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8 ball uk, can we have a proper table?!

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Posts: 19,967
08:33 Sun 5 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Update golf if only to keep it within the aesthetics of the site
Posts: 7,940
08:35 Sun 5 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
zantetsukenz said:
If theres going to be a pro table i would much prefer a 9 ball pro table and i assume other people would want 8 us pro, killer pro and straight pro

And for graphical updates - minigolf would need to be updated before the others - 3D cue ball/cue on the old 2D table (the first hole for example has the two racks of balls which are clearly different to the cue ball)

already had us8 and 9 pro tables on here before introducing the current tables, funkypool had a trial period then binned the least popular, so why not try the same with the uk table and bin the least popular.
Posts: 19,967
08:46 Sun 5 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
3 years ago they were removed - some people never got to experience them, and they were liked - not appreciated

You can't for sure that the same thing would happen and if uk pro was added, people may want to see the same for the others

If you want them trialled could we not use the tournys?

change one of the tournys of each table (and maybe one of the random tournys) to a pro table if possible

Would mean you could trial them without cluttering the site

and the pro tables weren't binned because they were the least popular - they were binned because they weren't popular enough
Posts: 4,195
08:47 Sun 5 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
zantetsukenz said:
Update golf if only to keep it within the aesthetics of the site

AFTER all other updates are done.

And the problem with that alan is that no one would ever want the UK table to go well not a majority anyway and if it was to go i can already see now that would be it for the legends of the site as this is the main game type since the begining.

I don't see why there can't be more types anyway, more choice the better in my opinion.
Posts: 4,195
08:50 Sun 5 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Back to the tournies, there are more than one of each game type per day, with the introduction of "pro" tables it would mean a massive change in that you not playing the same one over and over, not that we are now but it would reduce it even more.

Even then though who said tournaments had to be each hour
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8 ball uk, can we have a proper table?!

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