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Posts: 36
08:17 Sat 15 Aug 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Ive played two games today against players that have reset their stats,why arent ppl banned from doing this? Theyre just on here to spoil peoples scores. Lost count of how many people have used this tactic.
Deleted User
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08:21 Sat 15 Aug 09 (BST)  [Link]  
It's not a tactic.

And isn't everyone here to lower everyone elses scores and higher their own?

(Those who play ranked anyway.)

If you play ranked that's the risk you take.

Easy fix, check your opponents stats before you play.

(Win % etc.)

Or don't play 'newbies'.
Posts: 36
08:23 Sat 15 Aug 09 (BST)  [Link]  
your talking rubbish rogan if u let people have the option they flout it,keep reseting time and time again.
Deleted User
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08:24 Sat 15 Aug 09 (BST)  [Link]  
I'm not.
Posts: 36
08:30 Sat 15 Aug 09 (BST)  [Link]  
they should have no choice to reset stats,the end.
Deleted User
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08:33 Sat 15 Aug 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Well I think the option should be there.

You'd still get fake newbies either way, they'd just be on a new account if you took away the option.

But what do I know?
I'm talking rubbish.

Edited at 13:37 Sat 15/08/09 (BST)
Posts: 36
08:48 Sat 15 Aug 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Why should the option be there? Give 1 valid reason why ppl need it.
Deleted User
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08:49 Sat 15 Aug 09 (BST)  [Link]  
I already have.

Another would be because you might not be happy with your current stats and want to start again and play people like you.
Deleted User
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09:42 Sat 15 Aug 09 (BST)  [Link]  
i have reset my stats twice i think, i see no harm in it!!!!

Quite pointless this is!
Posts: 8,149
10:10 Sat 15 Aug 09 (BST)  [Link]  
i have reset my stats once so i can start again with how good i am now, when i signed up i wasnt that good therefore alot of my stats where rubbish.

my biggest problem which made me want to reset was my wins %.

i think it is a good idea for those who want to start again with there current skills.

but like rogan said, check there stats quickly before pressing play, if your not happy press NO.
Posts: 36
15:18 Sat 15 Aug 09 (BST)  [Link]  
if ur current stats are no good then challenge yourself to make them better,dont take the easy way out.

if people keep resetting,the place will be flooded with newbies.
Deleted User
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15:36 Sat 15 Aug 09 (BST)  [Link]  
truehotshot said:
Ive played two games today against players that have reset their stats,why arent ppl banned from doing this?

The option wouldn't be there if it was a bannable offence.

truehotshot said:
if ur current stats are no good then challenge yourself to make them better,dont take the easy way out.

Thats the way you would do it, but others resetting them is the best option. Some also do it for a challenge like trying to get the highest rank before losing newbie status.

truehotshot said:
your talking rubbish rogan

Sorry, but that comment is total rubbish, he gave valid points. No need for that.

Edited at 20:38 Sat 15/08/09 (BST)
Posts: 36
15:41 Sat 15 Aug 09 (BST)  [Link]  
damee your point is? lol
Deleted User
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15:56 Sat 15 Aug 09 (BST)  [Link]  
truehotshot said:
damee your point is? lol

That is the point, unlike your post which had no point.

Another reason why the reset button is there is because people would just de-activate and create another account, but if the reset option is there, some will use it, and it makes it easier for mods/admin to track them.

Remove the reset button, people will just deactivate, the "problem" (which is aint) aint solved.
Posts: 455
16:01 Sat 15 Aug 09 (BST)  [Link]  
best thing is, dont play newbies!

and dont play any different to newbies in tournaments as u would to a pro. ( like i do)

deep down i dont think resetting is good
but nothing anyone can do, so pointless thread.
Posts: 36
16:04 Sat 15 Aug 09 (BST)  [Link]  
damee your post was full of contradictions,thats all

james you are half right but this isnt a pointless thread,as you said resetting is not good and why is there no reason something can be done about it?

without hope in life,you tend to get nowhere.
Deleted User
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16:08 Sat 15 Aug 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Resetting solved a greater problem, and removing the option would just pop up the greater problem again.

Being a former mod on snooker, i know how important the reset option is than not having it. If you do have a solution, then please tell us!
Posts: 8,940
16:21 Sat 15 Aug 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Maybe a wee history lesson for the newbies who have joined us since the reset option was introduced would be good again

Before the reset option existed, people just deleted ther accounts and recreated them to effectively reset their stats.

This meant there was no way of knowing how long a user had been on the site etc.

People can still do this if they wish, but almost all who like to play rank/win% challenges etc use the reset option.

When a player resets, it is recorded on their profile so others can see.

As for why do it?

Some people like to see how few games they can get to pro or virtuoso, or race otherplayers to a set number of wins. Some want to try to get a perfect win % over a set number of games etc, all just as valid a way to enjoy the site as winning a tournament or becoming pro in all game types etc.

The effect of others rank is eliminated by the newbie adjustment (by the time experienced players have played 100 games they are usually mid 800's), and indeed you lose less rank playing them after resetting than you would if you played them as a non-newbie!
Posts: 455
16:51 Sat 15 Aug 09 (BST)  [Link]  
truehotshot said:
damee your post was full of contradictions,thats all

james you are half right but this isnt a pointless thread,as you said resetting is not good and why is there no reason something can be done about it?

without hope in life,you tend to get nowhere.

hope? you cant win! you stop the resetting, they make a new account? so how wud it be stopped? cant be
Posts: 36
07:37 Sun 16 Aug 09 (BST)  [Link]  
james for prime minister
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