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Write A Poem 4 :)

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Posts: 38,214
04:24 Tue 25 Sept 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Someone new to have a blast?
Or a ghost from the past?
Someone we know, well i think yes
Though id rather not leave my guess
Times have changed and so have i
I'll just laugh and hold my head high
Funky is still a funny old sight
Strange people logging in at night
But most are great people to know
Its why i i still post here so

Deleted User
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18:32 Thu 4 Oct 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Well i'm not someone new, i'm as old as they get
I remember the first rhymes for you to interpret
Have there been many more, to make silly links
Of whats going on and what people thinks
Theres always been funnyuns at the late hour
I've tried to find others, the world I have scoured
But the funniest ones you'll indeed ever find
Come onto funky to relax and unwind
Thats why I also come back now and again
To join in the fun and whip out my....pen
I'll be on and around for the next day or two
Hopefully I'll get chance to bump into you

Deleted User
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21:00 Fri 5 Oct 12 (BST)  [Link]  
A little run I thought i'd have
A little run I started
A long run it turnout out to be
Two hours I was departed
Posts: 13,570
01:32 Sun 7 Oct 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Well done squeezy,
I like yer style,
Success acknowledged,
When I felt a smile,
So keep em coming,
I'll try too,
Might get one from Paula!!!!!!
When the moon is blue!

Deleted User
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19:45 Sun 7 Oct 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Only when the sun sets in the east
And when little pigs fly
When the tides dont come in
And a month of sundays has gone by
Is when we'll find that special post
From Paula on the thread she loves the most

Deleted User
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20:40 Wed 10 Oct 12 (BST)  [Link]  
I went to a gorge today,
Its walls were rather large,
We walked along for some of it,
For the rest we took a barge.

Posts: 38,214
13:23 Fri 12 Oct 12 (BST)  [Link]  
WOOOOOOOOOOO Squeezys back!

Hippes, meet Squeezy, one of the best players of all time on here and one of the best poets. One of the 1st to post on poem thread too.

There once was a guy called Squeezy
Whom i got along with quite easy
But he looked like a Yeti
Adored his spaggetti
And his poems could sound rather cheesy!

Deleted User
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18:14 Fri 12 Oct 12 (BST)  [Link]  
A YETI?! You've never seen me with ma beardface?!

Or have you o.O

Oh yes...a poetic place this is meant to be,
Not exclamations of being a yeti,
So I shall make a few words link up nice
Before Paula calls me something bad twice
I'd forgot a bit about the pasta,
And how you and me are joint 'oop master
But before i make this boring and petty
I'm off to go cook some more alphabetty

Posts: 38,214
00:17 Sat 13 Oct 12 (BST)  [Link]  
I couldnt imagine your clean cut face all hairy!!!

Im sorry i called you a yeti
I shouldve just called you Betty
Cos it isnt old news
You once wore my shoes
An pranced around patheticyyyyyyy

Welcome back my dear mate,
Its been such a long time
But now you are here
I'll be quite sincere
By doing you a special rhyme

I adored your posts on this thread
Speshly the ones from top of your head
Id have such a laugh
'Bout Sketty in a bath
Id be still giggling when going to bed!!!
Posts: 38,214
02:08 Sat 13 Oct 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Just a quick one before i go
I think that you should know
Im so glad your back in touch
Cos our history holds so much

Posts: 38,214
02:25 Sat 13 Oct 12 (BST)  [Link]  
7yrs ago this thread started!!!!

Ive just pmsl at Ste and Squeezy's 1st posts on it!
Deleted User
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11:38 Sat 13 Oct 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Ha blimey I was still in school back then!!

Just read through about 30 pages worth of it

But here's a new one

Betty is better, but dont start to tease
For I cant walk in heels with your elegant ease
What I can do though, without making a mess
Is put on your favourite, little black dress,
And prance about town for all to see
And have all the fellas staring at me
"OOOFT" they would say, before they could tell
That it wasn't a phone it was the end of my....err blank.
But I'd have a great time before calling a cab
And return to my home still looking fab
Where I'd try on the heels and fall to my knees
For I cant fit my feet into tiny size 3s!
Posts: 19,262
13:26 Sat 13 Oct 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Roses are red
Bacon is red
Poems are hard,
Deleted User
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13:38 Sat 13 Oct 12 (BST)  [Link]  
lol ^
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
21:08 Sat 13 Oct 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Barely feel it you do, when they land on your skin
Nicking you're foot, their mouths going in
Shake and wiggle and run and twitch
Swipe and hide to stop the itch
But they always get ya, catch you unawares
Making life hell but not one of them cares
You need to scratch all the time, not that you should
From the tiny white spots where they take your blood
Buzzing and whirring and being a pest
Thats why moquitos are worse than the rest

I've been eaten alive by the damn things while trying to skype home
Posts: 38,214
17:03 Sun 14 Oct 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Fab poems Squeezy, youve been sorely missed
Posts: 19,262
02:07 Sat 20 Oct 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Sticky fingers, tangled hair
Where do i go from there
Im not being rude
Cos im not that crude
But ihave been known to be
Cos im slightly cheeky

Still rubbish
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13:38 Sun 21 Oct 12 (BST)  [Link]  
A little poem for you all, while I'm not here
For I fly off tomorrow for sun, sand and beer!
To Thailand I go, for I heard that's where its at
Sounds very nice for this and for that,
Cant wait to arrive, to land in Phuket,
There'll be hustle and bustle and much more I bet,
Now I know what you're thinking, there's one reason to go
For the hookers and ganja and pills and the blow,
But that is not me, and i hope never will be
For its the markets and beaches and people that thrill me!
One thing on my mind, a sobering thought
Is the glance I have had at the weather report
Thunder it says. All day and all night.
Maybe wet season's not the time for a flight,
But its too late now, I leave town in a day
To leave behind work and encounter play
So I wish you goodbye, so long and farewell
But await my return, for my story I'll tell.

Posts: 19,262
02:42 Fri 2 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Post here hippesville
Posts: 19,262
02:49 Fri 2 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Iv told the Irish man to do his thing
Top rhymes he does bring
For its being a while
Since something was posted here to make me smile
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Write A Poem 4 :)

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