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Posts: 12,419
23:58 Sun 3 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
20:45 Sun 03/07/11 Won the Straight Pool Speed Tournament, winning 154 TournaPoints!

to you all
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02:41 Mon 4 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  

sabracadabra v _pro__frog_

is now

nh425 v _pro__frog_
Posts: 12,419
02:42 Mon 4 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
ta kay
Posts: 12,419
03:24 Mon 4 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Not a bad day:

00:00 Mon 04/07/11
Came 2nd in the Day TournaPoints Event
23:02 Sun 03/07/11
Received 8 TournaPoints for reaching the Semi Final in the Micro 9 Ball Tournament
22:11 Sun 03/07/11
Received 132 TournaPoints for reaching the Final in the 8 Ball UK Tournament
21:28 Sun 03/07/11
Won the Micro 8 Ball Tournament, winning 112 TournaPoints!
20:45 Sun 03/07/11
Won the Straight Pool Speed Tournament, winning 154 TournaPoints!
20:01 Sun 03/07/11
Received 8 TournaPoints for reaching the Semi Final in the Micro 9 Ball Tournament
18:31 Sun 03/07/11
Won the Random Multi-Discipline, winning 238 TournaPoints!
17:04 Sun 03/07/11
Won the 9 Ball Speed Tournament, winning 322 TournaPoints!
16:45 Sun 03/07/11
Received 20 TournaPoints for reaching the Semi Final in the 9 Ball Arcade Tournament
13:32 Sun 03/07/11
Received 11 TournaPoints for reaching the Semi Final in the Straight Pool Tournament
11:29 Sun 03/07/11
Received 16 TournaPoints for reaching the Final in the Micro 8 Ball Arcade Tournament
10:43 Sun 03/07/11
Received 19 TournaPoints for reaching the Semi Final in the 9 Ball Arcade Tournament
Posts: 12,419
03:55 Mon 4 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  

_pro__frog_ 3 v 3 nh425

nh425 (1) 37-22 (0) _pro__frog_
_pro__frog_ (1) 50-29 (1) nh425

good games mate, it was late and we both made a few errors, nh425 is a great players and hope i dont have to play him again. Unbeatables are a top clan with some great people. Good luck in the new season
Posts: 5,250
06:43 Mon 4 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
dunkyfunk said:
sent ub3rnator a message again as he hasnt replied to my last 1 so if he doesnt get back to me a sub will have to be arranged

Also Toluca321 is in same boat.
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08:08 Mon 4 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
lionel said:
Hello guys any idae when vladimir will be on again, been missing in action for 4 days now, did msg but no reply.
sorry but I'm back, I was on a trip.
The time when I'm online is from 05:00 am to 12 noon. I hope you at this time, thank you and again my apologies.
Posts: 4,700
11:28 Mon 4 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
dextr, dont know what the deal is with pro frog but we should stop begging him to play in our games because hes using us like gophers this afternoon we were talking about playing our games but he just logged out and he tried to make me sound like the bad guy / liar
Posts: 12,419
14:10 Mon 4 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
toluca321 said:
dextr, dont know what the deal is with pro frog but we should stop begging him to play in our games because hes using us like gophers this afternoon we were talking about playing our games but he just logged out and he tried to make me sound like the bad guy / liar

i have a lot on at the moment and you keep posting. i have had to play in every friendly for FCL and FBL just to give the team a chance in these leagues as i can get all games played. But it would help if you cooperated more by arranging a time instead of trying to catch me at a random time. Not to mention when i asked when you were on you 'didnt know' and then when i asked how long he was on for last night he said 'a be about' (direct quote) which isnt very helpful at all. Makes such a difference. Take this advice for the rest of the season, cause you are becomimg increasingly irritating. Your the only game i have left to play, so take my advice....give us a suggestion of times to play, i'll agree, then we play. that simple.
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15:13 Mon 4 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Hi TLK we've got a sub online from 3 today don't want to sub him in until we know which of gandhi and scallo will be on?
So if either of them come on or you have an eligible player on later can you message me or ang or post on our thread and we'll get one done?
Many thanks
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16:19 Mon 4 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Need a sub for james he hasnt been on in 6days and we need to get these games done!!
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18:05 Mon 4 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
straight run of 30, my second 30+ run to the clan!
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18:41 Mon 4 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
vladimir said:
lionel said:
Hello guys any idae when vladimir will be on again, been missing in action for 4 days now, did msg but no reply.
sorry but I'm back, I was on a trip.
The time when I'm online is from 05:00 am to 12 noon. I hope you at this time, thank you and again my apologies.

On an early turn this week so can't get on between 5am and noon, gonna need a sub i think one way or another.
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19:33 Mon 4 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
gandhi vs. coxy1978 is now gandhi vs. scarface88

If scallo comes on at the same time as scarface before gandhi please just play it and we'll swap according.
Posts: 12,419
20:17 Mon 4 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL Friendly
lionel v vladimir

is now

lionel v cymmerboy
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21:01 Mon 4 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
_pro__frog_ said:
FBL Friendly
lionel v vladimir

is now

lionel v cymmerboy

message sent, just missed him by 20 minutes.
Posts: 12,419
21:27 Mon 4 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
deano_mufc_7 v j_a_m_e_s

is now

deano_mufc_7 v bazzacu
Posts: 5,250
04:02 Tue 5 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
think we need a sub for ub3rnator in both fcl and fbl as he aint responding to messages sent.
Deleted User
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14:25 Tue 5 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
savrazy hasnt been on in a few days and he still hasnt give me a time that hes likely to be on-any chance of getting a sub for him? i should be around tomorrow a fair bit if you do :)
Posts: 12,419
14:39 Tue 5 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
guys i need to sort this team out, some of our players are too innactive and we may not have any subs left to use
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