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08:51 Thu 21 May 09 (BST)
obero you are not alone... if i wnt to snooker someone to win i bloudy well will okay and yehs the gg thing does my nut in too .... great points there
obero said:
/restart rant
Just beeen thinking some more, and its getting me really worked up that people feel that they have the <right> to come on a dictate how people play. If I thought you were giving critical advice, fine. But these players. They berate every little thing you do. Really gets to me.
And another thing.
See these people who say 'gg' before the last ball has been potted? Wtf is the point? It puts people off and its lame. If you cant beat someone normally, get bettter. Dont go using crap gamesmanship to try and win. I had someone say 'gg' when i had 5 balls on the talbe... SERIOUSLY!? WTF?
People should learn to get a damn life.
/end rant
P.S. I have some pent up rage atm, just venting.
Just beeen thinking some more, and its getting me really worked up that people feel that they have the <right> to come on a dictate how people play. If I thought you were giving critical advice, fine. But these players. They berate every little thing you do. Really gets to me.
And another thing.
See these people who say 'gg' before the last ball has been potted? Wtf is the point? It puts people off and its lame. If you cant beat someone normally, get bettter. Dont go using crap gamesmanship to try and win. I had someone say 'gg' when i had 5 balls on the talbe... SERIOUSLY!? WTF?
People should learn to get a damn life.
/end rant
P.S. I have some pent up rage atm, just venting.
obero you are not alone... if i wnt to snooker someone to win i bloudy well will okay and yehs the gg thing does my nut in too .... great points there
10:38 Thu 21 May 09 (BST)
Which is most of the time why they do it I guess
ukpoolking said:
and yehs the gg thing does my nut in too ....
Which is most of the time why they do it I guess
10:38 Thu 21 May 09 (BST)
Dont listen to them hun,dont give them the time of day!!
pot_the_lot said:
Ill rant about ppl calling u names over ur picture.
Me for example i put up this pic i got up monday and yest i got called fat well hold up a min the picture is shrunk so i blame that.
No need for name calling its really frustrtaes me
Me for example i put up this pic i got up monday and yest i got called fat well hold up a min the picture is shrunk so i blame that.
No need for name calling its really frustrtaes me
Dont listen to them hun,dont give them the time of day!!
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10:43 Thu 21 May 09 (BST)
What really grinds my gears is when people leave when I'm on for a run out
Either way they get a loss, why not stay and let me have my moment!
Either way they get a loss, why not stay and let me have my moment!
10:54 Thu 21 May 09 (BST)
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11:44 Thu 21 May 09 (BST)
Just kidding! The only thing that bugs me on here is losing, this game is all that matters to me, and winning or losing is almost a matter of life or death at the best (worst) of times. If only I had a decent monitor/system I'd have nothing to worry about
Get a job then ya bum..
_niall_ said:
Just kidding! The only thing that bugs me on here is losing, this game is all that matters to me, and winning or losing is almost a matter of life or death at the best (worst) of times. If only I had a decent monitor/system I'd have nothing to worry about
Get a job then ya bum..
14:39 Thu 21 May 09 (BST)
Which is most of the time why they do it I guess
i no jan its immature really but oh well most of time it puts ppl off but it doesnt with me
janmb said:
ukpoolking said:
and yehs the gg thing does my nut in too ....
Which is most of the time why they do it I guess
i no jan its immature really but oh well most of time it puts ppl off but it doesnt with me
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13:58 Fri 22 May 09 (BST)
/begin rant
UK marathon last night. 2-0 up, had easy shot to middle on last yellow and had to work the white to get on the black but hey...
What happened?
"gg mate, gl in rest of tounry, hope you win it..."
I lost 3-2 cause of how damn freeking annoyed I was. From now on, going to put everyone on ignore when I play them in comps. Sorry if that offends you but I have alot of stress atm from exams and this is just taking the damn biscuit when i wanna relax and have fun.
Regards all, and sorry for ignoring you all from now on.
/end rant
UK marathon last night. 2-0 up, had easy shot to middle on last yellow and had to work the white to get on the black but hey...
What happened?
"gg mate, gl in rest of tounry, hope you win it..."
I lost 3-2 cause of how damn freeking annoyed I was. From now on, going to put everyone on ignore when I play them in comps. Sorry if that offends you but I have alot of stress atm from exams and this is just taking the damn biscuit when i wanna relax and have fun.
Regards all, and sorry for ignoring you all from now on.
/end rant
14:30 Fri 22 May 09 (BST)
Maybe he presumed that you wouldn't miss the easy yellow,
It doesn't sound like he did it in a malicious way..
Fair enough people saying "gg" when there is 3 balls left on the table that's inappropriate..
But that sounded more of a kind remark..
It doesn't sound like he did it in a malicious way..
Fair enough people saying "gg" when there is 3 balls left on the table that's inappropriate..
But that sounded more of a kind remark..
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15:22 Fri 22 May 09 (BST)
Said like I posted I suppose it does... Taking into consideration him saying gg before i potted each of my other blacks, then I don't really care much if it was malicious or not, the way the balls were sitting, I would bet on most folk missing the position on the black... I still not sure how i would manage it...
It doesn't matter if its suppsoed to be hind or not tbh tho, it annoys me, and this is for venting so i venting... ;)
It doesn't matter if its suppsoed to be hind or not tbh tho, it annoys me, and this is for venting so i venting... ;)
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14:26 Tue 26 May 09 (BST)
Why do people beg you to play then run as soon as they win 1 game, after you have lost 3.9 points due to them fluking the black ball, it wouldnt have bothered me if they hadnt asked me about 8 times to play.
16:10 Tue 26 May 09 (BST)
I'm not so sure, keoghz. It wasn't a straightforward case of pot followed by pot; there was a bit of effort needed to win the game, and "gg mate, gl in rest of tourney, hope you win it..." was obviously (because of its length) typed well before that shot itself became apparent. You can never really be 100% certain whether a player coming out with that is being malicious, but it was obvious the game was not decided, and in the back of all our minds, we know that this sort of thing is always unwelcome. In this instance, if I was asked to decide for or against the player, I'd find against him.
keoghz said:
Maybe he presumed that you wouldn't miss the easy yellow,
It doesn't sound like he did it in a malicious way..
Fair enough people saying "gg" when there is 3 balls left on the table that's inappropriate..
But that sounded more of a kind remark..
It doesn't sound like he did it in a malicious way..
Fair enough people saying "gg" when there is 3 balls left on the table that's inappropriate..
But that sounded more of a kind remark..
obero said:
UK marathon last night. 2-0 up, had easy shot to middle on last yellow and had to work the white to get on the black but hey...
What happened?
"gg mate, gl in rest of tounry, hope you win it..."
What happened?
"gg mate, gl in rest of tounry, hope you win it..."
I'm not so sure, keoghz. It wasn't a straightforward case of pot followed by pot; there was a bit of effort needed to win the game, and "gg mate, gl in rest of tourney, hope you win it..." was obviously (because of its length) typed well before that shot itself became apparent. You can never really be 100% certain whether a player coming out with that is being malicious, but it was obvious the game was not decided, and in the back of all our minds, we know that this sort of thing is always unwelcome. In this instance, if I was asked to decide for or against the player, I'd find against him.
16:11 Tue 26 May 09 (BST)
Fair enough; it's unfortunate that it's had to come to that... Two things though:
1) It might be a good idea to put that on your profile, complete with explanation, so that people can see where you're coming from and not think you're just being rude by not replying to their questions, comments, etc
2) Don't forget to take them off ignore afterwards!
obero said:
From now on, going to put everyone on ignore when I play them in comps. Sorry if that offends you but I have alot of stress atm from exams and this is just taking the damn biscuit when i wanna relax and have fun.
Regards all, and sorry for ignoring you all from now on.
Regards all, and sorry for ignoring you all from now on.
Fair enough; it's unfortunate that it's had to come to that... Two things though:
1) It might be a good idea to put that on your profile, complete with explanation, so that people can see where you're coming from and not think you're just being rude by not replying to their questions, comments, etc
2) Don't forget to take them off ignore afterwards!
16:14 Tue 26 May 09 (BST)
Well, basically you can still say gg with having just having 1 ball left but it's not respectful or a good thing to do when they're shooting. I mean i'm not saying i do it but its just bad sportsmanship if you say gg with 1 ball left and good sportsmanship saying gg after the 8 is sunk
18:19 Tue 26 May 09 (BST)
See these people who say 'gg' before the last ball has been potted? Wtf is the point? It puts people off and its lame. If you cant beat someone normally, get bettter. Dont go using crap gamesmanship to try and win.
I must disagree here, I say 'gg' if the odds are in their favour, example, if the black is covering a pocket and they are on the black I say 'gg'. Where's the problem? I'll say it only if I feel the game was truly enjoyable and don't use it to try and distract anyone from winning.
I had someone say 'gg' when i had 5 balls on the talbe... SERIOUSLY!? WTF?
I agree that would annoy me and is purely to distract people from the game. But you should put into consideration the fact you're reading messages instead of taking your shot. Nobody can be blamed for that.
P.S It's a 'table' not a 'talbe'.
obero said:
See these people who say 'gg' before the last ball has been potted? Wtf is the point? It puts people off and its lame. If you cant beat someone normally, get bettter. Dont go using crap gamesmanship to try and win.
I must disagree here, I say 'gg' if the odds are in their favour, example, if the black is covering a pocket and they are on the black I say 'gg'. Where's the problem? I'll say it only if I feel the game was truly enjoyable and don't use it to try and distract anyone from winning.
obero said:
I had someone say 'gg' when i had 5 balls on the talbe... SERIOUSLY!? WTF?
I agree that would annoy me and is purely to distract people from the game. But you should put into consideration the fact you're reading messages instead of taking your shot. Nobody can be blamed for that.
P.S It's a 'table' not a 'talbe'.
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18:23 Tue 26 May 09 (BST)
Lol nope im on about a adept i played in uk
g_shot said:
Lol.... hope that isn't to me
Lol nope im on about a adept i played in uk
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18:59 Tue 26 May 09 (BST)
What annoys me is when you get the occasional player that says your a hit and hoper.
How does the player know that the shot you hit was an intend shot not a hit and hope, that bugs me xD.
With this 'gg' thing, it really doesn't bother me if they say it when there is like a easy black ball to pot, even i will say good game just after he has had the shot (if it is on the black ball), but with 3 balls left on the table, wow!
How does the player know that the shot you hit was an intend shot not a hit and hope, that bugs me xD.
With this 'gg' thing, it really doesn't bother me if they say it when there is like a easy black ball to pot, even i will say good game just after he has had the shot (if it is on the black ball), but with 3 balls left on the table, wow!
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16:48 Wed 27 May 09 (BST)
The 'gg' issue just happened to me in the 9ball tournament.
Player A missed the 6, leaving 4 balls left on the table, 9 on the cushion and the 7&8 bunched together.
Player A then says gg v wp gl.
Fortunately for me I was able to pot the 6 7 and 8, keep the 9 safe on the cushion and came away with the win.
Still annoying though.
Player A missed the 6, leaving 4 balls left on the table, 9 on the cushion and the 7&8 bunched together.
Player A then says gg v wp gl.
Fortunately for me I was able to pot the 6 7 and 8, keep the 9 safe on the cushion and came away with the win.
Still annoying though.
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