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Write A Poem 4 :)

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10:54 Thu 22 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Speaking of Paula, where could she be?
She hasn't been on since Poem thread three,
Maybe she's on holiday enjoying the sun,
Little does she know she's missing the fun,
What's going on here is looking quite good,
Loads of great poems to suit every mood,
So come on Paula and hurry on back,
And share with us some of your wonderful craic
Posts: 13,570
20:19 Thu 22 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
i don't know how to play or write,
my mind is blank it's dark no light,
for all alone i sit and stare,
across the room at an empty chair.

the sound does deafen can't hear a thing,
i long to hear my telephone ring,
but that's not happening no one cares,
no one to talk to, or my time to share.

i'll leave this world having left no mark,
no love has touched my lifeless heart,
the last few beats grow loud and slow,
am sorry to's my time to go....
Posts: 13,570
04:43 Mon 26 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
whats going, it's been 3 days,
nobody's got a thing to say,
come on you poets gimme a rhyme,
give it a go with a glass of wine.
Deleted User
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04:47 Mon 26 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
I got a golden break
playing me is a mistake
i potted the nine
got called a swine
for potting the nine of break

Posts: 1,634
07:07 Mon 26 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
A pondered look a second glance
hard feelings amongst friends without a chance
blaten shots out of the blue
friends forever who dont stay true ,
long friendships that come to an end
friends are forever hard feelings do mend !
seen something that made me sad
little things that make people mad
friends are forever they stay faithful and true
when i seen what i saw i just felt blue!
There is always a tomorrow friends come and go
but true friendship is very hard to bestow
So ask yourselfs what is real
is it worth a friendship over such a deal!!!

ode to friendship

dedi to chaos the pool shooting goddess of funkypool!!
Posts: 5,201
09:14 Mon 26 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
viking4life said:
A pondered look a second glance
hard feelings amongst friends without a chance
blaten shots out of the blue
friends forever who dont stay true ,
long friendships that come to an end
friends are forever hard feelings do mend !
seen something that made me sad
little things that make people mad
friends are forever they stay faithful and true
when i seen what i saw i just felt blue!
There is always a tomorrow friends come and go
but true friendship is very hard to bestow
So ask yourselfs what is real
is it worth a friendship over such a deal!!!

ode to friendship

dedi to chaos the pool shooting goddess of funkypool!!

Love ya pete x thank you
Posts: 13,570
21:56 Mon 26 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
am feelin the love from the ditty above,
must say it's a change coz it's got kinda rough,
that the people ya know and the friends that ya make,
you just wonder sometimes have you made a mistake?
but the best thing i'll say
is be positive and true
the friends that are there are the best ones for you,
so don't be afraid stick yer neck out and try,
some make ya so happy and you'll think you can fly(or swim babe )
Posts: 1,634
06:31 Tue 27 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Class hipp makes me happy, reminds me of when i was a boy my mother would always be writing little notes and messages to us kids little poems , and things we would see in the morning when we awoke since my mom worked nights so wouldnt be there in the mornings so we got those and they were meant to make us feel good about ourselves so when we went to school we were confident and excited ( i mean what a brilliant idea) but she would mark the ones she wanted back what she called "the kisses back" in which we would have to read what she had and continue off what she wrote and write back to her so when she got home from work she first thing would read our replys and she always said the good ones would make her sleep better , which im sure was just to get us to put more effort into em lol ahh to be a kid again sometimes . I continue that tradition with my kids now except it isnt the kbs anymore now its "the handoff " and i dont work nights but still do it anyways cause...... well just cause i guess lol

Edited at 11:50 Tue 27/07/10 (BST)
Deleted User
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06:45 Tue 27 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
My poem:
Made you look haha
and again
Posts: 5,201
06:54 Tue 27 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Hippes and pete you guys are great ,
always up for a laugh it must be fate'
for to laugh in here is the key
which some people really dont see.
Cheek and humour makes me thrive,
i Giggle ,Wiggle, Chuckle and Laugh,
it seems to keep my spirt alive
To all my mates thank you i say,
you guys make my day.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
07:05 Tue 27 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Marco stop messing about on this thread
It's just something you've got in your head
Why you have to act like that
It makes you look like a prat
Why don't you make one thats real
You may end up getting a feel
So this is the end of my rant
I'm off to go and water my plant
Posts: 5,201
07:06 Tue 27 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
jordanwake said:
Marco stop messing about on this thread
It's just something you've got in your head
Why you have to act like that
It makes you look like a prat
Why don't you make one thats real
You may end up getting a feel
So this is the end of my rant
I'm off to go and water my plant

well said lol
Posts: 1,634
07:55 Tue 27 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Hear that hipp donna said she wiggles lol
Posts: 1,634
07:56 Tue 27 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
And what kinda plant might that be young man better not be what i think it be????
Posts: 1,634
08:03 Tue 27 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
We stand alone this thread of poets
highly intelligent everyone knows it
that is why they can only be a pain
cause jealousy is all they got on the brain
so heed not to the less intelligent
what they say is irrelevant
take pride in this gift my friend
ride it out to the very end!!!

ode to those who dont know any better
Posts: 13,570
17:06 Wed 28 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
i'd like to think they're havin a go,
trying hard with what they know,
some just write in a different way,
while others like to have their say,
me and others like some craic,
one writes one and the other writes back,
donna and smurf and agro and pete,
are some of the best am likin to read
Posts: 13,570
20:25 Sat 31 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
omg am really blokked
cant even lift my finger
and now ive got some confidence
i reckon im a singer donna
Posts: 5,201
21:09 Sat 31 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
hippesville said:
omg am really blokked
cant even lift my finger
and now ive got some confidence
i reckon im a singer donna

LOL.. ur a worry sometimes
Posts: 5,201
01:35 Sun 1 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
To win a man's heart and mind.
You must think of them like shares.
Playing the stock market of men.
Can be but a trading affair.

They are useless when they are down!
Heaven when they are up!
To find another you must call all around.
Do your research as such.

But maybe the best advice.
Is to have more than one stock.
Because when one is down.
The other is usually up!

Posts: 13,570
05:42 Sun 1 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
chaos_ said:
To win a man's heart and mind.
You must think of them like shares.
Playing the stock market of men.
Can be but a trading affair.

They are useless when they are down!
Heaven when they are up!
To find another you must call all around.
Do your research as such.

But maybe the best advice.
Is to have more than one stock.
Because when one is down.
The other is usually up!

pmsl chaos ya big girl yeeee
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Write A Poem 4 :)

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