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The deactivation feature....

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Deleted User
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14:59 Mon 20 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Looking at this from a Clan perspective, I would maybe suggest disabling the Deactivate button while you are in a clan.
Posts: 4,195
15:08 Mon 20 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Then all you have to do is quit clans and deact.

Its like this site is has to be built around clans now and i disagree with it, unless clans comes in properly by funkypool.
There is the 2 month rule one can only assume that it doesnt work very well, im sure it has helped but your never going to stop deactivations because its the way people want it.

Make the 2 month rule longer? That's the only solution atm i think you will find that helps.
Posts: 8,939
16:00 Mon 20 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
_k1rk_ said:
I dont even think this is a family friendly site in the way that you aint even really allowed more than one account to a IP address. Or rather no one knows if we are or not for sure. My bro cant do much on here because i dont know if it means we'd get banned or whatever.

This is simply untrue, another one of those myths that seem to crop up now and then. There are many families who play on funkypool, Nick, Simon, Adam etc spring to mind

mich said:
Even add into the deactivation process where when you deactivate your account your ip is put on hold from playing the game for a certain number of days, for example 1 week.

That way it would make people think a bit before deactivating and literally 2 minutes later being back on a new name, which in my eyes is just silly.

The thing is, thats a perfectly good use of the feature if you want a clean start for any reason, which is any individuals right to choose.
Posts: 2,106
18:08 Mon 20 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
The only thing I could think of maybe implementing is a 1 week of grace, after someone deactivates but next day or so regrets it, they could ask to have their account re-activated within that 1 week period, people who were 100% certain in what they were doing when deactiving wouldn't need to but that option could be there if needed. Not even sure if it could be done but would be a good idea in my opinion to do if it could be.
Posts: 4,195
18:25 Mon 20 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
mr_pink_eyes said:
The only thing I could think of maybe implementing is a 1 week of grace, after someone deactivates but next day or so regrets it, they could ask to have their account re-activated within that 1 week period, people who were 100% certain in what they were doing when deactiving wouldn't need to but that option could be there if needed. Not even sure if it could be done but would be a good idea in my opinion to do if it could be.

Yeah this would be a good thing to have.
Posts: 4,195
18:27 Mon 20 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
spinner said:
_k1rk_ said:
I dont even think this is a family friendly site in the way that you aint even really allowed more than one account to a IP address. Or rather no one knows if we are or not for sure. My bro cant do much on here because i dont know if it means we'd get banned or whatever.

This is simply untrue, another one of those myths that seem to crop up now and then. There are many families who play on funkypool, Nick, Simon, Adam etc spring to mind

Thing is my bro is limited, i tell him he can't post as i know some families do on this site but i have seen users also banned for this on the basis they are multi using, or so im told. This means my bro can't really join clans or leagues although he didnt used to play much anyway but he does a bit now. If he was actually able to let me know and il apologise for my comment, until then though i think it stands although there are a few families that are able to do this.

Edited at 15:31 Mon 20/09/10 (BST)
Posts: 8,939
21:47 Mon 20 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
_k1rk_ said:
spinner said:
There are many families who play on funkypool, Nick, Simon, Adam etc spring to mind

Thing is my bro is limited, i tell him he can't post as i know some families do on this site but i have seen users also banned for this on the basis they are multi using, or so im told.

Like I said, its just another of those myths that seem to crop up from time to time. Everyone's equal 'round here

mr_pink_eyes said:
The only thing I could think of maybe implementing is a 1 week of grace, after someone deactivates but next day or so regrets it, they could ask to have their account re-activated within that 1 week period, people who were 100% certain in what they were doing when deactiving wouldn't need to but that option could be there if needed. Not even sure if it could be done but would be a good idea in my opinion to do if it could be.

Sounds sensible to me. Actually, my only addition to this would be that all reactivated users be forced to have a baby spitting a dummy as thier avatar for a week afterwards

Edited at 18:49 Mon 20/09/10 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
03:35 Thu 23 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
_k1rk_ said:
Its like this site is has to be built around clans now and i disagree with it

well said... a lot of us are still here simply to have a chat, play some pool and meet some decent people.

I have no issue with clans, think its great... who knows some day I may even try and join one or something... but its an extra people choose, and the site was built for simple fun not to revolve around them.
Posts: 9,456
03:50 Thu 23 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
I hate people that deactivate or leave this web site for no valid reason. And i dont aim that at anyone inparticular. Just someone who can list a vaild reason why they should leave a game website at anytime. I would love to hear the reasons

It cant be about gaining better stats because you have the option of resetting!

Id love to hear
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
04:01 Thu 23 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
i guess if you don't play any more whats the point... its good people do to save clogging up the system with loads of users that don't even bother?

i personally don't understand why you would... but can understand the logic behind other people doing so. i guess there is no harm it being there?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
19:20 Sun 26 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
No reasonable person is going to come back two days after deactivating their account to confirm it.

Due to this, you will have many accounts which are unused and just left open, making things even more confusing in some circumstances. There should always be an option for an instant deactivation - as many do deactivate their account knowing the implications.

But as kirk said before - it's a game! If you deactivate your account in anger, then work hard to get those stats back! We are not playing for sheep stations, we aren't gambling - therefore I cannot understand why people take things like stats so seriously.

Go and spend two weeks in a Cambodian orphanage, you will know what I mean with my last paragraph
Posts: 5,373
19:50 Sun 26 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
spinner said:
The thing is, thats a perfectly good use of the feature if you want a clean start for any reason, which is any individuals right to choose.

I am completely in agreement with that, all I am asking for is for people to be protected from their own, spontaneous mistakes and as pinky says leave some kind of window for regret to get back onto the same account for a few days at least.

And Kirk, I completely agree the site should not be built around clans or leagues, but there are two things to remember here: This topic is far more general than that. Mistaken deactivations is a problem beyond just leagues, although that's where the problem hurts the most.

Also remember that while the leagues should not dictate the construction of this site, it is a very large part of the player activities in this game and as such deserves a little consideration imo. Across all leagues and other events taking place here we have a very large number of players affected, 150 in the FCL alone, probably passing 200 if including FPL, and 300+ if including all other events suffering from mistaken deactivations.
Posts: 5,373
19:53 Sun 26 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
aflumpire said:
No reasonable person is going to come back two days after deactivating their account to confirm it.

Why? I strongly disagree with that sentiment, but please feel free to elaborate why you reach that conclusion....

But lets say you are right - this still has a very simple solution: Make it permanent after two days unless the player logs back in.... That way, not coming back = permanent deactivation.... Logging back in within a given time limit = deactivation cancelled....

I welcome opinions against this, but at least have the courtesy of not just disagreeing, but actually pointing out any problems with the suggestion in the paragraph above.... Those who want to permanently deactivate still get to do so with identical effort as of today, while those who have regrets get to undo it.... Win-win scenario for everyone.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:00 Sun 26 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Sorry, I didn't elaborate...was a little busy.

janmb said:

But lets say you are right - this still has a very simple solution: Make it permanent after two days unless the player logs back in.... That way, not coming back = permanent deactivation.... Logging back in within a given time limit = deactivation cancelled....

I think it would work on that system you just outlined there. But what I am saying that people would just forget all about their Funkypool account that they have to re-confirm the deactivation for in two days time.

People work, study and/or travel and normally forget about trivial things like deactivating an account on a recreational site in normal everyday life. Thats what I ment - people will forget to reconfirm their deactivation (whether we like it or not), which would defeat the purpose of deactivation.

But I do like that idea you said just then.
Posts: 5,373
20:10 Sun 26 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
yeah, passive confirmation and actively being able to undo it for a few days is the way to go I guess (like pinky also proposed)
Posts: 4,751
16:52 Fri 1 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
mr_pink_eyes said:
The only thing I could think of maybe implementing is a 1 week of grace, after someone deactivates but next day or so regrets it, they could ask to have their account re-activated within that 1 week period, people who were 100% certain in what they were doing when deactiving wouldn't need to but that option could be there if needed. Not even sure if it could be done but would be a good idea in my opinion to do if it could be.

This is indeed a good idea and I have implemented it for next patch.
Posts: 5,373
17:01 Fri 1 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
You should post on your site more often imo - it's refreshing to see some sense now and then

Preferably, the option to regret ought to be a choice the user can make without manual action by staff - both because I'm sure we all agree staff don't need more chores to do, and secondly because it would be undesirably cumbersome for the users.
Posts: 4,751
17:20 Fri 1 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Yes - it is done without staff intervention. A link from the help page, enter username and password and email address which must be validated (email address having been removed at deactivation).

In fact staff will not reactivate accounts when this comes in.
Posts: 5,373
17:48 Fri 1 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
win-win scenario for all parties then - thanks!!!
Posts: 38,097
18:10 Fri 1 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
another one of jans ideas gets implemented

jan for president
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The deactivation feature....

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