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17:35 Thu 4 Mar 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
I doubt that very much, shouldnt of carried on playing you cos i had a lot on my mind, thats the reason i left after some 8US games, but hey ho always next season
Deleted User
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07:23 Fri 5 Mar 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Unlucky everyone in the cup, gives us time to focus on the league now though, well played everyone so far and lets have a good push for the rest of the games.
Deleted User
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07:47 Fri 5 Mar 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
tinotoon said:
obero said:
So far game vs Funk potter has been pretty crap. We played uk and most of us, but he is not coming online again till Sat. I am working sat. I have been online every day since, and speaking to nufc to try and get another person to play from 0-0. I dont mind this, but if it goes to default, I am happy to take the win. Up to you guys.

Lol why should you get the win? He can't make it when you're on and you can't make it when he's on. That sounds like stalemate to me.

I have to agree tino, what was the score at games end?
I feel that these games/defaults are getting out of control, "if you cannot fully commit to a game you should not start it, and if you cant get round to playing it then subs can be made"
That applies to both players as i dont know who needed the break,

im on a week off work and plan to play alot of funky, in a match i go 5-0 up in first session and the other player says that he is tired and is playing badly because of it, can we play tomorrow?
i say yes and we end there, tommorrow comes and i log for 15 minutes every hour throughout the day and dont see him, day after i do the same but cannot play all the games and when asked to play explain that i cant, but still log in for 15 mins an hour later and so on, i may log alot more times than that player and still even have the nerve to message them. But is he at fault or am i, even though i am being a bad sport? defaults award??
Deleted User
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15:33 Fri 5 Mar 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Friendly Gooselfc Vs Fizzical

US 4-1
9 Ball 2-3
UK 2-3

Overall 8-7 to gooselfc
Some of the best games of pool i have seen for a while, and that is disregarding any possobility of flukes, not many of them and when they were there they were deserved.

Great games Fizz, was a pleasure watching and playing them. really thought you had me at the end also. Good luck in your other matches mate.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:44 Fri 5 Mar 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well done Wayne, nice little result
Deleted User
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13:28 Sat 6 Mar 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Funky Legends vs Top Dogs

joker vs mandyford

I sent her a message 4 days ago regarding our game. She was last offline 1 day ago. She completely ignore my message, can an active sub play me instead?

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13:56 Sat 6 Mar 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
I'll see if she can come on now
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
10:24 Sun 7 Mar 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
antione08 said:
Sharpshooters 43 - 77 Top Dogs

doubted2 7 vs 8 alxima
mr_pink_eyes 5 vs 10 andyw1
blueberry 1 vs 14 antione08
yorkshirepro 7 vs 8 cue_power
justforplay 6 vs 9 gooselfc
metterzrocks 4 vs 11 funk_p0tter_
deejay 4 vs 11 nufc_4_life
eddie_15 9 vs 6 well_played

Top Dogs 60 - 60 Wipeout

alxima 6 vs 9 janmb
andyw1 6 vs 9 lost
antione08 10 vs 5 _redherring_
cue_power 4 vs 11 hippesville
gooselfc 8 vs 7 world_elite
mandyford 8 vs 7 flash_is_bac
funk_p0tter_ 10 vs 5 obero
nufc_4_life 8 vs 7 l8ball

Deadline 7th MARCH

Cup fixture

Top Dogs 34 - 41 Wipeout

antione08 9 vs 6 chams
gooselfc 5 vs 10 hippesville
nufc_4_life 3 vs 12 joker86
tinotoon 8 vs 7 _redherring_
mandyford 9 vs 6 janmb

Deadline: Sat 6th Mar (12:00pm UK time)

Please make sure u send a message to your opponents and arrange a time to play them. Add them to your friends list to see when they come online and remember to post the results on the Top Dogs forum:
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
11:26 Sun 7 Mar 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well done guys on getting all games comleted again with minimum hassle

lets keep up the good work in the final 4weeks of the league
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13:01 Sun 7 Mar 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
I'm playing ant in about 15-20 minutes lads!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:32 Sun 7 Mar 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Top Dogs 0 0 MVP

cue_power vs poolviper
mandyford vs onua0767
andyw1 vs hightops
__steven_ vs TBA
alxima vs mich
gooselfc vs ab_rfc
tinotoon vs alexander
antione08 vs nickh87

FBI 3 - 12 Top Dogs

accuracyisbk 3 vs 12 antione08
jgo3000 vs tinotoon
jimmy_1878 vs __steven_
pool_pig vs slimeball
_egotistical vs gooselfc
master_p00l vs funk_p0tter_
revinax vs mandyford
bloodhound vs well_played

Deadline 21st MARCH

Please make sure u send a message to your opponents and arrange a time to play them. Add them to your friends list to see when they come online and remember to post the results on the Top Dogs forum:

Edited at 21:29 Sun 07/03/10 (GMT)
Posts: 1,325
15:02 Sun 7 Mar 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
oh yeah for the friendly match its gonna be onua vs tinotoon and rich vs cue_power

all sorted out now, cheers !
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:19 Sun 7 Mar 10 (GMT)  [Link]  

antione08 vs accuracyisbk

12-3 to antione08

Gg's mate, was very ul in loads of those games hope to catch u on a good day next time

Gl with ur other clan games

Edited at 21:25 Sun 07/03/10 (GMT)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:37 Sun 7 Mar 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well_played vs An1h0ny

8ball US 3-2
9ball US 4-1
8ball UK 3-2

Overall 10-5 Well_played

Good games chap!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:30 Sun 7 Mar 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
antione08 said:
Clan Friendly

Top Dogs 37 Vs 38 Funky Legends Elite

andyw1 5 vs 10 accuracyisbk
cue_power vs rich
funk_potter_ 6 vs 9 __steven_
alxima vs ste
gooselfc 8 vs 7 fizzical
tinotoon vs onua0767
antione08 8 vs 7 straightline
mandyford vs joker
well_played 10 vs 5 an1hony

Deadline: 11th March 11.59GMT
Format: 5 of each game type (8UK, 8US, 9US)

Edited at 22:38 Sun 07/03/10 (GMT)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:34 Sun 7 Mar 10 (GMT)  [Link]  

Mandyford is rarely online, may i suggest a sub for the friendly match.
Example: nufc_4_life, to ensure my match gets played.

Posts: 324
12:39 Mon 8 Mar 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Keep trying if there is no more luck then Im sure Jay or Ant can swap things around a bit. She was online 5 hours ago!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:00 Mon 8 Mar 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Ste 5 - 0 Alxima ( 8ball )
Ste 3 - 2 Alxima ( 9ball )
Ste 4 - 1 Alxima ( 8Ball UK )

Overall : 12 - 3.

Good games thanks alxima
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:19 Mon 8 Mar 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
antione08 said:
Clan Friendly

Top Dogs 40 Vs 50 Funky Legends Elite

andyw1 5 vs 10 accuracyisbk
cue_power vs rich
funk_potter_ 6 vs 9 __steven_
alxima 3 vs 12 ste
gooselfc 8 vs 7 fizzical
tinotoon vs onua0767
antione08 8 vs 7 straightline
mandyford vs joker
well_played 10 vs 5 an1hony

Deadline: 11th March 11.59GMT
Format: 5 of each game type (8UK, 8US, 9US)

Posts: 9,926
18:18 Mon 8 Mar 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
MVP V Top Dogs

anonymous v __steven_


phased v __steven_
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