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Posts: 11,057
02:38 Tue 16 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
^This was settled now I thought.
At the time, it didn't matter whether anyone had permission, since that was not in the rules. Snooker squad tripped over this as well.
This has been clarified now, so that players can be named with permission of the captain.
Remember, not only MVP have this warning- two other clans do as well, so I don't think it's some sort of vendetta against MVP...
Posts: 7,940
02:45 Tue 16 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
kev04 said:
Considering you've already named two you'll be on a warning just like the other clans. As there was no visible evidence from their captain giving permission to be named

Maybe the captain should've been contacted before warnings were given out, always worth checking first.
Posts: 9,926
02:49 Tue 16 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
whocares8x8 said:
^This was settled now I thought.
At the time, it didn't matter whether anyone had permission, since that was not in the rules. Snooker squad tripped over this as well.
This has been clarified now, so that players can be named with permission of the captain.
Remember, not only MVP have this warning- two other clans do as well, so I don't think it's some sort of vendetta against MVP...

I don't think its a vendetta against MVP, i find the whole thing a joke and to hand out warnings for the freedom of choice for who you wish to play with to me shows power going to the head rather than common sense prevailing.

New clans should be encouraged rather than discouraged. I have captained MVP for 8 seasons prior to this and i would prefer to know immediately that people are leaving rather than waiting till the end of the season at least it gives me plenty of time to find replacements.
How would antione08 have felt to find out at the end of the season he was losing all of us it could have finished top dogs but he has time until the end of the season to find replacements, surely this shows how common sense should prevail?

And yes it has been clarified and i am just stating we followed the procedure and we still get a warning!!!!

So the clarification of the rule isn't working
Posts: 11,057
02:52 Tue 16 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
The rule was put in place, because people were being announced as leaving at the end of the season. This would then cause others to jump ship, leading to the collapse of the clan mid-season.
I completely support the rule with the exception of permission of the captain.
However, before the clarification a few hours ago, this exception was not in place. Therefore, all 3 clans involved in this were breaking the rules and received a warning.
Now that we can name players with permission, it shouldn't be a problem anymore.
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02:57 Tue 16 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Just hope know one is including Chips in this as we've done nothing wrong. As Liam put, a player named himself in our clan and then has signed for someone else next season, how we get a warning for that completely bemuses me...
Posts: 38,097
12:32 Tue 16 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
apparently from what kev put you named davy in your teamlist.
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12:40 Tue 16 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]

Post 18 days ago on page 20 of their first thread, Jimmy named davybaumers as a member of their team.

Just because davy has decided he wants to move again doesn't mean the warning gets removed!
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14:40 Tue 16 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
I'll name lordpool, onua and ex_champ but it doesn't mean they've signed.

But I understand you point and for this I apologise profusely. Keep the warning we shan't do it again.

My apologies again from all at Team Gravy.

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14:48 Tue 16 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
if the players have not been removed from the team or the team as folded
you should not name the players that have not left yet

it not nice to see your players names on other clan team list
it only should be keep between the player and their captains
that the player is leaving
its not right for another team to put up players that have not left yet

its an advantaged for the teams to name them so they can get bigger players which is so wrong
Posts: 38,097
14:48 Tue 16 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
right rewording of rules...

Naming Players -

You CANNOT name players for next season currently involved in other clans (the exception to this is you get written permission from their clan captain and posted either on your/their forum), violating this rule will get you a warning and multiple offences may see your clan NOT competing next season.

Swapping 2 Players in a clan match -

You can swap in clan matches for any reason but usually in timezone/reliability cases and does not need to be approved by anyone BUT the league hosts reserve their right to block any swaps or subs if they feel the swap rule is being abused.

Season experience to be in a clan -

You have to have had a seasons experience to captain a clan BUT previous usernames WILL be taken into account at discretion of the league hosts.

seem fair?
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15:04 Tue 16 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
how many subs can be use in one fixture now
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15:04 Tue 16 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Sounds perfect to me :-)
Posts: 38,097
15:06 Tue 16 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
big_mouse said:
how many subs can be use in one fixture now

no limit far as i know.

you can sub a player in as long as they are in clan league team and not played that fixture.
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15:08 Tue 16 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Sounds good dgen but I still think you need to limit swaps to 1 per clan in the early stages of fixtures so clans can't pick and choose matches.
Posts: 38,097
15:19 Tue 16 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
agree with that, lets see what kevlar says
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15:28 Tue 16 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Personally I think we should raise the player bar to 20 max. We're an extremely popular clan and we're in triple figures at the moment. With 20 on each team and no limit on subs it makes the chance of a default very very slim. Just a thought.

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15:28 Tue 16 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Lee and James stop agreeing with each doesn't look right!!
Posts: 38,097
15:31 Tue 16 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
lol badger

nah i dont think so jim, 20 is WAY too much, 15/16 is even more than enough like people have said
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15:38 Tue 16 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
This is the current naming rule

1.13 Announcing clan lineup for next season
When new clans are forming, or old clans are working in their lineup for the next season, you may NOT name signed players currently playing for other clans until the transfer window is open. Violating this rule may lead to the clan not being accepted into the next season.
What we should add on their is that if the captain of the clan the player currently is in gives permission for the clan he will be going to, to name that player then they are free to do so.

ipotalot said:
Sounds good dgen but I still think you need to limit swaps to 1 per clan in the early stages of fixtures so clans can't pick and choose matches.

I don't think anyone has really been picking and choosing on a large scale, of course there have been some such as rubber_duck refusing to play davybaumers but haven't seen a great deal of them. I can safely say that bringing in unlimited fixture swaps and more freedom with subbing has reduced the number of defaults greatly this season.

We've had a total of 4 so far, all of which had at some point been started but not completed. 1 of which was due to a player being banned, so I think we can progress has definitely been made
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15:46 Tue 16 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
jimmy_efc_ said:
Personally I think we should raise the player bar to 20 max. We're an extremely popular clan and we're in triple figures at the moment. With 20 on each team and no limit on subs it makes the chance of a default very very slim. Just a thought.


I thought of something the other day just haven't had time to post, regarding player transfers during a season.

I was thinking something along the lines of a clan can begin the season with 15 players or whatever the limit we set is, no player may move between clans during a season, but the clan can sign a certain amount of free agents after a certain date so in effect go over the limit by signing free agents, rather than the situation of poaching we currently have.

Maybe you could start the season with say between 12-14 players (depending on the limit), then after a certain point we allow them to sign free agents, say after a week. Maybe allow them 4-5 free agents, taking the new in-season limit if you like up to around 16-18.

You could also incorporate a transfer window half way through the season and a cut-back period whereby clans have to go back to the original limit set and can begin the free agent process again
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