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Deleted User
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15 years ago  [Link]  
Top Dogs 3 - 12 MVP

cue_power vs poolviper
mandyford 3 vs 12 onua0767
andyw1 vs hightops
__steven_ vs TBA
alxima vs mich
gooselfc vs ab_rfc
tinotoon vs alexander
antione08 vs nickh87

FBI 3 - 12 Top Dogs

accuracyisbk 3 vs 12 antione08
jgo3000 vs tinotoon
jimmy_1878 vs __steven_
pool_pig vs slimeball
_egotistical vs gooselfc
master_p00l vs funk_p0tter_
revinax vs mandyford
bloodhound vs well_played

Deadline 21st MARCH

Please make sure u send a message to your opponents and arrange a time to play them. Add them to your friends list to see when they come online and remember to post the results on the Top Dogs forum:
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15 years ago  [Link]  
antione08 said:
antione08 said:
Clan Friendly

Top Dogs 48 Vs 57 Funky Legends Elite

andyw1 5 vs 10 accuracyisbk
cue_power vs rich
funk_potter_ 6 vs 9 __steven_
alxima 3 vs 12 ste
gooselfc 8 vs 7 fizzical
tinotoon vs onua0767
antione08 8 vs 7 straightline
mandyford 8 vs 7 joker
well_played 10 vs 5 an1hony

Deadline: 11th March 11.59GMT
Format: 5 of each game type (8UK, 8US, 9US)

Posts: 124
15 years ago  [Link]  
alxima vs _mich_:

8 ball US 3:2 to alxima
9 ball US 3:2 to alxima
8 ball UK 1:4 to _mich_

overall: 7: 8 to_mich_

ggs mate, was pleasure to play.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15 years ago  [Link]  
Top Dogs 10 - 20 MVP

cue_power vs poolviper
mandyford 3 vs 12 onua0767
andyw1 vs hightops
__steven_ vs TBA
alxima 7 vs 8 mich
gooselfc vs ab_rfc
tinotoon vs alexander
antione08 vs nickh87

FBI 3 - 12 Top Dogs

accuracyisbk 3 vs 12 antione08
jgo3000 vs tinotoon
jimmy_1878 vs __steven_
pool_pig vs slimeball
_egotistical vs gooselfc
master_p00l vs funk_p0tter_
revinax vs mandyford
bloodhound vs well_played

Deadline 21st MARCH

Please make sure u send a message to your opponents and arrange a time to play them. Add them to your friends list to see when they come online and remember to post the results on the Top Dogs forum:
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15 years ago  [Link]  
__steven_ is playing phased against MVP
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15 years ago  [Link]  
Any more news on these games guys? almost a week gone and only 3 games played
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15 years ago  [Link]  
Hey guys,

tinotoon hasnt logged in over a week, any chance of a sub there?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15 years ago  [Link]  
Hes had an exam coming up so he has been revising for most of the week.Think he will be back in a day or 2
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15 years ago  [Link]  
Right, but preferably would like a replacement now as he has 2 games and I think it has much more chance of being played if he is subbed out.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15 years ago  [Link]  
Theres still over a week to go, don't get your knickers in a twist
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15 years ago  [Link]  
Are you the captain?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15 years ago  [Link]  
Nope but ive spoken with antione, and plus i was captain and still have a say so dont come back with a snide comment
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15 years ago  [Link]  
gooselfc said:
Top Dogs 19 - 26 MVP

cue_power vs poolviper
mandyford 3 vs 12 onua0767
andyw1 vs hightops
__steven_ vs phased
alxima 7 vs 8 mich
gooselfc 9 vs 6 ab_rfc
tinotoon vs alexander
antione08 vs nickh87

FBI 3 - 12 Top Dogs

accuracyisbk 3 vs 12 antione08
jgo3000 vs tinotoon
jimmy_1878 vs __steven_
pool_pig vs slimeball
_egotistical vs gooselfc
master_p00l vs funk_p0tter_
revinax vs mandyford
bloodhound vs well_played

Deadline 21st MARCH

Please make sure u send a message to your opponents and arrange a time to play them. Add them to your friends list to see when they come online and remember to post the results on the Top Dogs forum:
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15 years ago  [Link]  
alexander said:
Right, but preferably would like a replacement now as he has 2 games and I think it has much more chance of being played if he is subbed out.

shock "get me a sub, i need you to sub them" give ppl a chance will ya's we are team of pool players not watchers!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15 years ago  [Link]  
Guys seriously I don't know why you have jumped
right down my throat.

I thought rather than discussing the game on here I would speak to the captain. I have made ant aware now and am assured that he will be on soon. No need to snap jay know your annoyed about our little chat the other day and haven't forgotten it.

All sorted I hope.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15 years ago  [Link]  
come on guys, lets just drop the convo now please
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15 years ago  [Link]  
EDIT: Not going to bother anymore

Edited at 23:18 Thu 11/03/10 (GMT)
Posts: 8,149
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15 years ago  [Link]  
Top Dogs vs FBI

slimeball 15-0 pool_pig
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15 years ago  [Link]  
antione08 said:
gooselfc said:
Top Dogs 19 - 26 MVP

cue_power vs poolviper
mandyford 3 vs 12 onua0767
andyw1 vs hightops
__steven_ vs phased
alxima 7 vs 8 mich
gooselfc 9 vs 6 ab_rfc
tinotoon vs alexander
antione08 vs nickh87

FBI 3 - 27 Top Dogs

accuracyisbk 3 vs 12 antione08
jgo3000 vs tinotoon
jimmy_1878 vs __steven_
pool_pig 0 vs 15 slimeball
_egotistical vs gooselfc
master_p00l vs funk_p0tter_
revinax vs mandyford
bloodhound vs well_played

Deadline 21st MARCH

Please make sure u send a message to your opponents and arrange a time to play them. Add them to your friends list to see when they come online and remember to post the results on the Top Dogs forum:
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