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Deleted User
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19:22 Wed 6 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
im off line from 6ish till tomorrow so better hurry up
Posts: 12,419
23:49 Wed 6 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
*tumble weed rolls by for the 1,000,000,000,000 time*
Deleted User
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23:58 Wed 6 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  

Posts: 275
00:52 Thu 7 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Evening all, what's happening?
Posts: 12,419
00:57 Thu 7 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
not a lot really if i can get someone to play from unbeatables then i might need your help with subs
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:14 Thu 7 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
froggy ur pic???
u are still clan leader aint u?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:29 Thu 7 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Wooooo! you put Kermit on

I have someone online willing to play if you do
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:30 Thu 7 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Hey everyone! For now im going to take our team out of the FCL and FBL we aren't all playing our games and i dont even think we will make it into the league since we aren't showing reliablity. Although we are winning games and i think we are doing good, but not everyone are coming online and we have defaults as it is

I would suggest that if you want to be in a clan, then u should try and join a team now, while there is room(if there is) i myself will try and join another team. However it is my main concern to get the team together, and ready for next season!

We need to be reliable and be online if you want to be apart of ateam, and if you cant come online then a message to captain or vice captain would be very much appreciated.
Please let me know if you still want to be apart of the team and we shall ride it out and get ready for next season!
Posts: 388
01:33 Thu 7 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Sniper.. i URGE you to reconsider this mate, you can remove players you think are not reliable enough for TLK and introduce players from the players waiting on a clan list!

Seriously, many of your players will leave anyway, trust me on this, wipe your squad clean of dead wood and introduce players that are on the clan list!
Deleted User
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01:33 Thu 7 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Say what now?

Your folding?
Posts: 12,419
01:39 Thu 7 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Look guys, this wasnt what we wanted but what has heppened is out of our hands. I have worked so hard to turn this around, but my efforts have come to nothing in the end

Im sure this isnt the end of TLK but for now i'd like to thank you all for your time and effort (for those who did play). It was the most sensible decision that myself and sniper had come to. Not sure where im off to but who knows what the future holds

but for now good luck with this season

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:40 Thu 7 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
blackjack said:
Sniper.. i URGE you to reconsider this mate, you can remove players you think are not reliable enough for TLK and introduce players from the players waiting on a clan list!

Seriously, many of your players will leave anyway, trust me on this, wipe your squad clean of dead wood and introduce players that are on the clan list!

SO true why give up so close to the season?

there is loads of players on the waiting list....
Deleted User
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01:59 Thu 7 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
I know but we won't even finish friendlies!
Posts: 5,250
07:58 Thu 7 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Sniper has moved on to the 8's and tbh things never went to great here as we had you in 2 leagues and same thing happened.... I wish all members the best and hope they find a new clan if they so choose
Deleted User
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00:26 Fri 8 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Tbh it would have been better when we asked questions to leaders that we actually got answers back, my games kept getting changed so I asked to verify who I was playing and got no response, nvm.. back to the clan waiting list we go.
Posts: 12,419
00:32 Fri 8 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
we didnt change the fixtures, the other teams did, it is down to you to use your initiative to conact the other team. This is one of the reasons why we pulled out. You can't expect me to do everything for you. Im sorry it sounds blunt, but its true.

Edited at 22:43 Thu 07/07/11 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:52 Fri 8 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Be as blunt as you like, I didn't expect you to do everything but if you're in charge of the team you should have at least known who I was meant to be playing, or at least have helped finding out, not absolutely ignoring, THAT is 1 of the reasons why it went wrong is because there wasn't any TEAM effort in the TEAM.. it was all for ourselves which I'm sorry, but that doesn't make a team. what is leading a clan if you don't help the members? :S And come on mate, I asked 1 thing politely and was ignored..Its not like I asked you to clean my a** and bake me a biscuit.. it was a simple request which I thought as clan "leaders" you would know who I was meant to be playing. You think Messi is gonna win Barca games on his own? Sorry he's good but without the team it would crumble around him.

Edited at 21:56 Thu 07/07/11 (BST)
Posts: 12,419
01:11 Fri 8 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
You are so disrespectful and i hope i never speak to you again. I was the one doing all the hard work not you. chances are, your probably older than me and should be able to help yourself more. i was trying my hardest and i didnt even hear a thing from anyone. you need to take a look at yourself cause to be honest you seem to be poorly educated. i.posted a number of times with the websites for the leagues so you could see who you were playing for certain. you were like all the others in the clan, silent, useless and couldnt be bothered to do what was best for the team. your selfish and everyone else would agree with what i have been saying. not to mention i was vice, not captain
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:27 Fri 8 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Bit uncalled for, I was polite once again and throwing insults is petty and childish, doesn't affect anyone and doesn't impress anyone.

Sorry, but if I was running a clan I would at LEAST reply to my members (yes you were vice, but regardless if the captain doesn't respond then the vice should take the place and respond, thats the point of a vice captain). Posting a site weeks ago or days ago before people asked is no use what so ever, not everyone has the luxury of time to sit here trolling through threads to find 1 post out of 100's, some of us have jobs and lives to live and only play here in our spare time. If you knew the answer to my question then you should have at least has the decency to respond to one of your own team mates.

What is the point in being a vice captain if you're going to ignore when your team members need assistance? Even a link to the site after I asked would have done perfectly fine, but to be totally ignored is absolutely disrespectful to your team mates, especially when we're supposed to look to you for help as you're the ones apparently "leading" it... and you wonder why it was silent?

Its not a case of "being bothered" if I could I would play a hell of a lot more but I simply don't have the time because believe it or not, people outside of the internet actually have lives to live. Anyway, its over now, no hard feelings but try to learn from the mistakes made here if you ever want to help run a clan and want it to be successful. Peace

Edited at 22:31 Thu 07/07/11 (BST)
Posts: 12,419
01:42 Fri 8 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
gandhi said:
Bit uncalled for, I was polite once again and throwing insults is petty and childish, doesn't affect anyone and doesn't impress anyone.

gandhi said:
Sorry, but if I was running a clan I would at LEAST reply to my members . Posting a site weeks ago or days ago before people asked is no use what so ever

there was nothing childish about that at all, i was standing my ground. P.33 have a look i posted the links to the website, it was on the same page that you posted. not weeks or days before like you said. So what else are you going to lie about? you could have messaged me for the link. You needed to be more proactive. I posted the fixtures on most threads as you will see.

gandhi said:
some of us have jobs and lives to live and only play here in our spare time

likewise, and i dont want to be spending it arguing with someone that doesnt know what they are talking about. If you have a life then dont get so frustrated.

gandhi said:
and you wonder why it was silent?

this is because most of our player were unreliable and inactive. so why didnt you post more then?

I will take this matter no more with you as your just going around in circles.

...thanks to everyone but TLK is going to be capped for obvious reasons
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