Funkynation Street (formerly Adventure)
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19:48 Sat 14 Nov 09 (GMT)
just happened to find these 2 quotes in the untouchables capped thread, page 45, these were posted in an argument over madmiketyson playing as MMT last season
13:53 Wed 14 Oct 09 look its simple mmt is madmiketyson i was meant to change but wot with me getting a job last week i have been at work and forgot to do so i have apologised.
so result will stand and ur player needs to finish
14:45 Wed 14 Oct 09 Same person dozy...
lets be honest madmiketyson was never getting changed to MMT, that doesnt matter tho, the point is he played on another account that wasnt registered and because Steph knew it was him the result stood, is there any data or proof out there to prove 100% madmiketyson is MMT, I doubt it, all hear say, I think we all know _colin is egotistical and the result should stand just like it did with MMT or madmiketyson
posted on the new forum
pot_the_lot said:
Right in bold is what has been added to make it as they say fool proof and to basically spell it out to people
1.7 Quarantine for new signings
Only players (user names) who are registered for a clan at the time each fixture is published may play games in that fixture. Any player that joins the clan after this point is not eligible to play until the following set of fixtures. Note that this means players changing their user name are also not eligible to play until the next set of fixtures.
That is all thats different
1.7 Quarantine for new signings
Only players (user names) who are registered for a clan at the time each fixture is published may play games in that fixture. Any player that joins the clan after this point is not eligible to play until the following set of fixtures. Note that this means players changing their user name are also not eligible to play until the next set of fixtures.
That is all thats different
just happened to find these 2 quotes in the untouchables capped thread, page 45, these were posted in an argument over madmiketyson playing as MMT last season
13:53 Wed 14 Oct 09 look its simple mmt is madmiketyson i was meant to change but wot with me getting a job last week i have been at work and forgot to do so i have apologised.
so result will stand and ur player needs to finish
14:45 Wed 14 Oct 09 Same person dozy...
lets be honest madmiketyson was never getting changed to MMT, that doesnt matter tho, the point is he played on another account that wasnt registered and because Steph knew it was him the result stood, is there any data or proof out there to prove 100% madmiketyson is MMT, I doubt it, all hear say, I think we all know _colin is egotistical and the result should stand just like it did with MMT or madmiketyson
posted on the new forum
20:07 Sat 14 Nov 09 (GMT)
Hypocritical. Draconian.
Just two of the words I could use to describe this situation.
If it has happened before, why were the rules not clear in the first place to prevent this?
Thanks to Alan for providing some pertinent proof of this, I'm not going to bother with the other site for posting now. It's pointless if they can't see a cause for concern.
Just two of the words I could use to describe this situation.
If it has happened before, why were the rules not clear in the first place to prevent this?
Thanks to Alan for providing some pertinent proof of this, I'm not going to bother with the other site for posting now. It's pointless if they can't see a cause for concern.
20:33 Sat 14 Nov 09 (GMT)
dear me it gets so boring, i fought after double trouble and onwards with your own clan, you guys would be treated differently. obviously not!
20:50 Sat 14 Nov 09 (GMT)
As has been pointed out numerous times, the case with madmiketyson vs mmt was a matter of a league host forgetting to update the web page.
The player in question fulfilled his responsibilities in terms of notifying about the account change BEFORE the first fixture the new account was ever used in. The player did not break any rules, the only issue there was a slow update by the league hosts - no more, no less.
That case has nothing in common with the issues having been discussed regarding egotistical vs. _colins
The player in question fulfilled his responsibilities in terms of notifying about the account change BEFORE the first fixture the new account was ever used in. The player did not break any rules, the only issue there was a slow update by the league hosts - no more, no less.
That case has nothing in common with the issues having been discussed regarding egotistical vs. _colins
20:58 Sat 14 Nov 09 (GMT)
we all know madmiketyson was never getting changed to mmt, he had both accounts for long enough so why all of a sudden change it, I forgot to change it came out because someone questioned it, fact is the username MMT wasnt registered to play and Steph said the result stands lol
Edited at 03:03 Sun 15/11/09 (GMT)
Edited at 03:03 Sun 15/11/09 (GMT)
21:01 Sat 14 Nov 09 (GMT)
How can egotistical vs _collins be anything.... THEIR THE SAME PERSON!
Simple as.
The ruling wasn't clear, hence the debate. If it happened before why wasn't it clear?
No excuse.
Simple as.
The ruling wasn't clear, hence the debate. If it happened before why wasn't it clear?
No excuse.
21:12 Sat 14 Nov 09 (GMT)
Why he decided to stop playing on one account and start using the other I have no idea and couldn't possibly care less about. Fact remains that Steph was informed BEFORE the fixture and that's all that matters. Nor is this even a remotely on-topic discussion here in this thread, so end of story for my part.
ab_rfc said:
we all know madmiketyson was never getting changed to mmt, he had both accounts for long enough so why all of a sudden change it,
Why he decided to stop playing on one account and start using the other I have no idea and couldn't possibly care less about. Fact remains that Steph was informed BEFORE the fixture and that's all that matters. Nor is this even a remotely on-topic discussion here in this thread, so end of story for my part.
21:17 Sat 14 Nov 09 (GMT)
So why didn't the rules state this before?
If there's a previous occurance, surely it should be compensated for in the rules clearly, and not changed and defended after it is questioned.
If there's a previous occurance, surely it should be compensated for in the rules clearly, and not changed and defended after it is questioned.
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21:17 Sat 14 Nov 09 (GMT)
A few times I did not play on my "officially stated name" in each situation i made it clear to the player I was the same person... so I don't get why there is so much of an issue here =/
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00:33 Sun 15 Nov 09 (GMT)
no list - this weeks list will be the same as last week.
you can make any changes by using your substitutes
aflumpire said:
next weeks list due in please
no list - this weeks list will be the same as last week.
you can make any changes by using your substitutes
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00:46 Sun 15 Nov 09 (GMT)
Next weeks fixture
ITZ v Sharpshooters
Fellowship v Adventure
MVP v Warriors
Blackout v TPA
Draw released shortly
ITZ v Sharpshooters
Fellowship v Adventure
MVP v Warriors
Blackout v TPA
Draw released shortly
03:51 Sun 15 Nov 09 (GMT)
Whats all that crap about ^
Adventures V Blackout
_pool_bird_ v notorius_pig
sporky_lover v pscyo05
crazzymadman v aflumpire
jerry v_pau1_
_colins v gooselfc
Come you lot get these games played before Lems head burst!
Adventures V Blackout
_pool_bird_ v notorius_pig
sporky_lover v pscyo05
crazzymadman v aflumpire
jerry v_pau1_
_colins v gooselfc
Come you lot get these games played before Lems head burst!
04:45 Sun 15 Nov 09 (GMT)
Adventures V Blackout
Crazzy v Flumps
9US 3-0
8UK 3-0
8US 3-0
Straight 1-0
Overall 10-0 Good games flumps, Score doesnt represent the games played. Caught me on form
Adventures V Blackout
Crazzy v Flumps
9US 3-0
8UK 3-0
8US 3-0
Straight 1-0
Overall 10-0 Good games flumps, Score doesnt represent the games played. Caught me on form
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05:41 Sun 15 Nov 09 (GMT)
Im not playing in the FPL league as from now, sorry people
06:24 Sun 15 Nov 09 (GMT)
Because no rules, old or current, were violated in the mmt case, no misunderstandings or unclear aspects at all. If the player or captain had somehow not fulfilled their responsibilities as a result of misinterpreting rules, that would have been a different ballgame.
_kgb797_ said:
So why didn't the rules state this before?
If there's a previous occurance, surely it should be compensated for in the rules clearly, and not changed and defended after it is questioned.
If there's a previous occurance, surely it should be compensated for in the rules clearly, and not changed and defended after it is questioned.
Because no rules, old or current, were violated in the mmt case, no misunderstandings or unclear aspects at all. If the player or captain had somehow not fulfilled their responsibilities as a result of misinterpreting rules, that would have been a different ballgame.
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12:10 Sun 15 Nov 09 (GMT)
im fed up of the bickering , i accept the decision , can we move on now , its only a fluffin game
15:39 Sun 15 Nov 09 (GMT)
Bill & Lems Adventures vs The Fellowship
crazzymadman vs _vol_
8UK 1-4
9Ball 1-4
8US 3-2
Total 5-10
Great games Vol
In all my time on here i have to admit ive never met such a consistant great player!
Sorry team
Edited at 21:43 Sun 15/11/09 (GMT)
crazzymadman vs _vol_
8UK 1-4
9Ball 1-4
8US 3-2
Total 5-10
Great games Vol
In all my time on here i have to admit ive never met such a consistant great player!
Sorry team
Edited at 21:43 Sun 15/11/09 (GMT)
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16:02 Sun 15 Nov 09 (GMT)
FBI v Bill & Lem's Adventure
_niall_ vs _pool_bird_
_marc_ vs crazzymadman
g_shot vs jerry
jgo3000 vs stiky_fingas
__matt__ vs _kgb797_
master_p00l vs turophile
revinax vs _colins
poolh8r vs _gash_
Bill & Lem's Adventure v The Fellowship
sheepshooter vs gandalf
sporky_lover vs cuester
lemsip_ vs gladul
stiky_fingas vs laranjeiro
_colins vs clintusmc
_pool_bird_ vs coolhandct
jerry vs the_rookie
crazzymadman vs _vol_
hunt them down , get them played , good luck lads n lasses , no name changes until after these fixtures please
_niall_ vs _pool_bird_
_marc_ vs crazzymadman
g_shot vs jerry
jgo3000 vs stiky_fingas
__matt__ vs _kgb797_
master_p00l vs turophile
revinax vs _colins
poolh8r vs _gash_
Bill & Lem's Adventure v The Fellowship
sheepshooter vs gandalf
sporky_lover vs cuester
lemsip_ vs gladul
stiky_fingas vs laranjeiro
_colins vs clintusmc
_pool_bird_ vs coolhandct
jerry vs the_rookie
crazzymadman vs _vol_
hunt them down , get them played , good luck lads n lasses , no name changes until after these fixtures please
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16:04 Sun 15 Nov 09 (GMT)
well done crazzy , could u wait till i post fixtures before u post results please , no one likes a show off lol
crazzymadman said:
Bill & Lems Adventures vs The Fellowship
crazzymadman vs _vol_
8UK 1-4
9Ball 1-4
8US 3-2
Total 5-10
Great games Vol
In all my time on here i have to admit ive never met such a consistant great player!
Sorry team
Edited at 21:43 Sun 15/11/09 (GMT)
crazzymadman vs _vol_
8UK 1-4
9Ball 1-4
8US 3-2
Total 5-10
Great games Vol
In all my time on here i have to admit ive never met such a consistant great player!
Sorry team
Edited at 21:43 Sun 15/11/09 (GMT)
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Funkynation Street (formerly Adventure)
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