Chips n' Gravy II - Jim's Revenge
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02:16 Mon 15 Aug 11 (BST)
Im back and lmao at them last posts, pete your a legend mate, your like the heart of the clan, and jim well your like the butt of it lmaooooo
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02:17 Mon 15 Aug 11 (BST)
Is that cause I talk 100% crap?
That's not nice Kirk, even if I totally agree with it lmaoo
That's not nice Kirk, even if I totally agree with it lmaoo
04:56 Mon 15 Aug 11 (BST)
Phew i half expected a where the hell is pete when i got back on thaaaaaank god , im sure it would be a classic .... whisper whisper .. its not like i wouldnt have it coming but just for future reference any stories about me and fat ladies with mustaches is blaitenly filthy lies ... or are they
04:58 Mon 15 Aug 11 (BST)
Hay cap someone is still flowing the fine walls of the gravy house awesome ...... is it you had slight bedtime accident man?? Im here brother if you need to talk man
05:02 Mon 15 Aug 11 (BST)
Oh i dont know about that i just try to keep it fun , im no good at being a complainer or an excuse finder problems arise we all do know but some seems like they flow around looking for it well not this guy , ole pete just likes to play some pool with good people and some the best people i know call funky home and i say that cause it was more than heart warming when i had my accident the concern and all the great people posting me nothing but care i feel a certain attachment here and damn it while im here its going to be fun
_k1rk_ said:
Im back and lmao at them last posts, pete your a legend mate, your like the heart of the clan, and jim well your like the butt of it lmaooooo
Oh i dont know about that i just try to keep it fun , im no good at being a complainer or an excuse finder problems arise we all do know but some seems like they flow around looking for it well not this guy , ole pete just likes to play some pool with good people and some the best people i know call funky home and i say that cause it was more than heart warming when i had my accident the concern and all the great people posting me nothing but care i feel a certain attachment here and damn it while im here its going to be fun
05:03 Mon 15 Aug 11 (BST)
definately jimmys end is a certain and ty cap for the kind words man
05:05 Mon 15 Aug 11 (BST)
my o my another nutter on this train...i am going to talk to the signal man to divert it to Alcatraz
05:06 Mon 15 Aug 11 (BST)
Surely starting to think we need to give our fearless leader a break you know how he gets man , he get mad and leave yell some swears at us , probably do some cutting on himself definately will be running around naked ( which he will anyways) and just dont look good for such an outstanding band of brothers to have to deal with
05:09 Mon 15 Aug 11 (BST)
K i have to say im not a nutter reason being is cause 1 i dont like nuts, 2 nutter rhymes with butter so sounds greasy (so definately that be jimmy) and 3 i dont even know what it is and with my experiences with you maniacs across the sea even if it sounds soft THAT DONT MEAN ANYTHING lol jk
How you doing brother ???
dextr said:
my o my another nutter on this train...i am going to talk to the signal man to divert it to Alcatraz
K i have to say im not a nutter reason being is cause 1 i dont like nuts, 2 nutter rhymes with butter so sounds greasy (so definately that be jimmy) and 3 i dont even know what it is and with my experiences with you maniacs across the sea even if it sounds soft THAT DONT MEAN ANYTHING lol jk
How you doing brother ???
05:13 Mon 15 Aug 11 (BST)
All good at the moment Pete thanks for asking. Unfortunatly i have jimmy running round my house till season ends and it aint pretty to say the least and kirk has become a lemming to him so :S
05:15 Mon 15 Aug 11 (BST)
Ahh we love ya man and the more crap we dish only shows it more and more brother plus well its just funner to pick on the picker if that makes any sense lol great times though man for sure
jimmy_efc_ said:
Is that cause I talk 100% crap?
That's not nice Kirk, even if I totally agree with it lmaoo
That's not nice Kirk, even if I totally agree with it lmaoo
Ahh we love ya man and the more crap we dish only shows it more and more brother plus well its just funner to pick on the picker if that makes any sense lol great times though man for sure
05:18 Mon 15 Aug 11 (BST)
Always great to hear man good people should have good days , and yeah i know them two are out of control im waiting for one of the to post to the other
dextr said:
All good at the moment Pete thanks for asking. Unfortunatly i have jimmy running round my house till season ends and it aint pretty to say the least and kirk has become a lemming to him so :S
Always great to hear man good people should have good days , and yeah i know them two are out of control im waiting for one of the to post to the other
05:31 Mon 15 Aug 11 (BST)
I was going to post to horse and mvp on great to see that tradition back and good luck but jimmy has them little on the ready to kill side so i got skeert lol does make it fun though man just remember your boundaries with them guys they are all true masters of this site a great assembly of players with a true legend of the game leading the way and if i remember right other than a few name changes that team ran the gauntlet with little to no resistance for YEARS lol but a little constructive criticism developes that old fashion rivalry and i personally and excited to see that match up . Bound to be some the greatest matches ever played in this little domain of ours lol
05:36 Mon 15 Aug 11 (BST)
hightops ... now there is a name that has fallen to shadow which is sad true gent and master of the game great all around guy the name says it all . Sometimes i sit and think of all the people who have came and gone and came and gone and think wow if all the legends and i mean true legends could find a way to co exist and become one it would destroy the funky clan league as we know it lol
05:38 Mon 15 Aug 11 (BST)
Soon enough i see it happening and once the right conditions hit and that team is assembled hang up the sticks folks cause it will be a game of gods
05:42 Mon 15 Aug 11 (BST)
I been on here for over 3 years now and iv seen so many people come and go, im only friends with id say 10% of the old people i used to know, real shame but thats the way it goes, just hope you lot keep on and i hope i stay around.
05:58 Mon 15 Aug 11 (BST)
Well us lot will keep on once you dedicate to stay around lol You are our main assassin man we need you to stay around llol you stay around and do what you do and i promise i post you to god status by the end of this season you have my word.... pete
06:00 Mon 15 Aug 11 (BST)
And simpley we cant keep jimmy tamed without ya lol
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Chips n' Gravy II - Jim's Revenge
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