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Posts: 22,512
20:38 Mon 28 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Recently there has been a lot of heated arguments going on by a few clans, and i myself have been approached with complaints and all that fun stuff. Myself and James have been talking about this for a few days now and we think its time to let you all know.

So after some long discussions we have decided that a new rule (kind of) is being implemented into the league, this starts as of now!.

Warning - You can still compete but your on your 1st strike.
Fixture Ban - Only affects you so your teammates can still score.
Points Deduction - Affects everyone on your team.

This rule is staying and ALL clan league players must stick to it or the above will happen, that goes for any of us league runners too.

Please if you have a problem approach your captain and let them sort it out, dont start childish arguments across the clan threads. Maybe this will make you think before you start posting all the nonsense you intend to say.

Deleted User
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20:46 Mon 28 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
No banning people from the league then?
Posts: 22,512
20:47 Mon 28 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Maybe under extreme cases Vendetta, if enough of you think that is a good punishment to then i will certainly take it on board and talk to dgeneratio about it.
Deleted User
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20:49 Mon 28 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
On snooker there have been a few cases that certainly have required bannings for things such as repeated abuse. I think it should certainly be available to the league runners.
Posts: 22,512
20:52 Mon 28 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
What you mean by clan runners exactly?

I will speak to James about this and get his thoughts on it also, may send out a few messages to clan captains or something to get more of an input.
Deleted User
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20:53 Mon 28 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
I said league runners
Deleted User
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20:53 Mon 28 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
I think the rules are fair
Posts: 22,512
20:54 Mon 28 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Nice edit haha

Yeah like i said above i myself think it is only fair that the runners get the same treatment so it does apply to us too

Other than that one thing are you happy with the new rule so to speak?
Deleted User
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20:58 Mon 28 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
The points deduction.

Is that for repeated offences from multiple members of a single clan only? Or are there other criteria this punishment will fit?
Posts: 22,512
21:01 Mon 28 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Repeated offences by one clan player can result in the point reduction, so for their out burst or whatever they did it would affect the clan later on if they received the point reduction punishment.

The way me and James spoke about this was for individual players, so if another member of the same clan was to get the same punishment to then further points would be deducted.

Point Reduction - Currently stands at 5 points. (May be increased if people think it is not enough)
Deleted User
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21:03 Mon 28 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
I think it would be unfair on the clan if it was only one player causing the trouble.
Posts: 22,512
21:05 Mon 28 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
It is there player though, hopefully if a player did receive a warning then the captain would step in and have a word and then the punishment would not be carried on as that player will have took the warning and started to behave more.
Deleted User
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21:07 Mon 28 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Maybe ask them to remove the player from their clan if they refuse then deduct points
Posts: 5,702
21:08 Mon 28 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Sounds fair to me lads
Deleted User
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21:08 Mon 28 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Who is deciding this though, has to be at least 3 people agreeing as they're big decisions really. I'm all for it as long as it's done sensibly and the league runners don't go wading into every little flare up which is going to blow over in a few posts anyway with warnings.
Think it's the repeat wind up merchants that might still get away with it though as they will push it to the point of a warning then back off then a week later do the same.
Posts: 12,419
21:10 Mon 28 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
how long do the strikes last for, obviously if player got one strike on the first fixture then got one 3 months later, surely that would be a little harsh?
Posts: 7,164
21:10 Mon 28 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
as much as i think this is a good idea

thats what moderators and admin are for jay

i have only today had an argument with a league runner who looks to cause trouble

you have stated no were any appeal process

and with you and dgen im sorry making the discisions about who issues warnings .... we are already as a team persecuted by someone

on the strength of not being trusted because i defended a team m8 ,,, i had my default panel post removed on the grounds im not trusted ,,,, and some one arguing blatantly and slating a player was added to the defaults panel

to carry this through you need an unbiased dispilnary commitee not just a dictator as today on my thread proves this power can be obused

and if as you say this will be introduced in the above format what the consquences are if this rule isnt recognised

must of what goes on is banter that can be stopped when it goes to far by captains controlling clans

what cant be and causes most problems is trying to get players to play ,, and agree a suitable time slot which suits BOTH players .

also like today clan forums are for general chat between players of all clans ,, someone deciding what was posted wasnt suitable then decides to intercede

it was suitable and was checked

so why do we need this again thats what mods and admin are for

comments please
Posts: 7,164
21:23 Mon 28 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
and if as standard fbl then take it

that means

which offers appeals and warnings

league staff

and what falls into mods and admin is the rules for the site

we dont need funky league police just sort the easy thing that causes most arguemnts people playing games

banter is banter
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
21:27 Mon 28 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Agree with some of that craig, can see this getting misused for daring to speak your mind to a league runner and also a lot of times league runners getting involved doesn't help situations.
Is needed though so an unbiased commitee (if that's possible on here) would be the best way but I also think you need to either message captains that warnings are going to be issued if players don't drop whatever the subject is or post it first.
The threat should stop situations but it should be used for players that deliberately antagonise constantly not a flare up argument over a game in my opinion.
Posts: 7,164
21:33 Mon 28 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
like that aswell lee

but fundamently bad arguements are about players not playing and suitable windows been given

times should be agreed this can be done if more priority was in the first week to play games

lee im not using this at you im generalising
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