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18:13 Tue 17 Aug 10 (BST)
Can you try to explain that again? The way that reads just now it appears you are describing targeted advertising similar to the controversal googlemail system.
Funkypool and snooker just use a simple adserver system.
If anyone is having problems because of an advert, or is concerned at the content of any, let us know and we can check for breaches of design practice (in the case of lag) or request removal in any case if unsuitable for any other reason.
Oh, and don't refresh your game page to try to change the ad, I don't think I need to point out what will happen
ub3rnator said:
So the adverts that are shown may or may not be explicit or exploit something in any way. The truth is. They are random adverts based through facts sent through the hosts (you) computer to the site (FunkyPool). From the site webmaster (Nick) It automatically get's sent to the google ad servers. It will "look" at the facts and see the statistics whether or not that an advert is a problem and change it through a single refresh.
Yes that's right. It does all that if you refresh your browser page.
Yes that's right. It does all that if you refresh your browser page.
Can you try to explain that again? The way that reads just now it appears you are describing targeted advertising similar to the controversal googlemail system.
Funkypool and snooker just use a simple adserver system.
If anyone is having problems because of an advert, or is concerned at the content of any, let us know and we can check for breaches of design practice (in the case of lag) or request removal in any case if unsuitable for any other reason.
Oh, and don't refresh your game page to try to change the ad, I don't think I need to point out what will happen
18:18 Tue 17 Aug 10 (BST)
ive had some problems shooting lately, changed advert and my screen freezes for 10-20 seconds (timer still goes down) causing a random shot, a couple of people have complained about lag lately though.
18:25 Tue 17 Aug 10 (BST)
I found this with my old laptop, does updating Java help thou. When i logged in work (with the most recent java) the game play seemed good. Since then my work has banned funky so on a different note can someone help how i log in via a different server still in work (i do work as well) Just like to log in here
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21:29 Tue 17 Aug 10 (BST)
Anyone else having problems with the Jackpot Joy Bingo advert (blue one with white changing text)? I always get lag with that one.
I played every day so far this week and lagged each day, but only while that ad came up.
I played every day so far this week and lagged each day, but only while that ad came up.
04:28 Wed 18 Aug 10 (BST)
thats been up a lot on mine i dont get many ads due to widescreen setting but that ad causes alot of problems.
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12:42 Wed 18 Aug 10 (BST)
If you are in-game, you can just change the quality of the AD by Right-Clicking and hover over "Quality" and change to "Low".
And i never knew that pool and snooker used a "simple" ad-server Spinner.
I was just merely explaining the "easiest" way of how an advert server works within a site/company/organisation/etc etc...
And i never knew that pool and snooker used a "simple" ad-server Spinner.
I was just merely explaining the "easiest" way of how an advert server works within a site/company/organisation/etc etc...
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10:58 Sun 22 Aug 10 (BST)
just managed to take this screen shot as it supports my complaint from the other day. Alot more of these type of adds are starting to pop up in game.

13:21 Sun 22 Aug 10 (BST)
Just to correct a few misconceptions here, gmail has nothing to do with that - google does that everywhere, including if you ever use their search engine.
Nor is it anything special for google anymore either, although admittedly they were pretty much pioneers into targeted ads - for better or worse.
Bottom line though is that targeted ads is pretty much all you see anymore these days - if funkypool uses an ad system that is entirely random, that would make the site part of a rapidly shrinking minority.
Don't really see what's so controversial about it anyway - most people with any sense what so ever will use browsers with ad-blocking these days anyway - although of course not here on funkypool since it's disallowed.
As a digression on the same subject, funkypool is the single ad-financed site among many hundred sites I've used over the years who ever speaks on the advertisers behalf in terms of discouraging ad blockers and similar. Of course something you are within every right to do, but strikes me as awfully misguided.
spinner said:
Can you try to explain that again? The way that reads just now it appears you are describing targeted advertising similar to the controversal googlemail system.
Just to correct a few misconceptions here, gmail has nothing to do with that - google does that everywhere, including if you ever use their search engine.
Nor is it anything special for google anymore either, although admittedly they were pretty much pioneers into targeted ads - for better or worse.
Bottom line though is that targeted ads is pretty much all you see anymore these days - if funkypool uses an ad system that is entirely random, that would make the site part of a rapidly shrinking minority.
Don't really see what's so controversial about it anyway - most people with any sense what so ever will use browsers with ad-blocking these days anyway - although of course not here on funkypool since it's disallowed.
As a digression on the same subject, funkypool is the single ad-financed site among many hundred sites I've used over the years who ever speaks on the advertisers behalf in terms of discouraging ad blockers and similar. Of course something you are within every right to do, but strikes me as awfully misguided.
16:40 Sun 22 Aug 10 (BST)
Just to correct a few misconceptions here, gmail has nothing to do with that - google does that everywhere, including if you ever use their search engine.
Yes, but thats not controversal
The reason I mentioned Gmail was the the poster I was quoting described a system similar to the early gmail conditions, where google had the right to send information from your emails to advertising companies.
As I understand, Gmail is still the only (major) webmail service where you surrender the rights to the content of all communications to the service provider.
But thats OT and a favourite rant of mine!
Ta for the screenshot, will pass that on
A good point. We have always been very tolerant and gone down the logical explanation route when it comes to mentioning of ad-blockers.
Almost anywhere else doing so will earn you an instant ban. See, aren't we nice
Edited at 21:45 Sun 22/08/10 (BST)
janmb said:
spinner said:
Can you try to explain that again? The way that reads just now it appears you are describing targeted advertising similar to the controversal googlemail system.
Just to correct a few misconceptions here, gmail has nothing to do with that - google does that everywhere, including if you ever use their search engine.
Yes, but thats not controversal
The reason I mentioned Gmail was the the poster I was quoting described a system similar to the early gmail conditions, where google had the right to send information from your emails to advertising companies.
As I understand, Gmail is still the only (major) webmail service where you surrender the rights to the content of all communications to the service provider.
But thats OT and a favourite rant of mine!
Ta for the screenshot, will pass that on
janmb said:
As a digression on the same subject, funkypool is the single ad-financed site among many hundred sites I've used over the years who ever speaks on the advertisers behalf in terms of discouraging ad blockers and similar. Of course something you are within every right to do, but strikes me as awfully misguided.
A good point. We have always been very tolerant and gone down the logical explanation route when it comes to mentioning of ad-blockers.
Almost anywhere else doing so will earn you an instant ban. See, aren't we nice
Edited at 21:45 Sun 22/08/10 (BST)
18:11 Sun 22 Aug 10 (BST)
How is that any different from any other google bot - which takes whatever input you have and does precisely the same?
That includes google search engine and a huge number of forums all over the net.
I can definitely see how some may feel it's wrong and intruding into personal space, but I don't see how gmail does it any more or any worse than pretty much all other google services - and probably most other similar Internet companies for that matter.
When it comes to imposing yourself onto the user and their systems, nothing beats Microsoft (MSN) or Yahoo.
spinner said:
The reason I mentioned Gmail was the the poster I was quoting described a system similar to the early gmail conditions, where google had the right to send information from your emails to advertising companies.
How is that any different from any other google bot - which takes whatever input you have and does precisely the same?
That includes google search engine and a huge number of forums all over the net.
I can definitely see how some may feel it's wrong and intruding into personal space, but I don't see how gmail does it any more or any worse than pretty much all other google services - and probably most other similar Internet companies for that matter.
When it comes to imposing yourself onto the user and their systems, nothing beats Microsoft (MSN) or Yahoo.
18:13 Sun 22 Aug 10 (BST)
Point remains that most sites (virtually all) don't mind users using such software in the first place.
You are discussing the level of sanctions, but I'm pointing out that most sites don't label it a crime at all - hence a moot point.
The fact that funkypool has anything against ad-blockers in the first place, and this being part of the rules of the site is what I'm pointing out being out of the ordinary.
On a slightly different note: What do you intend to do about this policy in the years to come - now that ad-blocking is becoming more and more an integral part of Internet browsers, and most certainly will soon be enabled by default too...? I know what your options are, just curious as to what you will find reasonable to expect or not.
For example, if a user were to find a new browser that for whatever reason did not display the ads by default.... would it be reasonable to ban that browser or ask the user to modify (tamper with) his/her browser in order to enable ads?
Edited at 23:16 Sun 22/08/10 (BST)
spinner said:
Almost anywhere else doing so will earn you an instant ban. See, aren't we nice
Point remains that most sites (virtually all) don't mind users using such software in the first place.
You are discussing the level of sanctions, but I'm pointing out that most sites don't label it a crime at all - hence a moot point.
The fact that funkypool has anything against ad-blockers in the first place, and this being part of the rules of the site is what I'm pointing out being out of the ordinary.
On a slightly different note: What do you intend to do about this policy in the years to come - now that ad-blocking is becoming more and more an integral part of Internet browsers, and most certainly will soon be enabled by default too...? I know what your options are, just curious as to what you will find reasonable to expect or not.
For example, if a user were to find a new browser that for whatever reason did not display the ads by default.... would it be reasonable to ban that browser or ask the user to modify (tamper with) his/her browser in order to enable ads?
Edited at 23:16 Sun 22/08/10 (BST)
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19:02 Sun 22 Aug 10 (BST)
i was thinking about making a thread complaining about unsuitable ads for a family site. and tbh that site shown in your screenshot also makes it look like the site is supporting illegal practices such as human trafficking and prostitution.
it is also unbelievably sexist and it wards of women as they dont like looking at that kind of exploitation.
on snooker we very rarely see these ads and i have certainly never seen them on the game window so i dont understand why they are showing up here?
_angel_ said:
just managed to take this screen shot as it supports my complaint from the other day. Alot more of these type of adds are starting to pop up in game.

i was thinking about making a thread complaining about unsuitable ads for a family site. and tbh that site shown in your screenshot also makes it look like the site is supporting illegal practices such as human trafficking and prostitution.
it is also unbelievably sexist and it wards of women as they dont like looking at that kind of exploitation.
on snooker we very rarely see these ads and i have certainly never seen them on the game window so i dont understand why they are showing up here?
19:46 Sun 22 Aug 10 (BST)
After my premium runs out il be quitting this site basically as its just a continuous battle with lagging ads and i refuse to buy premium unless the ads are lag free as a show of good faith, i regret having it now because i wish to deactivate.
I know admin say to show the ads that lag you but if you sort one ad it's just another but ads are never really sorted now anyway, i mean there are uk games there thats been there for months like the final in which no body is in the room.
The site has lost its appeal in the last few months to me and a few other old users, i don't really care whats in the ads to be honest, id rather the lag gone couldnt care less if they promote trafficing or prostitution lol.
I know admin say to show the ads that lag you but if you sort one ad it's just another but ads are never really sorted now anyway, i mean there are uk games there thats been there for months like the final in which no body is in the room.
The site has lost its appeal in the last few months to me and a few other old users, i don't really care whats in the ads to be honest, id rather the lag gone couldnt care less if they promote trafficing or prostitution lol.
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20:28 Sun 22 Aug 10 (BST)
Kirk I don't see how you're getting lag from ads if you haven't got any in-game?
03:06 Mon 23 Aug 10 (BST)
How is that any different from any other google bot - which takes whatever input you have and does precisely the same?
Because everything else is public domain. Most people expect their email to be private, but Gmail allows bots to run on the content of all stored messages.
There is a huge difference between google being able to trade information like <user> said on whatever date "I want a PS3, If only they would make a pink one", compared to "someone from this IP searched for 'pink PS3'"
Well, to me there is anyway
As for ad-blockers, the Terms of Service deal with all that quite well, I don't see any need to change anything. I think it's also fair to say that most people these days understand the principle of adverts funding free sites/software.
janmb said:
spinner said:
The reason I mentioned Gmail was the the poster I was quoting described a system similar to the early gmail conditions, where google had the right to send information from your emails to advertising companies.
How is that any different from any other google bot - which takes whatever input you have and does precisely the same?
Because everything else is public domain. Most people expect their email to be private, but Gmail allows bots to run on the content of all stored messages.
There is a huge difference between google being able to trade information like <user> said on whatever date "I want a PS3, If only they would make a pink one", compared to "someone from this IP searched for 'pink PS3'"
Well, to me there is anyway
As for ad-blockers, the Terms of Service deal with all that quite well, I don't see any need to change anything. I think it's also fair to say that most people these days understand the principle of adverts funding free sites/software.
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03:26 Mon 23 Aug 10 (BST)
i was thinking about making a thread complaining about unsuitable ads for a family site. and tbh that site shown in your screenshot also makes it look like the site is supporting illegal practices such as human trafficking and prostitution.
it is also unbelievably sexist and it wards of women as they dont like looking at that kind of exploitation.
on snooker we very rarely see these ads and i have certainly never seen them on the game window so i dont understand why they are showing up here?
Thanks for that Alex made me feel miles better as since I made this post to complain bout this site and the Asian bride site. I've had so much abuse off men that needless to say I doubt were thinking with their heads!
vendetta said:
i was thinking about making a thread complaining about unsuitable ads for a family site. and tbh that site shown in your screenshot also makes it look like the site is supporting illegal practices such as human trafficking and prostitution.
it is also unbelievably sexist and it wards of women as they dont like looking at that kind of exploitation.
on snooker we very rarely see these ads and i have certainly never seen them on the game window so i dont understand why they are showing up here?
Thanks for that Alex made me feel miles better as since I made this post to complain bout this site and the Asian bride site. I've had so much abuse off men that needless to say I doubt were thinking with their heads!
04:13 Mon 23 Aug 10 (BST)
can i ask you all a question do you have it on normal or widescreen setting?
i have it on widescreen and i don't see these ads, i see jackpot, deal or no deal and thats about it, possibly couple more but not like the ones ive seen above me.
and true alex ive never seen an unsuitable ad on snooker.
i have it on widescreen and i don't see these ads, i see jackpot, deal or no deal and thats about it, possibly couple more but not like the ones ive seen above me.
and true alex ive never seen an unsuitable ad on snooker.
06:06 Mon 23 Aug 10 (BST)
I never said there was any need to change it - I fully recognize and support your right to define whatever rules (within the boundary of laws of course) for your site as you please. I just pointed out that you are very different from the majority of sites when it comes to this particular aspect.
spinner said:
As for ad-blockers, the Terms of Service deal with all that quite well, I don't see any need to change anything. I think it's also fair to say that most people these days understand the principle of adverts funding free sites/software.
I never said there was any need to change it - I fully recognize and support your right to define whatever rules (within the boundary of laws of course) for your site as you please. I just pointed out that you are very different from the majority of sites when it comes to this particular aspect.
07:02 Mon 23 Aug 10 (BST)
I have said on numerous occasions that i don't operate from this computer all the time, i got a few at work and then there is my bro's aswel so i see the ads lagging me and others.
cmurphy said:
Kirk I don't see how you're getting lag from ads if you haven't got any in-game?
I have said on numerous occasions that i don't operate from this computer all the time, i got a few at work and then there is my bro's aswel so i see the ads lagging me and others.
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