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Nominate ball and pocket ?

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Posts: 1,170
21:55 Mon 17 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
as said on previous threads, having this option in straight makes no difference, however makes it easier to increase the runs potting and smashing pack becomes alot safer too.

Only problem i have with this being implimented is on straight you'll see tapping if they can't split the pack as any other way would be a foul bar the luck to nominate and pot therefore decreasing everyones pot %.
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21:55 Mon 17 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Do like the idea for 9 ball though
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21:57 Mon 17 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
i really dont think it should be in 9 ball thats why we have numbers 1-9 .. 9 ball is a game where plants are easily available so i think 9 ball should be kept the way it is in my opinion it isnt actually a rule in 9 ball in real life so why should it be on here .. where as it is a rule on straight :/
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21:57 Mon 17 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
ipotalot said:
So you actually couldn't go into the pack to try and carry on a decent run?

You can but you would need to nominate a ball in there and a pocket you think it will drop in to.
Posts: 1,170
21:58 Mon 17 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
even if plants are avaliable you just nominate that ball regardless so would make no difference to that. However again i don't feel it would be needed there.
Posts: 1,170
21:59 Mon 17 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
chris said:
ipotalot said:
So you actually couldn't go into the pack to try and carry on a decent run?

You can but you would need to nominate a ball in there and a pocket you think it will drop in to.

read my comment above chris.
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22:01 Mon 17 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
I don't think you get too many flukes in straight though really compared to 9 ball but if it meant you could pot 1, break into the pack and pot another legally would make it better.
Would increase game times too though
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22:02 Mon 17 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
the_only_ego said:
Only problem i have with this being implimented is on straight you'll see tapping if they can't split the pack as any other way would be a foul bar the luck to nominate and pot therefore decreasing everyones pot %.

In other words playing the game exactly how it's meant to be played?

And a pot %age is a meaningless stat at the moment anyway. With nominating a ball and pocket it would actually become a meaningful stat as only those would count as attempted pots whilst the safety shots wouldn't.
Posts: 11,057
22:20 Mon 17 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
chris said:
Definitely not required for 9 Ball. That's not in the rules of the actual game and hopefully never will be!!
Hmm, you're right. I thought that the 9 itself had to be called, but that's not the case. Nevermind changing it for 9-Ball.
Posts: 974
00:07 Tue 18 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
I think I'm one of the few who this would make straight easier. Potting 2 in 1 costs me so many times, and if you see me play straight, 75% of time, I know which ball will go into which pocket when I smash them.

But anyway, if this was to added, it changes a few massive rules in the game. I would go as far to say it would change too much and all of straight pool stats would have to be reset. And I am not having that
Posts: 1,170
02:25 Tue 18 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
become too easy, 95% of the reason the top players stop on a run is due to double potting, allowing this i could honestly say people would go on for hours potting.... not looking at jam jars above at all.

Chris, much like on killer pot % is played from every shot on the table, to say that you should only count those you are aiming for is a plain stupid imo. Sit and pot all the simple, get to two stuck dont nominate and play safe every game, 100% pot %age then as you haven't in theory gone for any hard pot.

As much as i'd like to see this in place 9ball would be the only way i could see if working to stop the fluke combo's out of snookers, it would also give 9ball a bigger depth and make it more down to the positional play like it should be.
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08:33 Tue 18 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  

how am I gonna fluke any victories??? :O
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12:12 Tue 18 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Personally this only works in straight and if people are good enough to pot for "hours" then let them .... its part and parcel of the game its a real life game where you have to nominate the ball yet it isnt in 9 ball and although yes 9 ball should be about positional play the rule nominate in 9 ball shouldnt be there only in straight as it is the only game with it in anyway
Posts: 1,170
18:15 Tue 18 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
however, again the pot % rule would need to be changed as it will become saftey heaven then the pot % is incorrect as it's based on turns not attempted pots. As much as i like it personally i could only see it begin usefull in us9 - which wont happen so very much doubt it will come into play.
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01:29 Wed 19 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
the_only_ego said:
As much as i'd like to see this in place 9ball would be the only way i could see if working to stop the fluke combo's out of snookers

Laughable What about all the times that the snooker in the first place was a fluke? Are we supposed to stop them too??

The nature of the game on here means that there will be exactly as many flukes in every game type. It is just the perception that there are more in 9 Ball since often they are either the winning shot or nearer to the end of the game as there will normally be less shots played in each rack overall.

When played properly 9 Ball is still as skillful a game as any other, if not even more so, when you consider that there is always only one object ball that you can ever play position for.

the_only_ego said:
however, again the pot % rule would need to be changed as it will become saftey heaven then the pot % is incorrect as it's based on turns not attempted pots.

A pot %age is exactly that. A reflection on how many times you actually pot a ball when you are trying to. To portray it as something else makes it meaningless. If two players have identical wins, scores, tournament wins or whatever but one player chooses to play attacking and always goes for pots while the other is more tactical and plays safeties. Why should the player who goes for every pot potentially be ranked higher in that table than the other? The only way it means something is when it reflects the number of times you pot a ball you are trying to pot. And the same applies to Killer too for that matter - for both pot %age and indeed safety %ages too.
Posts: 974
01:32 Wed 19 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
In all fairness though in straight the top players are all in the top 50 for turn success %, so I'd say it's a decent reflection. Not perfect, but decent.
Posts: 420
03:29 Wed 19 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
why dont you just make it like 15 ball a whole new game? you have to get 1-15 in order same as nine just more balls, now thats a good game to add besides bumper pool
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Nominate ball and pocket ?

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