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Possible Warning Sound when about to be logged out after 20 mins idle?

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Posts: 5,250
07:43 Sun 17 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
ipotalot said:
dextr said:
cheers james...

Well in past week its happened 3 times to me and 3 DSQ from tourneys...lost points etc

Slow learner dex

Can't be helped mate ...sorting subs ... quashing arguments...possible signings...its a simple ask but to no avail at present.

1 minute remaining
Posts: 5,250
07:53 Sun 17 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
so from now on after every post we need a "1 minute remaining" post
Posts: 5,250
09:54 Mon 1 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Seriously this needs to be looked into ...once again same thing logged out while lookin in the forums while waiting to play ....this is really becoming annoying
Posts: 5,201
10:12 Tue 2 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Men never could multitask
Posts: 12,185
20:27 Fri 12 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
@rgh just timed out missing tourney... Should have a 19 minute warning....
Posts: 38,097
20:44 Fri 12 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
chaos_ said:
Men never could multitask

i multitask all the time
Posts: 5,250
03:28 Wed 24 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Posts: 12,419
14:28 Sun 28 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  

I do support this idea as like people have said, it is annoying when you get logged out in a tournament such as a marathon
Posts: 4,762
00:56 Fri 16 Sept 11 (BST)  [Link]  

Happened to me twice today watching TV.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
21:27 Fri 16 Sept 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Don't watch TV then!
Posts: 4,557
02:51 Mon 26 Sept 11 (BST)  [Link]  
i think there should be a beep 3 times before u get logged out , its a good idea to hear that something could be done to give u some notice . think everyone has missed a tournament through getting logged out without reliseing ,
Posts: 1,170
19:56 Mon 26 Sept 11 (BST)  [Link]  
some people don't use sound so makes no difference - personally i just click the screen every 15minutes or so when i'm doing whatever it is. Think if you get logged out for being idle clearly your priority's are not pool - therefore it shouldn't matter you've been logged.

Tourny's don't usually take 20minutes even in a mara depending on the time these days that the tourny starts - however why you went idle i have no idea jim surely if you was in the tourny you'd be near the comp ready for the invite?
Posts: 4,762
20:11 Mon 26 Sept 11 (BST)  [Link]  
the_only_ego said:
some people don't use sound so makes no difference - personally i just click the screen every 15minutes or so when i'm doing whatever it is. Think if you get logged out for being idle clearly your priority's are not pool - therefore it shouldn't matter you've been logged.

Tourny's don't usually take 20minutes even in a mara depending on the time these days that the tourny starts - however why you went idle i have no idea jim surely if you was in the tourny you'd be near the comp ready for the invite?

Extremely easy to forget you entered a tourny and just leave it sitting in chat room then get logged out. Hence why this idea was created, with 2 and a half pages of positive feedback voting for.
Posts: 11,057
20:13 Mon 26 Sept 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Yep, all for it.
What harm can it do? Only positive effects really.
Posts: 38,097
21:10 Mon 26 Sept 11 (BST)  [Link]  
didnt nick mention about a voiceover one time, if he can create a reminder with 5, 2 and 1 minute left then shouldn't be an excuse unless you use no sound.

sounds for invite, pms help as well as it keeps you alert.
Posts: 1,170
21:48 Mon 26 Sept 11 (BST)  [Link]  
bunrzybhoy said:
the_only_ego said:
some people don't use sound so makes no difference - personally i just click the screen every 15minutes or so when i'm doing whatever it is. Think if you get logged out for being idle clearly your priority's are not pool - therefore it shouldn't matter you've been logged.

Tourny's don't usually take 20minutes even in a mara depending on the time these days that the tourny starts - however why you went idle i have no idea jim surely if you was in the tourny you'd be near the comp ready for the invite?

Extremely easy to forget you entered a tourny and just leave it sitting in chat room then get logged out. Hence why this idea was created, with 2 and a half pages of positive feedback voting for.

As to my previous message, tournys rarely take 20minutes a game unless it's a semi/final or a marathon with alot of members in - just registering to them means you have 10minutes to wait you can't forget that and if you do the invite sound should notify you anyway.

Not slating the idea just saying that's all - sometimes things are better left untouched when there's nothing wrong in the first place.
Posts: 38,097
21:50 Mon 26 Sept 11 (BST)  [Link]  
depends really.

9 ball/8US i would agree with you

however Straight/UK normally take longer than 20 minutes for 1st to 3 as its tactical and straight is long enough as it is.
Posts: 1,170
21:57 Mon 26 Sept 11 (BST)  [Link]  
straight is a 1 framer, yes can take longer but that's your choice if you've chosen to enter it. UK8 rarely takes 20minutes even with tratter vs onua a 2-1 scoreline either way would take less then that.

as i said before not knocking it would be a nice addition but i don't think it will be a priority or be sorted any time soon.
Posts: 6,262
23:11 Mon 26 Sept 11 (BST)  [Link]  
the_only_ego said:
straight is a 1 framer, yes can take longer but that's your choice if you've chosen to enter it. UK8 rarely takes 20minutes even with tratter vs onua a 2-1 scoreline either way would take less then that.

as i said before not knocking it would be a nice addition but i don't think it will be a priority or be sorted any time soon.

depends on snookers played I guess
Posts: 11,057
05:15 Tue 27 Sept 11 (BST)  [Link]  
the_only_ego said:
Not slating the idea just saying that's all - sometimes things are better left untouched when there's nothing wrong in the first place.
Clearly there is something wrong if a number of different users are getting logged out without warning. If the time limit for a single round is more than 20 minutes, surely there's a chance someone could get logged out.
the_only_ego said:
as i said before not knocking it would be a nice addition but i don't think it will be a priority or be sorted any time soon.
So you're for the idea, but don't think it will get implemented. Why not just say you like the idea and leave the rest to admins? The more negative feedback, the less likely it is to get implemented. All your posts have been attempts at telling us why it's not necessary.

Edited at 02:28 Tue 27/09/11 (BST)
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Possible Warning Sound when about to be logged out after 20 mins idle?

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