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10:16 Wed 9 Sept 09 (BST)
The reasons i havent been on lately is that i have too much stuff to do including school finding it difficult just to get online and find time.
i dont want to let teh fellowship down by givin defaulting wins to the league matches. Now i have read the recent posts saying that the fellowships clan is too big, i wouldnt mind merv if u dropped me bcoz i seriuosly dont want to give default wins. ive been wiv this clan from teh start and it has been a great pleasure playing for the fellowship. Theres great people in it and a superb clan n fellowship has a strong side to win the div 1.
The reasons i havent been on lately is that i have too much stuff to do including school finding it difficult just to get online and find time.
i dont want to let teh fellowship down by givin defaulting wins to the league matches. Now i have read the recent posts saying that the fellowships clan is too big, i wouldnt mind merv if u dropped me bcoz i seriuosly dont want to give default wins. ive been wiv this clan from teh start and it has been a great pleasure playing for the fellowship. Theres great people in it and a superb clan n fellowship has a strong side to win the div 1.
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11:00 Wed 9 Sept 09 (BST)
right to end this all i will say my peace who ever reads this your opinion is ur opinion no one elses
i want to play for the fellowship but i feel im being pushed away from the fellowship due to outside interference of this clan eg(league organisers)
i will say this once more just if u lot dont understand
i accept you can put me on the free agents list
but i warn other teams in the clan league if u offer me a position it will be rejected
their is only one team i wanna play for and if i aint allowed to do that i dont want to play for anyone else
so people involved with sorting the free agents list out
if u wont let me play for fellowship
you will be wasting ur time putting me on the free agents list!!!
i want to play for the fellowship but i feel im being pushed away from the fellowship due to outside interference of this clan eg(league organisers)
i will say this once more just if u lot dont understand
i accept you can put me on the free agents list
but i warn other teams in the clan league if u offer me a position it will be rejected
their is only one team i wanna play for and if i aint allowed to do that i dont want to play for anyone else
so people involved with sorting the free agents list out
if u wont let me play for fellowship
you will be wasting ur time putting me on the free agents list!!!
11:17 Wed 9 Sept 09 (BST)
Gazer, the point is that from the league point of view, you are either part of a clan (up to the 12 person limit) or you are not ( = free agent)
So in order for the fellowship to be able to use you later in the season at all, you must officially be a non-member as of now.
So in order for the fellowship to be able to use you later in the season at all, you must officially be a non-member as of now.
Deleted User
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11:36 Wed 9 Sept 09 (BST)
ukpoolking vs gossy555
8 ball - 4 1 to ukpoo
9 ball - 3 2 to ukpoo
8 ball uk - 4 1 to ukpoo
overall - 11 4 to ukpoo
8 ball - 4 1 to ukpoo
9 ball - 3 2 to ukpoo
8 ball uk - 4 1 to ukpoo
overall - 11 4 to ukpoo
11:54 Wed 9 Sept 09 (BST)
Hi Guys
I have taken this from MMTs profile......
Why have I been hammered about this 12 member thing.
I have taken this from MMTs profile......
Why have I been hammered about this 12 member thing.
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11:59 Wed 9 Sept 09 (BST)
ok wait i havent begged to play in the league if i can great but i will bide my time until it happens another words if i aint in that 12 man team for the league im a fellowship clan member not in the league
right this is y clan league here is so difficuly compared to funkysnooker
in funkysnooker im a part of the hustlers clan team
we had nearly 20 players with only 6 places available for clan league and no clans or our clan have a problem with that
im a really annoyed ur r unwilling to let me be in the fellowship or at least thats wot it sounds like
do u really want my advice i think you should all take a really good look at urselves and realise how selfish u are sounding by making me and the other 2 leave the fellowship because we not in the clan league 12 player limit
so were not bothered about not being in the league merv is bothered about it
the only ones who have a problem are u guys and other clans who need players
there is more than 3 players on the free agents list
if they need a player tell them to look there
again im telling u any offers for me will be rejected and i think u guys should really get a grip to be honest cos this is really started to get on my nerves
tell me if im wrong but where we play isnt that our decision
whether we play is merv decision
whether we can play in the clan league is your decision
so if we cant play in the clan league leave us 3 out of this so we can play in friendly's
up to u lot
right this is y clan league here is so difficuly compared to funkysnooker
in funkysnooker im a part of the hustlers clan team
we had nearly 20 players with only 6 places available for clan league and no clans or our clan have a problem with that
im a really annoyed ur r unwilling to let me be in the fellowship or at least thats wot it sounds like
do u really want my advice i think you should all take a really good look at urselves and realise how selfish u are sounding by making me and the other 2 leave the fellowship because we not in the clan league 12 player limit
so were not bothered about not being in the league merv is bothered about it
the only ones who have a problem are u guys and other clans who need players
there is more than 3 players on the free agents list
if they need a player tell them to look there
again im telling u any offers for me will be rejected and i think u guys should really get a grip to be honest cos this is really started to get on my nerves
tell me if im wrong but where we play isnt that our decision
whether we play is merv decision
whether we can play in the clan league is your decision
so if we cant play in the clan league leave us 3 out of this so we can play in friendly's
up to u lot
Deleted User
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12:09 Wed 9 Sept 09 (BST)
That is a list of players who have played and will always be untouchables that is not there clan list i can assure u of that.
But as u do post i have lman in nutters
smithbit and bast dont play nor does mmt atm or wrexhamlad
gandalf said:
Hi Guys
I have taken this from MMTs profile......
Why have I been hammered about this 12 member thing.
I have taken this from MMTs profile......
Why have I been hammered about this 12 member thing.
That is a list of players who have played and will always be untouchables that is not there clan list i can assure u of that.
But as u do post i have lman in nutters
smithbit and bast dont play nor does mmt atm or wrexhamlad
12:10 Wed 9 Sept 09 (BST)
seems to be the only ones disagreeing are the league hosts and captains who cant be bothered going to try and run their own clans.......
it is the same in all walks of life fellowship.....
it is the same in all walks of life fellowship.....
12:11 Wed 9 Sept 09 (BST)
Alright Merv, when will you ever give up....
1: A player profile is not an official source of information in any case
2: Adam's profile shows a current and former list of members about two seasons back
3: A lot of those players no longer plays for the clan and we've signed several new ones after that
4: UT consists of 12.0000 players, both officially and unofficially. For an updated list of members you'd have to ask the captain, Mich, or wait until the web site is updated by the league hosts.
On a related note, and which makes a very good example of WHY we give you heat about the clan size thing:
lman just returned to the site and wanted to play. Rather than doing what you are doing, we had to tell him our clan was full at the moment (despite being a former clan member and we'd liked to have him back if we could), and now he's playing for another clan this season instead.
And THAT is the entire goal: Making sure the players who want to play league games actually spread across clans according to the max size, rather than piling up in a few clans only.
1: A player profile is not an official source of information in any case
2: Adam's profile shows a current and former list of members about two seasons back
3: A lot of those players no longer plays for the clan and we've signed several new ones after that
4: UT consists of 12.0000 players, both officially and unofficially. For an updated list of members you'd have to ask the captain, Mich, or wait until the web site is updated by the league hosts.
On a related note, and which makes a very good example of WHY we give you heat about the clan size thing:
lman just returned to the site and wanted to play. Rather than doing what you are doing, we had to tell him our clan was full at the moment (despite being a former clan member and we'd liked to have him back if we could), and now he's playing for another clan this season instead.
And THAT is the entire goal: Making sure the players who want to play league games actually spread across clans according to the max size, rather than piling up in a few clans only.
12:15 Wed 9 Sept 09 (BST)
No one is saying you have to leave the fellowship.
No one is saying the fellowship can't have more than 12 members here on funkypool.
What we are saying is that having more than 12 people in your total clan may lead to the fellowship not being accepted into the league in future seasons - at the discretion of the hosts exclusively.
gazer111 said:
do u really want my advice i think you should all take a really good look at urselves and realise how selfish u are sounding by making me and the other 2 leave the fellowship because we not in the clan league 12 player limit
No one is saying you have to leave the fellowship.
No one is saying the fellowship can't have more than 12 members here on funkypool.
What we are saying is that having more than 12 people in your total clan may lead to the fellowship not being accepted into the league in future seasons - at the discretion of the hosts exclusively.
12:16 Wed 9 Sept 09 (BST)
The players I have have been told there is no space for them yet - but they dont want to play for any other clan - THEIR decision....
If they did, I wouldn't stand in their way - I am going round in circles here and couldn't really be annoyed carrying this conversation on.....
The fellowship clan is as it is and will be staying like that.....
I have followed the rules given out 100% to the letter and sent through my team of 12.....
If any player leaves, they will be replaced....
The players I have have been told there is no space for them yet - but they dont want to play for any other clan - THEIR decision....
If they did, I wouldn't stand in their way - I am going round in circles here and couldn't really be annoyed carrying this conversation on.....
The fellowship clan is as it is and will be staying like that.....
I have followed the rules given out 100% to the letter and sent through my team of 12.....
If any player leaves, they will be replaced....
Deleted User
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12:16 Wed 9 Sept 09 (BST)
Sorry but merv made my day when he found that untuchable list, good research my freind lmao
12:17 Wed 9 Sept 09 (BST)
As long as you do that according to the rules, I'm sure no one will have any issues with that.
gandalf said:
I have followed the rules given out 100% to the letter and sent through my team of 12.....
If any player leaves, they will be replaced....
If any player leaves, they will be replaced....
As long as you do that according to the rules, I'm sure no one will have any issues with that.
12:18 Wed 9 Sept 09 (BST)
simple the nonplaying members are not apart of the clan... as the week in weekout players... they are there incase of a deactiavtion banning or anyother matter that could arise from a player leaving or froced to leave
12:19 Wed 9 Sept 09 (BST)
It says quite a bit that he went looking for it in the first place lol. Not to mention how interesting it is to actually think a list on a player profile of a player no longer even playing for UT himself is supposed to be any kind of clan list
kirk__1989 said:
Sorry but merv made my day when he found that untuchable list, good research my freind lmao
It says quite a bit that he went looking for it in the first place lol. Not to mention how interesting it is to actually think a list on a player profile of a player no longer even playing for UT himself is supposed to be any kind of clan list
Deleted User
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12:22 Wed 9 Sept 09 (BST)
Lol oh is that your excuse this time, i still think the strike for lunch money would be a good idea for you all ;)
where have the spoilers and smilers gone?
where have the spoilers and smilers gone?
12:23 Wed 9 Sept 09 (BST)
It says quite a bit that he went looking for it in the first place lol. Not to mention how interesting it is to actually think a list on a player profile of a player no longer even playing for UT himself is supposed to be any kind of clan listActually stumbled across it by accident guys - was sending league organizer a message - sorry to disappoint jan
janmb said:
kirk__1989 said:
Sorry but merv made my day when he found that untuchable list, good research my freind lmao
It says quite a bit that he went looking for it in the first place lol. Not to mention how interesting it is to actually think a list on a player profile of a player no longer even playing for UT himself is supposed to be any kind of clan list
Deleted User
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12:23 Wed 9 Sept 09 (BST)
well that is the most pathetic excuse of a rule i have ever and i mean EVER heard
so basically ur saying which u would say to others go abit like this
"hiya guys just to tell u that ur allowed 12 people and 12 people only if people have a life and go on holiday oh well but if u do decide to have 12 people or more please be aware we aint having u next season"
i know that isnt wot ur saying but ur telling us their is a chance of us losing our place because of a stupid PATHETIC rule
so basically ur saying which u would say to others go abit like this
"hiya guys just to tell u that ur allowed 12 people and 12 people only if people have a life and go on holiday oh well but if u do decide to have 12 people or more please be aware we aint having u next season"
i know that isnt wot ur saying but ur telling us their is a chance of us losing our place because of a stupid PATHETIC rule
Deleted User
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12:25 Wed 9 Sept 09 (BST)
It says quite a bit that he went looking for it in the first place lol. Not to mention how interesting it is to actually think a list on a player profile of a player no longer even playing for UT himself is supposed to be any kind of clan listActually stumbled across it by accident guys - was sending league organizer a message - sorry to disappoint jan
Why were u messaging mmt hes not about atm so you wont get a reply for a while.
All queries to be sent to me im afraid for time bein
gandalf said:
janmb said:
kirk__1989 said:
Sorry but merv made my day when he found that untuchable list, good research my freind lmao
It says quite a bit that he went looking for it in the first place lol. Not to mention how interesting it is to actually think a list on a player profile of a player no longer even playing for UT himself is supposed to be any kind of clan list
Why were u messaging mmt hes not about atm so you wont get a reply for a while.
All queries to be sent to me im afraid for time bein
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