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Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12:37 Thu 8 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
I have read through the fbl discussion thread this morning, and feel that as an fbl league runner, and a member of the fcl default team, the matter needs to be discussed and resolved, as it is in the interest of both leagues. It does state in the rules :
8.9.8 Number of panel inputs
No default should ever be decided without input from at least two people from the default panel, in order to keep things as fair as possible and ensure no aspects are missed. Panel members cannot judge games involving their own clan.

I am not accusing anyone of being biased, but this rule has obviously been broken on more than one occasion.
There are 9 default staff on fcl , 5 on fbl, so there is no need for a staff member of the team that is involved in the default to post predictions about the default game.

Maybe, a resolution to this problem would be for default staff/runners judge the default games that are not in their own division , though they could comment on the games if they wished, they are not permitted to give a prediction. This should then solve the problem of any person being accused of being biased, and having the same situation as we do at the moment.
Posts: 38,097
12:46 Thu 8 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
usually if the teammate posts a prediction it doesn't count but normally each member i choose is not biast, i only tend to count teammate predictions is time is running on and i don't think its a biased prediction.

on snooker you can post even those on your own clan, works out pretty well and if any biasm i ignore that prediction and give that person a warning, if they do it twice they are kicked from default staff. usually majority of votes take the default anyway so even if teammates would be biased it can easily be overturned
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12:59 Thu 8 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
surely it doesnt matter if the prediction counts or not, the team mate should not even be making a prediction, as this in breach of the rules. As i said , this problem would not occur if staff were doing the defaults on the division they were not involved in
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
03:38 Fri 9 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
From what i've read on this discussion I think the rule is an obvious sensible one, people don't make default decisions on their own team.
No question in my eyes about seb's input so far when it has happened i'm sure that if anything he has been harsher to his own team through sub-concious fear of being seen as biased so absolutely no need for anything else just in future don't be involved with your own team.
Like sarah's idea about doing defaults on the other division, rules out any question marks in one go then.
Posts: 5,250
08:34 Fri 9 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
For the record.

1..doubted2 is not a league runner or default staff for this league.

2..Sarah your views are always welcome but sometimes its hard to get anybody just to come help out in the running of things these days..doing divisional devides for default staff could be a problem. I always advise members to check the rules of the website once they become a member of my clan and feel more captains should promote this to them. That way they get a grasp of what the league is all about and how things work. I honustly feel that maybe 60-70 % of members of a league have never even heard of or even checked the website for the appropriate league.
Posts: 5,250
08:35 Fri 9 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Defaults for set 2 complete and are on the League website.
Tables are also updated to end of set 2.
Posts: 5,250
08:49 Fri 9 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Far to many defaults in Division 2.. I think if an clan hits the threshold of 10 defaults a possible fixture ban for multiple offenders or a points deduction.?

Please have your say.
Posts: 7,164
12:21 Fri 9 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
4.2 Fixture bonus points
The clan with the most points scored in a fixture receives a bonus of 6 points. If the fixture is a tie, each clan receives 3 points. Each Clan in the fixture receives a bonus of 6 points for no defaults if both teams have no games left to play by the deadline stated. (no defaults points may still be awarded to a clan in extreme circumstances. This will be decided by the Default Staff along with League Runners if the no defaults bonus should be given to the clan not at fault).

im sure the word no shouldve been removed howver im sure you will inform me

can you explain please what the term extreme circumstances means please

lethal_lures v mighty_zues (straight)
lethal is winning 2-0 beofre the 3rd frame begins, then might_zues leaves the game (not important why really) and says we will continue with this game later.

at this point might_zues is off line for 7 days including the deadline time

all 7 other clan games were played and completed, how can lethal play the remaining game ????????

so through no fault of his or the shooters team we are not given 6 default bonus points, so i ask what does extreme circumstances mean,, surely this is an extreme situation

and the whole team is penalised, sorry i just dont get this one.

Edited at 13:10 Fri 09/12/11 (GMT)
Posts: 5,250
00:04 Sat 10 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
You did request the bonus craig i know that but the panel that commented never gave you those points.
Posts: 7,164
00:54 Sat 10 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
ive asked how can they not be ,,,,,,,,,
Posts: 5,250
00:59 Sat 10 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
You will need to ask the panel that did the scoring. I was not involved with it as it was my clan.
Posts: 7,164
01:53 Sat 10 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
dextr im sorry for pushing this but it states in the rules there is no appeal

so i will ask again in the rules either from yourself or a member of the defaults panel what does extreme circumstances mean

and please everyone stop dodging the question please

we have lost 6 points and id like it explaining im entitiled to that

why should a player who played a game was 2-0 up and the other player left the game for 7 full days and never came back before the deadline ,, all other games were played

what is extreme circumstances

this has to be
Posts: 5,250
04:10 Sat 10 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
extreme is like what happened with TPA vs FE
Posts: 5,250
05:30 Sat 10 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
dextr said:
Far to many defaults in Division 2.. I think if an clan hits the threshold of 10 defaults a possible fixture ban for multiple offenders or a points deduction.?

Please have your say.
Posts: 5,250
08:18 Sat 10 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Regarding the rule regarding players leaving clans there is a players i feel should be allowed to play.

yetti is now allowed to play in FBL effective immediately.

please add him via the team changes and who u want out.


Cannot be added as you have 15 already in clan sheet

Edited at 06:22 Sat 10/12/11 (GMT)
Posts: 5,250
08:34 Sat 10 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Same applies for latin legends with bazzacu if they want him in same applies
Posts: 5,250
08:38 Sat 10 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
OVER 24HRS and still nobody commented on what i asked.

Where do we stand do you want this league or not.
Posts: 5,250
08:46 Sat 10 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
I have worked damn hard making sure all would work here for you guys and and i feel like its a size 10 in the face. I have always made sure fixtures etc are correct i just need the back up from some members that this is worth doing.
Posts: 11,063
08:54 Sat 10 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
What's wrong with it currently?
Posts: 5,250
09:02 Sat 10 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Seb its just we all do our bit to make this site a bit more competetive then all this "why did i not get the bonus" which i said already was nothing to do with me the panel never awarded it . Secondly i asked that question over 24hrs ago regarding the high defaults...and once again plenty mention on fcl disc thread but my post is ignored /??

You can see were i am coming from surely?
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