out, he subbed him and they played a ineligible match? that is unfortunate for TPA and big_mouse but that is the way it goes, like i said be4 it has happened to me be4 n i took it on the chin.
Posts: 1,594
11:53 Sun 25 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
dgeneratio said:
im taking a day off tomorrow (running league) but will address the situation on Boxing Day, all i wanted is for my questions to be answered thats all (especially the last one), i know about rules but i just wanted to know if yetti won would shooters keep the result or make it void?

If it went the other way yetti winning then it would be TPA that would be pushing for a rematch and rightly so.
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