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Posts: 19,967
20:15 Mon 8 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Not really, if somethings a bad idea, you should say so. Shouldn't say somethings a good idea because you have said the last few ideas are bad - and plenty of times i've agreed with ideas, theres just the con's outweigh the pro's and there isn't any real need/want for this.

It wouldn't really be easier, as they would then have to manually input the reductions, or manually re-code the site so that this is included

might mean less frequently inputting, but means they do it longer
Posts: 7,164
20:52 Mon 8 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
just a couple of things

one month rule
divisions gone

just one serious ? why change a proven formula half these teams wont even be here at the end of the season

there are problems in the 1st friendly for petes sake wake up smell the coffee , this league is the envy of funkypool

why encourage unreliable people with less than 2 months
unless its for personal gain

why no divisions

god sake this was the ultimate tournament

what is the point in playing games for loadsa of teams to fold and just waste everyones time ........ i will mention clan singles this stinks of the same formula

my thoughts sorry
Deleted User
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20:53 Mon 8 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
I havent updated about divisions yet craig calm down it was only a sugestion but quite a few are against so might need a rethink
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20:57 Mon 8 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
I like the changes in regard to bonus and 1 month rule, it's the no divisions that might be a problem simply from a time perspective... would be one long season lol
Posts: 7,164
21:02 Mon 8 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
im not upset

to need to calm down, just so many things changing and for what reason

if it aint broke dosnt needed fixing
Posts: 7,164
21:09 Mon 8 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
one thing i guess im upset about i guess, is battling all season with cobras to achieve somthing

to see teams who wernt so hot suddenly becomming div one somthing not right about that

also lessons from clan singles should be learned as in if we cant win we wont play silly really, thats is a fact i played all my games in uk, lost 2 eneded up 4 games played by someone else all season they win out 3 of 4 nd win clan uk

thats were the work is required making that work
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21:14 Mon 8 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
More entrants this time round for clan individuals craig

We are listening to ya thoughts dont worry on that
Posts: 38,097
22:09 Mon 8 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
yes we are talking things through as we speak so lets cut out the complaining and lets work together to make this league work.
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22:25 Mon 8 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
doubted2 said:
just a couple of things

one month rule
divisions gone

just one serious ? why change a proven formula half these teams wont even be here at the end of the season

there are problems in the 1st friendly for petes sake wake up smell the coffee , this league is the envy of funkypool

why encourage unreliable people with less than 2 months
unless its for personal gain

why no divisions

god sake this was the ultimate tournament

what is the point in playing games for loadsa of teams to fold and just waste everyones time ........ i will mention clan singles this stinks of the same formula

my thoughts sorry

there aint many teams left in div 1 from last year who would you put in?

to be honest if we had the 2 divisions the second division would be stronger than the first
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22:50 Mon 8 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
master_p00l said:
doubted2 said:
just a couple of things

one month rule
divisions gone

just one serious ? why change a proven formula half these teams wont even be here at the end of the season

there are problems in the 1st friendly for petes sake wake up smell the coffee , this league is the envy of funkypool

why encourage unreliable people with less than 2 months
unless its for personal gain

why no divisions

god sake this was the ultimate tournament

what is the point in playing games for loadsa of teams to fold and just waste everyones time ........ i will mention clan singles this stinks of the same formula

my thoughts sorry

there aint many teams left in div 1 from last year who would you put in?

to be honest if we had the 2 divisions the second division would be stronger than the first

well your lot should stop changing team like hot dinners that all down to yourselfs
Deleted User
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22:58 Mon 8 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Its as simple as this really all current teams from last season will go in div 1 an all NEW clan start in div 2 end of discussion there
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23:03 Mon 8 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
no_talking said:
master_p00l said:
doubted2 said:
just a couple of things

one month rule
divisions gone

just one serious ? why change a proven formula half these teams wont even be here at the end of the season

there are problems in the 1st friendly for petes sake wake up smell the coffee , this league is the envy of funkypool

why encourage unreliable people with less than 2 months
unless its for personal gain

why no divisions

god sake this was the ultimate tournament

what is the point in playing games for loadsa of teams to fold and just waste everyones time ........ i will mention clan singles this stinks of the same formula

my thoughts sorry

there aint many teams left in div 1 from last year who would you put in?

to be honest if we had the 2 divisions the second division would be stronger than the first

well your lot should stop changing team like hot dinners that all down to yourselfs

someone speaking who tryed sign me lol

iam a traveller! but im loyal stayed at that clan till the last minute!

Now im at home (FBI)

Yeh should be like that potty

so teams who were in last season at the bottom of div2 may have a chance of div 1?
Posts: 19,967
23:43 Mon 8 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
doubted2 said:
one thing i guess im upset about i guess, is battling all season with cobras to achieve somthing
to see teams who wernt so hot suddenly becomming div one somthing not right about that

With the top 2 teams in div 1 folding as well as a few others, atm there looks to be only maybe 6 clans surviving from last season, there was always going to be something to upset some people.

There aren't any clans who are losing out, and this isn't the first time this has had to happen and there wasn't any kick off back then.

doubted2 said:
also lessons from clan singles should be learned as in if we cant win we wont play silly really, thats is a fact i played all my games in uk, lost 2 eneded up 4 games played by someone else all season they win out 3 of 4 nd win clan uk

Agree there, it was worth testing the new format for the individuals, but it was won way too early and there ended up being no motivation to play the games after (then the huge drop in players didn't help - 9 ball league especially which ended with just 2 players but it looks good this season, hopefully changed back to the old 1 frame = 1 point)

no_talking said:
well your lot should stop changing team like hot dinners that all down to yourselfs

Moving from one clan to another clan (the first clan being one thats folding) is hardly 'changing team like hot dinners'

Most of the players decided to join during the season, not on an impulse afterwards.
Posts: 19,967
23:46 Mon 8 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Said it before and i'll say it again as it was pointed out a few posts above: division 2 looks like it could be the stronger league
Posts: 7,164
12:29 Tue 9 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
masterpool i dont get you

who do u put into div 1

not new teams , quite clear really

and just to remind you cobras won the cup last year division 2 team , so i dont get where your comming from

if division 2 is stronger so be it new teams start div 2, dont get the argument and as for kicking off zante dont get you

new teams need to prove reliability
now thats a fact i dont really care if your mates with the pope your a new team end of

no exceptions, teams are faltering now because they dont understand the rules lets see where we are in 6 weeks

Edited at 10:34 Tue 09/11/10 (GMT)
Deleted User
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17:58 Tue 9 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Spot on craig al new clans will start in div 2
Deleted User
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19:22 Tue 9 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
i think the only thing should change in the league if you sign a player from any team
there should stay with your clan for a minimum of 3 season
like a transfer window
the same format as football
it would stop players leaving and moving on all the time
also it would stop players making new clans every season
this will also stop teams folding all the time
and it would make life a lot easier for captains every season
Posts: 19,967
19:26 Tue 9 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
It seems like he's saying the teams who were, last season, not good enough to be div 1, and the new teams made from the old folded div 1 clans (who didn't get relegated) are going to make the divisions pretty backwards

the new teams who are the stronger teams are made up from the reliable div 1 players - it isn't really a question of proving their reliability as they wouldn't get in if they weren't reliable - which is obvious

one big league (one off, because of the unusually high amount of div 1 clans folding) would mean that those better clans would rightfully be in the upper division and those lower wouldn't go up on a formality (plus no uneven divisions)
Posts: 19,967
19:38 Tue 9 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
In football, the transfer windows are halfway through the season and in the break between seasons, so in a football format the transfers would be more frequent than the old/current one

3 seasons is at least 6 months, considering that this is only the 11th season that means if you were in clans at the start you would only be allowed to have played for 4 different clans in the league

and it would do nothing to stop clans folding, would just encourage people to instead of wait, deactivate and make a new account only making the problem worse

theres nothing stopping players in football moving multiple times in the season, so thats not really a good example to base on
Posts: 7,164
19:43 Tue 9 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
reliable mmmmm teams folded end of

so i dont get you really...why didnt the "reliable players" step in with a new captain ....... complicated Question
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