The deactivation feature....
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01:17 Mon 20 Sept 10 (BST)
Could we please have some kind of brakes applied to this feature already?
I'm sick and tired of players going ahead and deactivating their accounts in the heat of the moment, typically after a frustrating loss or otherwise...
Technically not my business of course, but it does affect us all, and it tears me up to see how often people mess up and do things they regret the very next day.
How about adding a 2-step sequence to deactivation, with for example minimum 2 days in between, letting the first step be user reversible? That way people would avoid becoming victim to their own spontaneous mistakes.
Besides, what's up with people these days - it seems like the norm to deactivate every time someone wants to take a two week break from the site... What's up with that? Have people forgotten that it is perfectly allowed and possible to take a break from the site without actually destroying your account in the process?
I'm sick and tired of players going ahead and deactivating their accounts in the heat of the moment, typically after a frustrating loss or otherwise...
Technically not my business of course, but it does affect us all, and it tears me up to see how often people mess up and do things they regret the very next day.
How about adding a 2-step sequence to deactivation, with for example minimum 2 days in between, letting the first step be user reversible? That way people would avoid becoming victim to their own spontaneous mistakes.
Besides, what's up with people these days - it seems like the norm to deactivate every time someone wants to take a two week break from the site... What's up with that? Have people forgotten that it is perfectly allowed and possible to take a break from the site without actually destroying your account in the process?
01:38 Mon 20 Sept 10 (BST)
I see where you are coming from. But i deacted some accounts where iv had immense stats and i dont't care, and neither does a lot of people which is why they do it. Sure some regret it but they have themselves to blame really. As for waiting to deact i wouldnt be a fan as i have the right to get rid of my account when i want.
In short people dont really care about stats cos it means nothing, just a game ey
In short people dont really care about stats cos it means nothing, just a game ey
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01:47 Mon 20 Sept 10 (BST)
I agree with that, i miss my old account and would love it back, but in heat of moment i deactivated and regreted it in morning
01:54 Mon 20 Sept 10 (BST)
could this happen for resetting stats too?
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02:03 Mon 20 Sept 10 (BST)
I miss my old account. But i would never complain about it because although i did it in the heat of the moment i knew the consequences of my actions completely. Plus it's also about a new beginning, something resetting can do nothing about. I agree with you about people simply resetting because of a bad stat, this is dont though mate, sorry. People are well aware of what happens when you press deactivate.
03:22 Mon 20 Sept 10 (BST)
I think there is a difference here.
What Jan is saying is how much of a pain and hard work when running clan teams - and i agree 100% even thou he didnt say that in his own words.
The issue we have is you cant stop people leaving the site and the coming back with a new name! So deactivation is always going to be here. Could funkypool put some kind of rule/restriction? Lets say for example after 3 times deactivating with the same IP you have to wait for a while or after a period of time you can come back and join with the last name, eg before you deactivated?
I can see why people leaving all the time causes some issues- but not directly related to the funkypool game play.
What Jan is saying is how much of a pain and hard work when running clan teams - and i agree 100% even thou he didnt say that in his own words.
The issue we have is you cant stop people leaving the site and the coming back with a new name! So deactivation is always going to be here. Could funkypool put some kind of rule/restriction? Lets say for example after 3 times deactivating with the same IP you have to wait for a while or after a period of time you can come back and join with the last name, eg before you deactivated?
I can see why people leaving all the time causes some issues- but not directly related to the funkypool game play.
03:50 Mon 20 Sept 10 (BST)
Can't ever see this coming into action unless funky itself introduces clans. Im 50/50 on the idea myself. But if i was to deact in the near future which is always likely with me id not bother coming on the site as much nevermind playing clans.
06:21 Mon 20 Sept 10 (BST)
At the end of the day, this is purely a matter of personal choice.
Deactivation is a multiple stage process, it's not like its one click and its done, there are warnings and reminders at every stage.
Just because some of us may see it as messsing things up, equally as many see it as a nice way to make a clean start.
If it is an issue with people making new accounts then tring to get back in to clans, may I suggest a minimum number of games, say 1000 or so, before being eligible?
A drop in the ocean to an established player but an added incentive not to deactivate for those who like to play in the leagues..
Deactivation is a multiple stage process, it's not like its one click and its done, there are warnings and reminders at every stage.
Just because some of us may see it as messsing things up, equally as many see it as a nice way to make a clean start.
If it is an issue with people making new accounts then tring to get back in to clans, may I suggest a minimum number of games, say 1000 or so, before being eligible?
A drop in the ocean to an established player but an added incentive not to deactivate for those who like to play in the leagues..
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06:26 Mon 20 Sept 10 (BST)
Can we have "Are you Drunk" Button? lol
Then If you Click "yes" Give them a nights ban lol
spinner said:
At the end of the day, this is purely a matter of personal choice.
Deactivation is a multiple stage process, it's not like its one click and its done, there are warnings and reminders at every stage.
Just because some of us may see it as messsing things up, equally as many see it as a nice way to make a clean start.
If it is an issue with people making new accounts then tring to get back in to clans, may I suggest a minimum number of games, say 1000 or so, before being eligible?
A drop in the ocean to an established player but an added incentive not to deactivate for those who like to play in the leagues..
Deactivation is a multiple stage process, it's not like its one click and its done, there are warnings and reminders at every stage.
Just because some of us may see it as messsing things up, equally as many see it as a nice way to make a clean start.
If it is an issue with people making new accounts then tring to get back in to clans, may I suggest a minimum number of games, say 1000 or so, before being eligible?
A drop in the ocean to an established player but an added incentive not to deactivate for those who like to play in the leagues..
Can we have "Are you Drunk" Button? lol
Then If you Click "yes" Give them a nights ban lol
09:26 Mon 20 Sept 10 (BST)
As far as I know, what you have a right to (in terms of what British law allegedly says about the matter) is to remove any personal data you have submitted to this site - not necessarily your whole account.
I don't see any data we submit to this site being personal at all to be honest, but British law may of course have another definition than what I am used to. At best, the email could be considered such I guess, but even that is necessarily very much borderline.
Besides, does the law require this site to let you remove such data instantly? Would it necessarily be a breach of law to delay a day or two?
In either case, this could still be accomplished without infringing on this at all: Simply remove the email right away, keep the account (hidden), and let the user reactivate by adding the email again (same or different one - obviously couldn't check, nor does it matter)
Bottom line is that although it is the user's own "fault" if they deactivate and regret it, as I wrote in the first message, it does affect a lot of other stake holders negatively too - their clans to mention some.
_k1rk_ said:
As for waiting to deact i wouldnt be a fan as i have the right to get rid of my account when i want.
As far as I know, what you have a right to (in terms of what British law allegedly says about the matter) is to remove any personal data you have submitted to this site - not necessarily your whole account.
I don't see any data we submit to this site being personal at all to be honest, but British law may of course have another definition than what I am used to. At best, the email could be considered such I guess, but even that is necessarily very much borderline.
Besides, does the law require this site to let you remove such data instantly? Would it necessarily be a breach of law to delay a day or two?
In either case, this could still be accomplished without infringing on this at all: Simply remove the email right away, keep the account (hidden), and let the user reactivate by adding the email again (same or different one - obviously couldn't check, nor does it matter)
Bottom line is that although it is the user's own "fault" if they deactivate and regret it, as I wrote in the first message, it does affect a lot of other stake holders negatively too - their clans to mention some.
09:30 Mon 20 Sept 10 (BST)
That is obviously the most visible problem caused by deactivations, but in the end of the day this would apply to all users who for whatever reason deactivate to regret it later.
For the users currently deactivating and NOT regretting it later, a 2 day "delay" wouldn't change anything either, so in my proposal no one loses as far as I can see.
Something like that would been brilliant, but again boils down to the difficult aspect of IP not being the same as a (single) user here on funky.
In the end of the day, it does affect funkypool game play too since the ones returning on new accounts hurts the ranking system, but that's another topic already.
crazzymadman said:
I think there is a difference here.
What Jan is saying is how much of a pain and hard work when running clan teams - and i agree 100% even thou he didnt say that in his own words.
What Jan is saying is how much of a pain and hard work when running clan teams - and i agree 100% even thou he didnt say that in his own words.
That is obviously the most visible problem caused by deactivations, but in the end of the day this would apply to all users who for whatever reason deactivate to regret it later.
For the users currently deactivating and NOT regretting it later, a 2 day "delay" wouldn't change anything either, so in my proposal no one loses as far as I can see.
crazzymadman said:
The issue we have is you cant stop people leaving the site and the coming back with a new name! So deactivation is always going to be here. Could funkypool put some kind of rule/restriction? Lets say for example after 3 times deactivating with the same IP you have to wait for a while or after a period of time you can come back and join with the last name, eg before you deactivated?
Something like that would been brilliant, but again boils down to the difficult aspect of IP not being the same as a (single) user here on funky.
crazzymadman said:
I can see why people leaving all the time causes some issues- but not directly related to the funkypool game play.
In the end of the day, it does affect funkypool game play too since the ones returning on new accounts hurts the ranking system, but that's another topic already.
09:35 Mon 20 Sept 10 (BST)
You see this from the wrong angle. The problem isn't that they want to get back into clans. The problem is that we can't let them without some kind of restrictions (which we already have = 2 months).
What needs to be understood about that though is that those restrictions are unwanted, but necessary. We certainly would not solve any of the problem I am bringing up here by adding to those restrictions! We want them gone - but as long as it is so easy to deactivate, that won't be possible.
Back to the point: Look at this from the opposite side Dave: If a 1-2 day delay was implemented, would this really be a problem for anyone what so ever? Those who really do wish to deactivate could still perfectly well do so. All it would accomplish is preventing a lot of mistakes people regret.
This is clearly just a gut feeling and not proper statistics at all, but in my opinion there are a lot more regretted deactivations than any other kind.
spinner said:
If it is an issue with people making new accounts then tring to get back in to clans, may I suggest a minimum number of games, say 1000 or so, before being eligible?
You see this from the wrong angle. The problem isn't that they want to get back into clans. The problem is that we can't let them without some kind of restrictions (which we already have = 2 months).
What needs to be understood about that though is that those restrictions are unwanted, but necessary. We certainly would not solve any of the problem I am bringing up here by adding to those restrictions! We want them gone - but as long as it is so easy to deactivate, that won't be possible.
Back to the point: Look at this from the opposite side Dave: If a 1-2 day delay was implemented, would this really be a problem for anyone what so ever? Those who really do wish to deactivate could still perfectly well do so. All it would accomplish is preventing a lot of mistakes people regret.
This is clearly just a gut feeling and not proper statistics at all, but in my opinion there are a lot more regretted deactivations than any other kind.
11:26 Mon 20 Sept 10 (BST)
Certainly delaying the deactivation in the way you suggest is possible, but it hasn't been implimented due to the possibilities for account hijacking/swapping outweighing any benefit.
Personally, based on the "soap opera" style dramatics some people have always associated with deactivating/deleting, I would be surprised if it made any difference as it wont "mean" anything until those 2,3,4 or however many days are up, so they will just wait that long before starting "act 2" as it were.
Either that or people will just use old fashioned methods like changing their password to a random keyboard bash before removing their email, or post it on the forum or chatroom in a (usually badly spelt) rant about how they have had enough of funkypool~~~!
Like many things, we can manage to a degree but nobody can dictate - its not like people can just suddenly deactivate. They need to agree to the warnings and enter their account details, then confirm again. If someone has to little self control as to go through all that without realising they don't actually want to deactivate, they need much more help than any gaming website can give them!
Personally, based on the "soap opera" style dramatics some people have always associated with deactivating/deleting, I would be surprised if it made any difference as it wont "mean" anything until those 2,3,4 or however many days are up, so they will just wait that long before starting "act 2" as it were.
Either that or people will just use old fashioned methods like changing their password to a random keyboard bash before removing their email, or post it on the forum or chatroom in a (usually badly spelt) rant about how they have had enough of funkypool~~~!
Like many things, we can manage to a degree but nobody can dictate - its not like people can just suddenly deactivate. They need to agree to the warnings and enter their account details, then confirm again. If someone has to little self control as to go through all that without realising they don't actually want to deactivate, they need much more help than any gaming website can give them!
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12:18 Mon 20 Sept 10 (BST)
Even add into the deactivation process where when you deactivate your account your ip is put on hold from playing the game for a certain number of days, for example 1 week.
That way it would make people think a bit before deactivating and literally 2 minutes later being back on a new name, which in my eyes is just silly.
That way it would make people think a bit before deactivating and literally 2 minutes later being back on a new name, which in my eyes is just silly.
12:32 Mon 20 Sept 10 (BST)
That's the important part to this case. Would also in the long run give the server less problems with the number of accounts as a whole if deactivation wasn't such a simple process
mich said:
Even add into the deactivation process where when you deactivate your account your ip is put on hold from playing the game for a certain number of days, for example 1 week.
That way it would make people think a bit before deactivating and literally 2 minutes later being back on a new name, which in my eyes is just silly.
That way it would make people think a bit before deactivating and literally 2 minutes later being back on a new name, which in my eyes is just silly.
That's the important part to this case. Would also in the long run give the server less problems with the number of accounts as a whole if deactivation wasn't such a simple process
13:09 Mon 20 Sept 10 (BST)
I dont even think this is a family friendly site in the way thatyou aint even really allowed more than one account to a IP address. Or rather no one knows if we are or not for sure. My bro cant do much on here because i dont know if it means we'd get banned or whatever.
As for being blocked for a week when i deacted i knew what i was doing and i wanted to start again. Try and achieve past stats and better ones like win % etc. Blocking for a week is pointless if some wants to deact then 9/10 times they will do it and blocking for a days,weeks or months aint gonna stop it.
It's something you will never have control over, just gotta accept that sometimes. People will do what they want.
As for being blocked for a week when i deacted i knew what i was doing and i wanted to start again. Try and achieve past stats and better ones like win % etc. Blocking for a week is pointless if some wants to deact then 9/10 times they will do it and blocking for a days,weeks or months aint gonna stop it.
It's something you will never have control over, just gotta accept that sometimes. People will do what they want.
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The deactivation feature....
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