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11:06 Sat 24 Apr 10 (BST)  [Link]  
_aphr0dite_ said:
I do however like Jan's idea of blockin people from created games or watching.. I think the only way to make this sensible would be if you yourself created the game yourself!

Of course, expecting to keep players you ignore out of the games you create makes sense, but expecting other games you join (like tourny games) to be free of those people is obviously something else entirely and not something anyone can expect or demand.

Another issue some people are not really getting is that ignoring a user doesn't boil down to only having to do with what that user types in game or in messages. It sometimes goes beyond that, like suspected cheating, resetters etc etc. There are quite simply a few select players that make it their business to ruin the game for others - not through word but through action. I don't need staff help with that, and as Emma pointed out it is usually stuff that cannot be proven either.
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17:20 Sat 24 Apr 10 (BST)  [Link]  
janmb said:

Another, related aspect I've wondered about is why I can't have someone BOTH on friends and ignore list... I've missed having that option on several occasions, simply because just because you want to ignore someone doesn't mean you don't want to track their movements... something the friends mechanisms do a very good job at.

I don't know what point I am missing there at all Jan; it seems that you still want to be able to track the movements of the people that you have ignored.

When I ignored people (something I only do in extreme cases now due to being moderator), it was because they were harrassing me, threatening or insulting me.

So to common logic, you want to avoid these people to make your experience on the site a little better. Therefore, there is no reason why you should want to keep track of someone on the ignore list. If you wish to keep tracking someone, then simply add them to your friends list.

As for blocking others from rooms that you own - I like the idea but you can also utilize the Private Room function and invite people to join your game; just ask in the chat room if anyone would like a game.
Posts: 5,373
19:02 Sat 24 Apr 10 (BST)  [Link]  
As already pointed out, ignoring people sometimes goes beyond the need to simply avoid having to read the garbage they type. It sometimes spills over into the need to avoid someone entirely - as in avoid having them in your games.

Now here's where "keeping track of" someone comes in. Knowing where some particular players are, be it offline, chat room or in any given game room, makes up part of the basis for my decision on whether to form a game, leave, or join another. In short, I seek the control of not having to leave a game 1 minute after I form it just because some lamer likes to stalk me.

Now, this pertains killer more than anything - where more than two players are involved. I appreciate that this concept may be harder to grasp for people not spending as much time on that game type as I and a few others do, since that game has entirely different social aspects than any other game type on this site.

In the end of the day, since friends vs ignored users are currently mutually exclusive, I more often end up having players I want to ignore on my friends list rather than the ignore list... Because that's more useful to me. Would been nice to have both.

Edited by forum moderator clooneman, at 21:08 Sun 25/04/10 (BST)
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21:00 Sat 24 Apr 10 (BST)  [Link]  
I see your point now - but I will stand by my original position on this.

Whatever works for you is fine - but it would seem far too odd for someone to be on your friends and ignore list.
Posts: 5,373
04:35 Sun 25 Apr 10 (BST)  [Link]  
aflumpire said:
Whatever works for you is fine - but it would seem far too odd for someone to be on your friends and ignore list.

Well it would be a means to an end...

The ultimate solution would of course be to prevent ignored users from entering games you create (prevent them from even seeing the game in the games room dialog entirely), but since will never happen because of the slightly naive "lets all be friends" policies on this site, the second best solution is to keep track of where the few bad seeds are in order to better be able to stay away from them.

And again I appreciate some people not really seeing the issue here since it's a non-issue for all other games than killer. For two-player games, if someone you don't want to play enters your game you simply leave and that's the end of it. In killer there are far more stake holders. It's lame having to leave a game I created with 9 of 10 players having joined the game, partially because the fact that it was me creating it in the first place, just because a "no way in hell" player enters as the 10th...

It may sound like I have a rather select taste of opponents, but that's really not the case. As everyone knows, I play just about anyone - and certainly anyone at the top of the tables. I don't shy opposition, on the contrary I love it. Problem is killer is much more subject to social relations and fake newbies etc than any other game.
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05:53 Sun 25 Apr 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Nah I disagree there... I think it does work for other games. Ive spent many times creating a game.... "idiot enters"... i move and create my own... "same idiot enters"... etc just to try and wind me up and get a rise of me.
Posts: 5,373
05:57 Sun 25 Apr 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Yeah would be nice to block ignored players in all game types, just saying it's a larger, more socially complicated problem for killer simply because of the multiplayer aspect of it.

And in two player games, lame behaviour is a lot easier to prove.

A lot of the things you want to stay away from in killer isn't rule violations in the first place either.
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07:09 Sun 25 Apr 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Getting back to the original question lol, is it possible to stop people on your ignore lists from sending you offline messages
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07:18 Sun 25 Apr 10 (BST)  [Link]  
*quotes after all the randomness*

Try deletin the thread...

But as I said from experience you cant message someone on ignore in any form
Posts: 19,967
08:33 Sun 25 Apr 10 (BST)  [Link]  
janmb said:
Now here's where "keeping track of" someone comes in. Knowing where some particular players are, be it offline, chat room or in any given game room, makes up part of the basis for my decision on whether to form a game, leave, or join another. In short, I seek the control of not having to leave a game 1 minute after I form it just because some lamer likes to stalk me.

Couldn't you just look at your ignore list?
you can't tell where a player is from the in game window, you have to go to your profile or friends list to see which particular room they're in

what am i missing doesnt seem to be that easy?
Posts: 5,373
09:43 Sun 25 Apr 10 (BST)  [Link]  
nufc_4_life said:
Getting back to the original question lol, is it possible to stop people on your ignore lists from sending you offline messages

Sorry for derailing it

And as I read the answers from page 1 you are supposed to block people on the ignore list from messaging you offline as well as in game.

If it doesn't work, try to remove them from ignore and add them again maybe?

Are you sure the messages that slipped through weren't during a time when you didn't ignore the user in question?
Posts: 5,373
09:45 Sun 25 Apr 10 (BST)  [Link]  
zantetsukenz said:
what am i missing doesnt seem to be that easy?

The main difference lies in knowing when people log in and out of the game while being in game yourself. Also, the friends list is available in game in the find player dialog - more convenient than having to use the web site. But yeah, in the end of the day the information is of course available of you browse for it - just less handy.
Posts: 19,967
09:53 Sun 25 Apr 10 (BST)  [Link]  
so wouldn't it be more convenient to be able to see ignored users online rather than being able to have users on both lists?

because friends can pm you even when you have pms off and i dont think the system would be able to tell if its a friend you just want to ignore or someone you have on ignore you want on friends list
Posts: 5,373
10:09 Sun 25 Apr 10 (BST)  [Link]  
zantetsukenz said:
so wouldn't it be more convenient to be able to see ignored users online rather than being able to have users on both lists?

Absolutely, yes, just don't see that as a realistic option to ever happen. Especially since it's a lot more work than merely stop removing a user from one list when adding them on the opposite.
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20:44 Sun 25 Apr 10 (BST)  [Link]  
I suggest that any more discussion on the topic of "keeping track" of ignored users should be made on its own seperate thread.

Please keep this thread to the original question that has been asked.
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21:13 Sun 25 Apr 10 (BST)  [Link]  
_aphr0dite_ said:
Nah I disagree there... I think it does work for other games. Ive spent many times creating a game.... "idiot enters"... i move and create my own... "same idiot enters"... etc just to try and wind me up and get a rise of me.

Got this plenty of times myself. They must not understand the words 'I'm not playing you', it's rather annoying.
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21:50 Sun 25 Apr 10 (BST)  [Link]  
aflumpire said:
I suggest that any more discussion on the topic of "keeping track" of ignored users should be made on its own seperate thread.

Please keep this thread to the original question that has been asked.

As this looks like its not going to happen, I have made a new thread for the current topic of having additional features that come with ignoring people...
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