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Posts: 8,939
01:02 Fri 8 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
But if you want that choice you already have it by leaving a game room with someone in it you don't like, and joining one with an owner who fits your criteria.

The ability to choose whether to play an opponent was introduced for just this reason.

At the moment, you can create rooms with multiple criteria as to who can enter, then *still* have the choice as to whether or not to play someone who fits your criteria.

By simply adding the oft mentioned option of preventing players on ignore from entering an owners game room, the problem would be solved with no possibility for abuse.
Posts: 7,324
01:04 Fri 8 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
People would also get fed up with "room owners" continually booting them from a game room...why should people get to determine who they play and who they don't by booting players who join their game? Doesn't happen in tournament play, why should ranking games be any different? I can never understand why people have a problem with certain players joining their game room - if that's an issue, don't make a game room, there's plenty of other ones to join. If you have a problem playing anyone on here, I think the problem is with yourself, there's an ignore button if for some reason it's annoying to read what they type, there's a black ball to be potted to curb their annoyance
Posts: 83
01:06 Fri 8 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Spinner going back to something i explained 30 minutes ago, go back and read.
Posts: 8,149
01:10 Fri 8 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
spinner said:
14r5 said:
Private game means you pick who you play and invite them.. i do NOT want to do that nor have i ever been the kind of player wanting to only play a certain type.

Excellent, so this is sorted, you have no problem playing anyone who enters your room.

So what was the thread about again?

From what I have read up to this quote above, spinner is correct!

I'm glad majority of queries are sorted so quickly.
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01:13 Fri 8 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
_niall_ said:
People would also get fed up with "room owners" continually booting them from a game room...why should people get to determine who they play and who they don't by booting players who join their game? Doesn't happen in tournament play, why should ranking games be any different? I can never understand why people have a problem with certain players joining their game room - if that's an issue, don't make a game room, there's plenty of other ones to join. If you have a problem playing anyone on here, I think the problem is with yourself, there's an ignore button if for some reason it's annoying to read what they type, there's a black ball to be potted to curb their annoyance

There are plenty who only want to play a designated range of rank, or who want to choose who they play, which as Spinner says, is why the choice was introduced. But with a grace period, they wouldn't be kicked by the same player. And as for multiple players kicking, they could create their own? Doesn't create a new problem, just alters an existing one-I see it as the same as the person already in the room choosing not to play you by leaving the room.

And Lars? Try not to moan and insult, you might find you get somewhere...
Posts: 7,324
01:17 Fri 8 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
I accept that, but like I said to you a little while ago, I'm almost certain that it would just lead to people abusing their ability to kick people from "their" room, and, just like you said, people could go create their own, meaning everyone would be in their own little room waiting for someone to come join then BOOM, out you go
Posts: 83
01:20 Fri 8 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]

I'm well within my right to call somebody dumb when they don'#t understand whats being said..

Also, the link is to a picture of the guy i told you earlier, joined my game refused to leave... i didn't want to play him, had no option but to leave my own game or play him.

Do you get it yet Spinner?
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01:27 Fri 8 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
What would the situation be in tournaments? As the room is not "owned" by anyone would it have to be agreed by both? And another problem would arise in clan matches or organised matches where one opponent wants rid of spectators where another player wants spectators. It will just surely cause more arguments than it already does, especially within the clan leagues. IMO
Posts: 8,149
01:27 Fri 8 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
I honestly don't see the problem with people sitting in the game room, if they are not doing anything wrong then I really can't see a problem.
Posts: 83
01:30 Fri 8 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
People don't want others watching their game, be it down to stubborness (me), competative nature and not wanting people figuring out their play (Me again), or just plain wanting to be in control.

Fact being, i shouldn't have to leave my own game just because somebody is in there that i don't want there.

Joker you saw first hand me being forced out of my own game by somebody sitting to play who i told not to.
Posts: 8,939
01:30 Fri 8 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
That guy joined the game a few seconds after you had played your previous opponenent. You then played him for one game, then tried to tell him to leave despite the fact it wasn't your game room. Take a look at the room name.
Posts: 8,149
01:33 Fri 8 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
14r5 said:
People don't want others watching their game, be it down to stubborness (me), competative nature and not wanting people figuring out their play (Me again), or just plain wanting to be in control.

Fact being, i shouldn't have to leave my own game just because somebody is in there that i don't want there.

Joker you saw first hand me being forced out of my own game by somebody sitting to play who i told not to.

The big difference here is that when I entered this room, you were not in play. Also the game room was technically someone else's.

Posts: 8,939
01:37 Fri 8 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
14r5 - I'm honestly trying my best here.

Either you want control over everyone who can enter your game room, which you seem to be saying now, in which case a private game is just right.

Or :

14r5 said:
i do NOT want to do that nor have i ever been the kind of player wanting to only play a certain type.

In which case carry on as normal. It's difficult to propose a solution if the goalposts move so constantly!

It got lost again above, as it always does in these threads, but can anyone see a problem with simply not allowing ignored players to enter game rooms?

Obviously this would not apply to tournaments, and clans would have to make their own rules over such possibilities.

This means, yes, you may have to leave a room, but only once at the maximum.
Posts: 83
01:48 Fri 8 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
spinner said:
That guy joined the game a few seconds after you had played your previous opponenent. You then played him for one game, then tried to tell him to leave despite the fact it wasn't your game room. Take a look at the room name.

again learn to read, i was moaning around 40 minutes before he joined as a player because he was in my room since it started.

Christ you really can't read can you?
Posts: 83
01:52 Fri 8 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
What don't you understand?
I'll spell it out to you in really easy, small words.

I want to create a game, ranked, 500.00 - 1000.0.
I want anybody to be able to join to play. Whatever there name or rating.
I want to be able to choose wether or not i play them, without having to leave my own room, or giving them control of my own room by standing.

If somebody joins to watch my game, i want the ability to choose if i want them there or not.
I want to be able to remove people watching my game that i don't, for whatever reason, want in there watching me.

I want them all. ?
Deleted User
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01:53 Fri 8 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
And why should anyone do anything for you when all you do is mouth off at people? Get back to reality, you aren't getting anything when you act like that.
Posts: 83
01:54 Fri 8 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Well yeh after 2 and a half hours stressing the same point to the same person its natural to get frustrated.
Posts: 8,939
01:55 Fri 8 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
14r5 said:

I want them all. ?

Fair enough.

14r5 said:
again learn to read, i was moaning around 40 minutes before he joined as a player because he was in my room since it started.

Christ you really can't read can you?

Apparently not, thing is I was referring to the game logs rather than, as you put it, your moaning.

Edited at 23:01 Thu 07/10/10 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:56 Fri 8 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
You've been mouthing off at people since you started posting a couple of days ago! You expect a lot and have absolutely no compromise level. Negotiation might get you somewhere but you refuse. And also at the moment it seems to be only you that wants everything you want, so you wont get it. I personally think this rule is gonna cause more trouble than it solves. IMO.
Posts: 83
01:58 Fri 8 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
What is there to negotiate? the site doesn't have this option and it needs to be put in, or should i negotiate and say i'd settle for half of a kick player button ?

i'll type a sentence with half words instead of full ones to see how it goes.

Hel m na i La, th ga ha go terri do hi.
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