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Chips n' Gravy II - Jim's Revenge

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14 years ago  [Link]  
Not naked anymore awesome .... but be honest does this new tag make me look fat???
Posts: 4,195
14 years ago  [Link]  
Lmaoooo you have came back in fine form mate, maybe the pic is making your jokes even better haha. Jims out for the night mate, and im just off to cook some bacon so il be posting soon

P.S. nice pic pete
Posts: 1,634
14 years ago  [Link]  
Sweet bud thanks i am beginning to think makes me look more distinguished definately i can run faster i have noticed
Posts: 1,634
14 years ago  [Link]  
Burned through 5 pages wow ,funny any pool even gets played with all the posting going on up in the gallery of gravy
Posts: 1,634
14 years ago  [Link]  
Making bacon, hmmmm definately sounds grand that is what i love about our mighty cap is he is full of genius ideas
Posts: 1,634
14 years ago  [Link]  
So jimmy is out for the night ??? Well i would say its about his turn again

I think he had developed some sort of rash like mass on his backside through out today and didnt want to tell us cause he knows k1rk and cmurph would make sport of him. So he goes to his dr buddy who he has became pretty fare friends with through his countless appointments at the free clinic cough cough i mean family clinic. Only thing is during the visit he finds out that not only is this rash like mass is spreading it is potentially fatal. Only possible way to save himself is to find the cause of the mass kinda like if you become a vampire you kill the main vampire you go normal. And in a moment of realization sudden panic sets and his journey begins, the enormous a task it is he will not be denied and he will search and test every man woman and stray goat til he locates the cause of such a deadly and itchy trick of satan..... that is just what i think
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14 years ago  [Link]  
viking4life said:
So jimmy is out for the night ??? Well i would say its about his turn again

I think he had developed some sort of rash like mass on his backside through out today and didnt want to tell us cause he knows k1rk and cmurph would make sport of him. So he goes to his dr buddy who he has became pretty fare friends with through his countless appointments at the free clinic cough cough i mean family clinic. Only thing is during the visit he finds out that not only is this rash like mass is spreading it is potentially fatal. Only possible way to save himself is to find the cause of the mass kinda like if you become a vampire you kill the main vampire you go normal. And in a moment of realization sudden panic sets and his journey begins, the enormous a task it is he will not be denied and he will search and test every man woman and stray goat til he locates the cause of such a deadly and itchy trick of satan..... that is just what i think

I've killed Kirk, so everything is gravy!
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14 years ago  [Link]  
I'm back now guys panic is over, and yes you do look fat in that pic mate, too much Chips n' Gravy, but your surrounded by mates, so we'll tell you look fabulous and we can b!tch about men
Posts: 1,634
14 years ago  [Link]  
Now i know the last time i did this the public response wasnt what i expected other than our high jumping neat hand writing cap he felt the need to know so everyone really this is serious deal our cap is in trouble he needs our help and if we know where he really is that is the first step in uncovering the root to all his troubles so come on people ITS ABOUT JIMMY and HIS REVENGE!!
Posts: 1,634
14 years ago  [Link]  
Oh thank god man k1rk was crying and everything i tried to assure him you are all that is man and we had nothing to worry about but he was so depressed he felt the need for some bacon...... ooooooorr was that just a ploy mmmmmmuuuuuwwwwaaaaaahhhhhaaa!!!!
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14 years ago  [Link]  
Revenge is a dish best served cold,
I got Pete by my side even though he's old
Chips n' Gravy is the team to be,
We've bonded together and become a family
I love you guys like you were my own,
We spend a lot of time together, I never feel alone.

Love you guys, Chips n' Gravy to the top!
Posts: 1,634
14 years ago  [Link]  
K little off note here but my kids are watching paranormal activity which i am kinda watching with them ok answer me this to all our parents here in funky land if your doors are slamming , things flying around the house are you going to leave your kids there lol " its okay kids just ignore it " HA h3ll no i would be time to sell lol
Posts: 1,634
14 years ago  [Link]  
K little off note here but my kids are watching paranormal activity which i am kinda watching with them ok answer me this to all our parents here in funky land if your doors are slamming , things flying around the house are you going to leave your kids there lol " its okay kids just ignore it " HA h3ll no i would be time to sell lol
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14 years ago  [Link]  
Lmao Pete, bet you're behind the sofa!
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14 years ago  [Link]  
Lmao Pete, bet you're behind the sofa!
Posts: 1,634
14 years ago  [Link]  
GRRRR DOUBLE POST!!!! What in the sam heaven is going on here...... maybe i got a lil paranormal going on lol but i got a brood of hungry maniacs here and if i dont feed them they grow angry and when they are angry they are meeeeeaaaan so i have to jump off a bit but surely plan on hitting at least page twenty tonight so cya in a bit
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14 years ago  [Link]  
What we like to hear, I on the other hand have work tomorrow so it ain't gonna be another 5 am jobby for me lol
Posts: 1,634
14 years ago  [Link]  
jimmy_efc_ said:
Lmao Pete, bet you're behind the sofa!

H3ll no that only prolongs the inevidable my friend i would grab the kids and fly through that door so fast half the wall be exploding just from sure adrenaline lol brb guys
Posts: 1,634
14 years ago  [Link]  
ill post away for a while see what kinda trouble i can get myself into no worries jimmy you still da man
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14 years ago  [Link]  
Lol, I know I am I can imagine you and the kids running through a brick wall like something off Tom & Jerry lmfao!
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Chips n' Gravy II - Jim's Revenge

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