It's finally fixed

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Pages: 1 2
Posts: 4,751
17:52 Sat 22 Jan 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
dark_angel said:
In the middle of a game with buzzboxxuk, played a shot in UK on a red into the top right corner and the 'roll down' animation kind of got stuck on repeat (it's sitting there rattling in the pocket rather than disappearing) and the game's frozen because of it...thought it'd be worth mentioning.

EDIT: It also stopped me from leaving the game and changing rooms, we both had to log out in order to solve it.

In this patch it will give a maximum of 5 seconds time in the pocket, if it isn't pocketed in that time it will be considered gone (and report the detail of the ball position and speed to the server for me to interrogate what happened). So it wont be a critical problem again.
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It's finally fixed

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