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Straight Tourny DQ

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Deleted User
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20:46 Sun 20 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
i was just DQ from straight tourny , id won the game , had the message "pismel has achieved the required score , you can carry on potting yadda yadda wateva it says" , then times out and im DQ , does that mean its better to miss than keep potting ?...if thats so then surely the game should just end when one player reaches 35 ????
Posts: 31,220
21:15 Sun 20 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
I presume you mean the tournament time limit expired before you ended your run. It's unfortunate, but the thing that has to be remembered is that the game technically hasn't ended (and the result of the game isn't sent to the server) until the winning run ends. Therefore if time's nearly up when the winner reaches 35, he/she has to make sure to miss before the time is up in order for the win to count.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
21:57 Sun 20 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Un-check disable automatic tournament win in options - game.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
22:01 Sun 20 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
rockhopper said:
Un-check disable automatic tournament win in options - game.

Posts: 8,149
22:05 Sun 20 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
pismel said:
rockhopper said:
Un-check disable automatic tournament win in options - game.


This option is nothing to do with expired time.

The "Disable automatic tournament win" option is so you can carry on your run even when your opponent leaves the room.

Like clooneman says, if you are warned that you have 1 minute remaining - intentionally miss so you don't get disqualified.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
22:13 Sun 20 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
joker86 said:
Like clooneman says, if you are warned that you have 1 minute remaining - intentionally miss so you don't get disqualified.

You should never have to intentionally miss to win. If thats the case either it could really do with fixing or it needs to be mentioned in the tournament rules so everyone is aware - but ideally it needs fixing.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
22:14 Sun 20 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
joker86 said:
pismel said:
rockhopper said:
Un-check disable automatic tournament win in options - game.


This option is nothing to do with expired time.

The "Disable automatic tournament win" option is so you can carry on your run even when your opponent leaves the room.

Like clooneman says, if you are warned that you have 1 minute remaining - intentionally miss so you don't get disqualified.

Really? You sure? Thats misleading then.

It would better if an automatic tourny win gave you an automatic tourny win. You shouldnt have to watch the clock. to know when to miss
Posts: 8,149
22:19 Sun 20 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
chris said:
joker86 said:
Like clooneman says, if you are warned that you have 1 minute remaining - intentionally miss so you don't get disqualified.

You should never have to intentionally miss to win. If thats the case either it could really do with fixing or it needs to be mentioned in th tournament rules so everyone is aware - but ideally it needs fixing.

The player is warned 5 then 3 then 1 minute before the expiration time, it couldn't be more clear.

I agree that it should be mentioned in the help centre but people tend to read them AFTER something like this has happened.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
22:24 Sun 20 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
The game is played to 35 as far as most people are aware. If you have reached that the natural assumption will be you have won regardless of whatever warnings there are. You will expect that when time runs out the right result will be updated, and certainly not to be dq'd after having 'won'.
Posts: 38,097
22:28 Sun 20 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
isn't there a way you can play the full time limit while on a run and run stops when time runs out but run is still recorded and you go through?

was going to say person with highest number goes through but can be abused (was thinking for straight and snooker).

not sure how you would work out the traditional pool games like US, UK and 9 ball.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
22:36 Sun 20 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
I think the issue here is that the game is won. There can be no dispute over that. The game is continuing purely to be able to give you the chance to have an achievement from a run. At the moment the time expires then fair enough unfortunately the run ends at that point, but you still must have the win recorded. You shouldnt have to deliberately miss to win.

I would imagine this would only apply to Straight on here plus the snooker games where the point can be reached that a game has been won outright. That doesnt happen in the other pool games.
Posts: 8,149
22:38 Sun 20 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
chris said:
The game is played to 35 as far as most people are aware. If you have reached that the natural assumption will be you have won regardless of whatever warnings there are. You will expect that when time runs out the right result will be updated, and certainly not to be dq'd after having 'won'.

chris said:
I think the issue here is that the game is won. There can be no dispute over that. The game is continuing purely to be able to give you the chance to have an achievement from a run. At the moment the time expires then fair enough unfortunately the run ends at that point, but you still must have the win recorded. You shouldnt have to deliberately miss to win.

I would imagine this would only apply to Straight on here plus the snooker games where the point can be reached that a game has been won outright. That doesnt happen in the other pool games.

All the good reason for it to be mentioned somewhere or as you say, fix it so that once the time limit has elapsed the winner proceeds through to the next round (as long as the 35 score has passed).

Didn't get what you meant until the 2 posts I quoted, which I do agree with you there.

Or this.........

pismel said:
if thats so then surely the game should just end when one player reaches 35 ????

Edited at 20:57 Sun 20/02/11 (GMT)
Posts: 8,149
23:33 Sun 20 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
rockhopper said:
joker86 said:
pismel said:
rockhopper said:
Un-check disable automatic tournament win in options - game.


This option is nothing to do with expired time.

The "Disable automatic tournament win" option is so you can carry on your run even when your opponent leaves the room.

Like clooneman says, if you are warned that you have 1 minute remaining - intentionally miss so you don't get disqualified.

Really? You sure? Thats misleading then.

It would better if an automatic tourny win gave you an automatic tourny win.

Yes it is for that, maybe needs re-naming as this has clearly mislead on here.
Posts: 12,185
23:40 Sun 20 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
The game should not end as a player reaches 35! There are sufficient warnings about the time limit for this type of game.

If a player wants to continue after they have reached the desired score, then that is clearly upto the player involved.

Irrespective of a player having to deliberately miss or foul, there is a clearly defined timelimit for that individual round.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:46 Sun 20 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Of course there is - and if youre in the middle of a good run at that point (after having got to 35 of course) then the game rightly ends - as does your run. But at that point having legitimately 'won' the round/match then you have to get rewarded as such.

If thats not going to be the case then the wording of the warning has to be changed to leave any player, new or old, in no doubt what is going to happen unless you miss.
Posts: 12,185
00:00 Mon 21 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Anyone who has the right to enter a tournament has had sufficient games to understand the rules of straight. 35 points required!

There is no requirement for additional information indicating what is going to happen unless you miss.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:03 Mon 21 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
pismel had the 35 points (and more I'm guessing) though - thats the issue raised.
Posts: 12,185
00:10 Mon 21 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Irrespective of attaining the 35 points required, he on his own accord clearly wanted to continue !

I agree that after attaining the 35 points a win should be automatically rcorded, however if you wish to continue and the time limit lapses, then there has already been sufficient warnings about the time remaining.
Posts: 8,149
00:10 Mon 21 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  

I agree with both sides here which makes it more difficult for me

As for here and now, if you're on a run and care more about proceeding to the next round baring in mind you have let's say 1 minute remaining..... Miss!! or you will be disqualified, make your choice!

As for future development, I think maybe either the game automatically stops as soon as the 35 score has been reached or if a player is on a run passed the 35 needed and the game has reached the expiration time then that technically winning player proceeds.
Posts: 12,185
00:21 Mon 21 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Your comments seem to contradict what you are saying. You cant have both of the above. I totally agree with your comment that if you want to proceed! "Miss!! or you will be disqualified, make your choice"!

Future development, the game should not automatically stop as it is entirely upto the player with the run as to whether or not they wish to stop. There has laready been several time limit warnings.
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Straight Tourny DQ

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