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Pages: 1 2
Posts: 1,170
02:10 Sun 31 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
1. it was only 2-1 cos it was a tourny
2, ur fault for doing it not mine - i'm a poker player use any means to find a read or get in their head
3. i didn't lose

more then happy to race you but that's well off the topic so you'll have to offline message me.
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02:16 Sun 31 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
calm down lee it twas but a joke

and for the record you have beat me once and that was a one frame game, now can you stop calling me names lol
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04:29 Sun 31 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
no1sp3ci4l said:
calm down lee it twas but a joke

and for the record you have beat me once and that was a one frame game, now can you stop calling me names lol

Sorry, still on my first week as a non smoker so quick to snap...apologies
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04:33 Sun 31 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
the_only_ego said:
1. it was only 2-1 cos it was a tourny
2, ur fault for doing it not mine - i'm a poker player use any means to find a read or get in their head
3. i didn't lose

more then happy to race you but that's well off the topic so you'll have to offline message me.

1, 2 and 3 the game really didn't mean that much to me in the first place I was hungover and just couldn't be bothered with someone having a paddy like a 2 year old because they lost a frame.
If you have to use tactics like that to get an advantage you're obviously not the superstar you think you are
Posts: 1,170
19:35 Sun 31 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
never once claimed to be a "superstar" more a professional as my profile says
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20:55 Sun 31 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Says incomplete 732 actually
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