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Deleted User
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03:14 Fri 26 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
hi ...

by pandering to the elite and making tournies ranked youve ruined the site...

in its plom funky regularly had the chatroom full and at least 70 per tourny, now lucky to get 20 in chat and as a newbie to qualify to play tournies the massive amounts of qualifying games when the only real ranked games are tournies takes far too long , might have ppl joining but wether they stick around if not addicted i doubt it.

way its going , gonna end up with the regular hardcore and no room for newbs cos far too hard to get to play the "fun " stuff ..i.e. tournies

dont attack me , please offer an objective view , i personally believe the site was better when there was the option to be a tourny player or a ranker

end of the day advertisers would probs agree with more appeal and greater numbers playing but hey ho ...not my money
Posts: 968
03:18 Fri 26 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
I agree in honesty^

But stuff changes and i guess you just have to adapt
Posts: 4,762
03:19 Fri 26 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Some people like change, some don't

Can't please all, Love or Hate I guess.. like Marmite
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
03:23 Fri 26 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
point is people pressured nick into ranked tournies then disappeared ...(no naming and shaming)

no ones gonna buy ads on a site that is basically a pool group cos its too much of an ask to play tournies

was better how it was before !!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
03:30 Fri 26 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
I just personally think that newbies should be able to play in all tournaments, whether or not they are "Fake newbs" or not, it's your choice to join that tournament, and if u get beat by a "fake newb" then that your own faut honestly!

The current ranking system, is not enough for normal pool players to gain rank, they will simply stay at 675 or slightly above, but will probobly never make it to 700,LOL. Now i understand that if you are good then you should win so many in a row and slowly gain rank, but alot of people dont win 20 games in a row.

So remind me why the ranking system has changed?

and why newbie's aren't allowed to join tournies?

Cant think of anything else atm :(
Deleted User
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03:31 Fri 26 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
toonloon said:
point is people pressured nick into ranked tournies then disappeared ...(no naming and shaming)

no ones gonna buy ads on a site that is basically a pool group cos its too much of an ask to play tournies

was better how it was before !!

But yes it was much better before...
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
03:34 Fri 26 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
toonloon said:
point is people pressured nick into ranked tournies then disappeared ...(no naming and shaming)

no ones gonna buy ads on a site that is basically a pool group cos its too much of an ask to play tournies

was better how it was before !!

i dont think people pressured just something nick sees as a advantage for the site
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
03:38 Fri 26 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
I understand his Nick's reasoning, but there has/and still is alot of "concern" from Funkypooler's

Weill see, im sure it will continue like this for a while...
Posts: 4,775
17:00 Sat 27 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
i preferred it when tourneys were friendlies, im not bothered about rank and its annoying when you beat someone with a high rank and they complain that youve took so many points from them
Posts: 12,419
22:13 Sat 27 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
this system i think had made a huge difference to the maximums reached. On my previous account i reached 880, where as now in tourneys, for can win 2-1 but lose a net value of 4 points, then when you play a good standard player in a normal ranked match you aquire around 2 back.
Posts: 231
05:23 Mon 29 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Open tournaments, everybody joins, whether newbie or not, professional or intermediate, no ranking points involved (although i like this feature of ranking), tournament is full of people with different abilities, tournament is [b][u]full of people[/b][/u]...

I personally like the old tournaments, because tournaments were actually really challenging because you did not know what you were up against as newbie's could be virtuoso's and this is what made the game fun for me personally (don't know about you guys)..

I can honestly say that the number of people entering tournaments has dramatically decreased and the competition is not the same any more. Okay fair enough, friendly tournaments are available but what is the point of playing in a tournament where you don't actually get awarded the win (as in the win is not added to stats for that discipline)..?

Reverting back to the old tournaments would be a wise decision, but i think by having ranked and non-ranked tournaments would be a good idea (regardless of which, tournament win still being awarded)...

Any additional thoughts are welcome, but this is what i personally have to say.. [:)]
Deleted User
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08:57 Mon 29 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Your right it was more of a challenge wwhen you didnt know if a newb was a newb or actually virt!
Posts: 38,097
13:05 Mon 29 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
thats fun of it ang

i prefer it like it was however, at the moment when i feel like entering a tournament one is always there (usually US/UK Micro)
Posts: 4,775
13:47 Mon 29 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
yeh its fun when your the one taking the points lol
Posts: 38,097
13:53 Mon 29 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
i meant when you win and they swear or whatever lol.

yesterday i had a guest who swore 5 times in 1 game haha, found it funny
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
03:14 Tue 30 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
this is getting sidetracked point was under the current set up where u need play 50 ranked games of each to play tournaments is going to deter new members from sticking around.... its too much effort ...spesh as its not easy finding ranked games to play as ev1 only plays tournies now...wether tournies are ranked or not isnt my issue ...its how hard it is to become a FULL member thats the problem ..
Posts: 4,775
05:05 Tue 30 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
stop deactivating then
Posts: 4,195
06:41 Tue 30 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Aint hard at all to be honest. i remember when it used to be a 100 games before you lost your newbie tag. There is however a significant drop in ranked games i must agree. but ranked tournies i feel are the way forward and freindly ones now are as much use as a chocolate fireguard, why they are still around boggles my mind. If people want to win they should have to win ranked otherwise they will keep to the friendlies. Rather backwards idea meeting them halfway in this instance as tournies now suck tbh.
Posts: 2,185
14:33 Tue 30 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Ranked tournies are good, 'cause it's the quickest way to get to pro/virt. If you take the ranked part from the tourney at least up points won in ranked games. Hate beating good players and only getting like 2.3 points.

I really don't care if they change it. All I'll say is, if you won every game don't think you'd complain
Posts: 7,164
14:39 Tue 30 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
well 50 games dosnt take to long at all.
it helps newbies get familiar with the cue, ball power of the shot and angles

tournaments are not a bad thing, be them friendlys or ranked i no plenty of people who dont like the pressure of playing ranked games and play for fun, so be it its there choice and many like it. its a step from normal games to full ranked so i dont see that as a bad thing

ranked tournaments well there is a beast why so many, micros , normal and marathons,,,

i do think marathons are the ultimate test for most players and think points should be doubled or maybe have a seperate scoring system

and micros should only be played at non peak times

tournaments what i dont get in the mornings uk time you can enter a standard tournament with 6 people in ,less than a micro and still get a win on your stats that is a total joke

anyways back to topic
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