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Posts: 5,373
00:41 Mon 27 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
zantetsukenz said:
maybe carry on with a 15 frame default score - change the end result of that into a percentage and then re-apply that to the remaining frames and round it

Something like that, yes.
Posts: 7,164
11:33 Mon 27 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  

i would like this to be added to the rules for next season

when players leave clan games half way through games they should be penalised. 5 points

in one match the first 4 games my team were leading by decent margins, opponents left games and with resons such as i cant be bothered or another im not enjoying this isnt acceptable. 2 of those matches when continued when there players were ready we lost.

i can accept not responding
but blatant gamesmanship is not acceptable

your thoughts please
Posts: 7,164
11:41 Mon 27 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
also regards defaults

just guessing at likely outcomes suggests, that some very good players wouldnt have off days and less tallented players couldnt have good days.

this may well encourage defaults

also when 2 teams have 4 unplayed games in one fixture it shudnt be a case that one team gets more default points than actual points won threw playing

both teams should be hit with penalties

because no matter what the problems are, 4 games with teams now at 14 players going to default is just plane silly

when i looked at these games with one week to go at the time of playing neither team gave an inch and yet one team got massive default points

one game steve986 a captain and is on regulary lost 15-0
how i dont no

but clearly somthing needs to be done
Posts: 7,164
11:46 Mon 27 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
i think a calculation for defaults could be used also

and quite simple
add games won
add games not won
calcualte as a percentage , a likely outcome
then deduct points for lack of effort or activity to a maximum of 5

games that are abandoned with no good reason
all outstanding points go against the player who left the game

just suggestions


ps im sure i will be shot at but hey i think there is a fairness to this
Posts: 7,164
11:48 Mon 27 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
new teams are appearing all the time
this isnt good for the FCL and like to suggest a cap on teams and also suggest that players need to have minimum of 2 seasons experience as a minimum of vice captain

just look at the FPL this cant happen here in the FCL
Posts: 5,373
14:17 Mon 27 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
doubted2 said:

i would like this to be added to the rules for next season

when players leave clan games half way through games they should be penalised. 5 points

in one match the first 4 games my team were leading by decent margins, opponents left games and with resons such as i cant be bothered or another im not enjoying this isnt acceptable. 2 of those matches when continued when there players were ready we lost.

i can accept not responding
but blatant gamesmanship is not acceptable

your thoughts please

Main problems with this, or at least the reasons why it isn't already so:

1: It implies that we view leaving a game partially played a bad thing. In light of this being "only" a game, we seek a balance between commitment and accepting the fact that real life can get in the way. This is the part that *can* be changed though - we can easily define leaving a game as bad should we choose to.

2: We can never really know why a player leaves a game. Most of the time it is pure speculation. Rules whose enforcement is based on speculation and guesswork is always something we need to avoid whenever possible.

Not saying it can't be done, just pointing out a couple issues that need to be worked out for this to be possible.
Posts: 5,373
14:21 Mon 27 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
doubted2 said:
also regards defaults

just guessing at likely outcomes suggests, that some very good players wouldnt have off days and less tallented players couldnt have good days.

this may well encourage defaults

Defaults can never ever be based on what the outcome would have been if the game had been played. This is a big no-no since it will encourage at least one side of each game to avoid getting their games played.

doubted2 said:
also when 2 teams have 4 unplayed games in one fixture it shudnt be a case that one team gets more default points than actual points won threw playing

You need to be careful in how much a player or team is penalized for not playing their games - since whether or not the games get played is not just up to yourself, but also your opponent.

This is why we already have rules that may penalize players and teams for LOSING defaults, but never for having unplayed games in general.

doubted2 said:
one game steve986 a captain and is on regulary lost 15-0
how i dont no

That game was a matter of one side refusing to play the other. Simplest default we have had all season.
Posts: 5,373
14:25 Mon 27 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
doubted2 said:
new teams are appearing all the time
this isnt good for the FCL and like to suggest a cap on teams and also suggest that players need to have minimum of 2 seasons experience as a minimum of vice captain

People forming teams is not something the FCL can or should control at all. It's not our place to tell who can form teams or not, or when. There are any number of other events taking place, including the FPL, and players are obviously free to form teams for those events without that being a matter of our approval.

What is a matter of our approval and will certainly remain so, is which teams are accepted into the FCL and when. This is how it needs to be, and I think that's more than sufficient.

New clans cause a bit of spam on the forums, but no more than we can handle imo. The FP staff are pretty good at shutting down dead clan threads anyway so I don't see that as a huge problem.
Posts: 2,601
16:01 Mon 27 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
in other words you mean my clan doubted lol
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16:06 Mon 27 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Also if new teams weren't created then your clan wouldn't exist, MVP wouldn't exist and all the other clans there are wouldn't exist. So yeah maybe the clans that are created by players that simply cant get into clans should be monitored, but not to the level that your saying "two seasons experience".
Posts: 2,601
16:07 Mon 27 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
correction "two seasons experience as vice"
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16:12 Mon 27 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Oh yeah... in that case thats a bit strange because different captains but different levels responsibility on their vice captains. For example, at Unbeatables Ray leaves most the stuff to Nath, whereas at 8th Rose it's predominantly myself who does the work and franky who takes a sitting back role as vice.
Posts: 7,164
19:22 Mon 27 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
hello people ..... didnt think i named any clan or correct me if im wrong there

problem is guys iv posted quite a bit of information there why not read properly and get the jist of what i mean. the word generalising

why is it apples you seem to be some sort of world authority now. i didnt mention you or spoonie end of.

i was asking in general about things i believe may help, hence you didnt answer anything to do with defaults or anything else. your to be captains or vices i would maybe concentrate on doing that instead of sniping at me.

i will give you an explanation this is only my second season as captain and iv found it very tough going. guys it isnt easy being a captain trust me.. im trying to avoid MY experiences
happening to anyone else.. lets see how you go in your first season then maybe chat again

janmb thanks for your comments ive read through on the defaults information now and your very right defo a cert

guys if you want to chat message me on offline messages please

Posts: 5,373
20:20 Mon 27 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
More on defaults (or rather lack thereof):

After talking at lengths over this topic with Keith, we would like to propose a system along the following lines.... Note that this is first of all a default-minimizing system, more so than a change to how defaults are handled:

1. Fixtures released every 14 days like now

2. Fixture deadline increased to 4 weeks instead of 2 (meaning fixtures overlap)

3. To encourage games getting played early, all games played during the two first weeks award a bonus of 2 points to both teams (for a total of 16 points per match)

4. Defaults handled as of now for the few games that remain incomplete after a full 4 weeks.

I really like the sound of this system this far. I am sure there are drawbacks and further room for improvement, but this should go a LONG way to getting defaults more or less out of the equation entirely.
Posts: 19,967
20:21 Mon 27 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
doubted2 said:
i will give you an explanation this is only my second season as captain and iv found it very tough going. guys it isnt easy being a captain trust me.. im trying to avoid MY experiences
happening to anyone else.. lets see how you go in your first season then maybe chat again

Trouble is though - some people find captaining easy - some find it hard. Its the individual style of the person which makes it easier or harder which changes between individuals

Also its a lot down to the players within the clan, some clans require minimal effort and can be managed by someone with very basic knowledge of the league - other clans even the most seasoned of captains can struggle to keep together running if the players simply aren't active enough - and theres the grey area inbetween

Maybe instead of doubling up the time - you could double up the players needing the requirements

E.g. Clan Captain and one other player within the clan needs a season experience, means if the captain leaves theres always a fall back
Deleted User
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21:18 Mon 27 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
doubted2 said:

why is it apples you seem to be some sort of world authority now. i didnt mention you or spoonie end of.


World authority? Mate it's a discussion thread, so i apologise for discussing things. I didn't say you mentioned me but it doesn't mean i cant comment does it???
Posts: 7,164
21:28 Mon 27 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
discussion please read back is that discussing ok missed it
Posts: 2,601
21:31 Mon 27 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
obviously "new clans" refers to evolutions and upandcomers.
Posts: 7,164
21:34 Mon 27 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
sorry never even heard of them
Posts: 7,164
21:36 Mon 27 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
but any ways continue your constuctive chat

jan i thinks it sounds good hope the other teams do
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