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Wipeout Clan

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Posts: 8,149
14:35 Sun 7 Mar 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Set 4 Fixtures

Wipeout vs. FBI

janmb vs. bloodhound
ragefire vs. accuracyisbk
flash_is_bac vs. jgo3000
hippesville vs. jimmy_1878
lost vs. master_p00l
im_crap_adam vs. pool_pig
obero vs. revinax
_redherring_ vs. _egotistical

Wipeout vs. Sharpshooters

buffstuff147 vs. doubted2
_redherring_ vs. mr_pink_eyes
l8ball vs. j_a_m_e_s_
flash_is_bac vs. yorkshirepro
janmb vs. straightline
ragefire vs. metterzrocks
chams vs. deejay
hippesville vs. blueberry

Deadline: Sunday 21st March 2010

Clan Cup Semi Final

Wipeout vs FBI

lost vs. jgo3000
hippesville vs. master_p00l
_redherring_ vs. _egotistical
ragefire vs. accuracyisbk
buffstuff147 vs. revinax

Deadline: Saturday 13th March 2010

Please contact your opponent ASAP to arrange play, also adding your opponent as a friend is a great idea so that you will know when they are online.

Please post your results in our thread.

Please post your CUP results:

Clan league/cup website:

I wish you all the best of luck.
Posts: 13,570
18:15 Sun 7 Mar 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
as do i skip...........give er gusto......g-g-g-gooooo wipeout
Posts: 8,149
12:48 Mon 8 Mar 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
hippesville said:
as do i skip...........give er gusto......g-g-g-gooooo wipeout

Keep er lit
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(IP Logged)
16:12 Mon 8 Mar 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Ragefire v Metterzrocks

8ball US 3-2
9ball 3-2
8ball UK 1-4

Overall 7-8

Threw it away in UK with 4 fouls in 3 frames...sorry guys

Metterzrocks played some quality 9ball frames and took good advantage in the UK, good games thanks mate
Posts: 8,149
16:14 Mon 8 Mar 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Nothing wrong with 7Pts rage, Unlucky mate
Posts: 5,373
18:23 Mon 8 Mar 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
janmb vs. straightline
8: 5-0
9: 3-2
uk: 3-2
total 11-4

Very ggs - from both players really. Far closer match than the score would suggest - it was one of those games where one player pretty much runs the rack or 7-balls on a missed break... Very high level overall.
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18:30 Mon 8 Mar 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well done Janmb, quality
Posts: 8,149
19:50 Mon 8 Mar 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Brilliant result jan, well done
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12:34 Tue 9 Mar 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
me 6 - 9 _ego (we agreed this would be the league game)

uk8 1-4
us8 2-3
us9 3-2

he's class at expected to lose....i was very underform in the us games and should have picked up another few frames...sorry guys.. he deserved to win..wp
Posts: 13,570
16:27 Tue 9 Mar 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
gr8 result jan ul steve keep er lit guys

think i'm playin tonight......givin er wiggins
Posts: 13,570
17:41 Tue 9 Mar 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
hippesville v jimmy_1878

8 ball: 4-1
9 ball: 2-3
8 uk: 4-1......hippesville wins 10-5 overall.

vggs m8 and gr8 to play ya again. gl for the rest of the season......and yes i haven't forgotten the 7 balling lol.
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17:51 Tue 9 Mar 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Nice one Hipp...Grats
Posts: 8,149
19:27 Tue 9 Mar 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Set 4 Fixtures

Wipeout 16 vs. 14 FBI

janmb vs. bloodhound
ragefire vs. accuracyisbk
flash_is_bac vs. jgo3000
hippesville 10 vs. 5 jimmy_1878
lost vs. master_p00l
im_crap_adam vs. pool_pig
obero vs. revinax
_redherring_ 6 vs. 9 _egotistical

Wipeout 24 vs. 21 Sharpshooters

buffstuff147 vs. doubted2
_redherring_ vs. mr_pink_eyes
l8ball vs. j_a_m_e_s_
flash_is_bac vs. yorkshirepro
janmb 11 vs. 4 straightline
ragefire 7 vs. 8 metterzrocks
chams 6 vs. 9 deejay

hippesville vs. blueberry

Deadline: Sunday 21st March 2010

Clan Cup Semi Final

Wipeout vs FBI

lost vs. jgo3000
hippesville vs. master_p00l
_redherring_ vs. _egotistical
ragefire vs. accuracyisbk
buffstuff147 vs. revinax

Deadline: Saturday 13th March 2010

Please contact your opponent ASAP to arrange play, also adding your opponent as a friend is a great idea so that you will know when they are online.

Please post your results in our thread.

Please post your CUP results:

Clan league/cup website:
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
07:16 Wed 10 Mar 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
accuracyisbk out
jimmy_1878 in

ragefire vs jimmy
Posts: 8,149
12:42 Wed 10 Mar 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Set 4 Fixtures

Wipeout 16 vs. 14 FBI

janmb vs. bloodhound
ragefire vs. accuracyisbk
flash_is_bac vs. jgo3000
hippesville 10 vs. 5 jimmy_1878
lost vs. master_p00l
im_crap_adam vs. pool_pig
obero vs. revinax
_redherring_ 6 vs. 9 _egotistical

Wipeout 24 vs. 21 Sharpshooters

buffstuff147 vs. doubted2
_redherring_ vs. mr_pink_eyes
l8ball vs. j_a_m_e_s_
flash_is_bac vs. yorkshirepro
janmb 11 vs. 4 straightline
ragefire 7 vs. 8 metterzrocks
chams 6 vs. 9 deejay

hippesville vs. blueberry

Deadline: Sunday 21st March 2010

Clan Cup Semi Final

Wipeout vs FBI

lost vs. jgo3000
hippesville vs. master_p00l
_redherring_ vs. _egotistical
janmb vs jimmy_1878
buffstuff147 vs. revinax

Deadline: Saturday 13th March 2010

Please contact your opponent ASAP to arrange play, also adding your opponent as a friend is a great idea so that you will know when they are online.

Please post your results in our thread.

Please post your CUP results:

Clan league/cup website:
Posts: 13,570
12:44 Wed 10 Mar 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
ooooh new clan starting up........anyone quaking?
Posts: 8,149
12:46 Wed 10 Mar 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
hippesville said:
ooooh new clan starting up........anyone quaking?

What you mean Gareth
Posts: 5,373
16:00 Wed 10 Mar 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
janmb v jimmy (FBI)
8: 1-4
9: 3-2
uk: 4-1
total 8-7

Could easily been more... and less too really... I played horrible the first half of the match and got lucky not to be penalized even more than I did.
Posts: 13,570
16:07 Wed 10 Mar 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
good win jan wd
Posts: 13,570
17:11 Wed 10 Mar 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
cup match

hippesville v master_p00l

8 ball: 4-1
9 ball: 2-3
8 uk: 4-1........overall 10-5 hippesville
as i said to him he was just off the boil tonight. ggs m8.
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