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Clan Match Scoring System

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07:22 Sun 17 May 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Hi All

Being a new member to funky pool this season, I am finding it difficult to get my head around the scoring system in clan matches....

With 9ball being the first to 4, seems to give the better 9 ball players the advantage......

Is this done for a reason......

I have 2 suggestions that might make it fairer to all rounders...

1. 1 point for each discipline ie if you win 9 ball, but lose both 8 balls then you lose 2 - 1.

2. Make 9 - ball best of 5 like the other 2 disciplines as if you lose 9 ball 4 - 1 and win both your 8 ball matches 3 - 2 you still lose the match, however if it was best of 5 the the match would be drawn.

Apologies for this post guys if there is a good reason (other than 9 ball being quicker) for the format, but i just cant see it...
Posts: 5,373
07:33 Sun 17 May 09 (BST)  [Link]  
I agree with your points in general.

In addition to the fact that 9 ball in average weighs a bit more in the overall result than the other game types, there's also the problem of a 10-8 result almost being no win at all.

It would be much more fun (and more meaningful) to play for the win in each game type, rather than just play for frames. In addition, grant a bonus point or two to the overall winner of the match (with three game types there would never be any draws, the only possible results being 3-0 or 2-1)

A soccer system would been easily applicable here, awarding 3 points for the win in each game type and 0 for a loss, regardless of the frame count being 3-0, 3-1 or 3-2.

A couple simple examples, since they tend to illustrate things better than explanations:

player a vs b:

8: 3-0 = 3 points to player a for winning 8 ball
9: 1-4 = 3 points to player b for winning 9 ball
uk: 3-2 = 3 points to player a for winning UK
= 3+3+1(overall match bonus)= 7 points to a, 3 points to b

This maintains a maximum points per game at 10, and adds far more meaning to actually winning each game type, making a 4-3 result as good as a 4-0. Might not sound sensible, but in a league system it is. Just look at football. The loser don't get any points, regardless of being 1 or 14 goals behind the winning team.

If needed, total frame count could been recorded and used to settle league table draws, much like goal difference is used in football.

Edited at 12:39 Sun 17/05/09 (BST)
Deleted User
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07:37 Sun 17 May 09 (BST)  [Link]  
but in soccer there is still the chance of a point for a draw so surely you could make all game types the best of four with the chance of a
2-2 so there was the chance of a 90th minute equaliser so to speak . also some players (and im definitely not 1 of them) will tend to lose interest if they lose the first 2 disciplines thus meaning the cannot win, whereas if they lost the 1st and drew the second they would still be able to play for the draw

Edited at 12:42 Sun 17/05/09 (BST)
Posts: 5,373
07:39 Sun 17 May 09 (BST)  [Link]  
You could, but why would you want to? It would add to the game time (bad thing), and there's no real need to be able to produce a draw result is there?

Lack of a draw possibility might warrant dropping the points for a win from 3 down to 2 though.
Deleted User
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07:45 Sun 17 May 09 (BST)  [Link]  
i myself can see for and againsts for this argument but i still think personally (and this is only my opinion) that a draw is not such a bad thing as i could be playing the No.1 in the rankings and would be ecstatic for a draw
Posts: 5,373
08:04 Sun 17 May 09 (BST)  [Link]  
mr_mystery said:
i myself can see for and againsts for this argument but i still think personally (and this is only my opinion) that a draw is not such a bad thing as i could be playing the No.1 in the rankings and would be ecstatic for a draw

True enough. Furthermore, a draw possibility would smooth things out a bit and make it a little less of a lottery, particularly thinking about 9 ball, but the other games too for that matter.

Currently we play best of 5 frames in 8 ball games and best of 7 in 9 ball.

How about playing best of 6 and 8 instead (opening the possibility for 3-3 and 4-4 scores, and award soccer type points, 3 for a win, 1 for a draw, 0 for a loss?
Deleted User
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08:16 Sun 17 May 09 (BST)  [Link]  
i personally think that that would be a great idea
Deleted User
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10:38 Sun 17 May 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Yeah sounds a good idea janmb and I like the sound of that system but I'm sure people on here won't either.
I don't mind the current score system, it's just the 9ball I have a slight problem with like yourself, even if it was just reduced to best of 5 like the 8ball games so that would mean 9 points max to get but then the player who wins 2 out of 3 or 3 out of 3 game types gets an extra point, reward for winning at least 2 of the games and also means 10 points can still be achieved.
Posts: 1,239
10:56 Sun 17 May 09 (BST)  [Link]  
I like the way it is now to be honest
Posts: 5,373
11:18 Sun 17 May 09 (BST)  [Link]  
only1aphex said:
I don't mind the current score system, it's just the 9ball I have a slight problem with like yourself, even if it was just reduced to best of 5 like the 8ball games so that would mean 9 points max to get but then the player who wins 2 out of 3 or 3 out of 3 game types gets an extra point, reward for winning at least 2 of the games and also means 10 points can still be achieved.

Problem is that as long as the frames we play count, we should play as few 9 ball frames as possible.

Changing it into a point system would allow, and encourage, MORE frames in 9 ball to smoothen the fluke factor more.
Deleted User
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12:22 Sun 17 May 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Problem with the points system suggested by you Jan is if for example, I am playing the best player on the game at all disciplines and I am rubbish.

I may be able to nick a frame or 2 in some formats, but no chance of getting 3 in one format, for this I get 0 points, what was the point in turning up and trying in the first place?

The current system gives the weaker players something to play for to try and get some points
Posts: 7,324
12:27 Sun 17 May 09 (BST)  [Link]  
For once in my life I completely agree with robbean, and, as usual, I'm entirely in agreement with warney
Posts: 1,060
12:31 Sun 17 May 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Its Fine the way it is i think

But my way of lookin at it, is make all a race to 3,4 or 5

I Would Like To All Be A Race To 5
Posts: 7,940
12:36 Sun 17 May 09 (BST)  [Link]  
started typing this before the last few posts were posted

I like the idea of 3 points for winning each game type but it could widen the gap between the top and weaker clans, look at the amount of players that get 10 points now, a score like 10-5 would then become 9-0 if it was 3 points for each game type,
some players dont like playing to 4 in 9ball so just change it to first to 3 like the others, why would anyone have a problem with that,
maximum points available to anyone would become 9
Posts: 5,373
13:26 Sun 17 May 09 (BST)  [Link]  
warney said:
Problem with the points system suggested by you Jan is if for example, I am playing the best player on the game at all disciplines and I am rubbish.

I may be able to nick a frame or 2 in some formats, but no chance of getting 3 in one format, for this I get 0 points, what was the point in turning up and trying in the first place

Yes, any point system will make the results a little more black and white for sure, but the idea (just like in football) is that this evens out in the long run.
Posts: 5,373
13:27 Sun 17 May 09 (BST)  [Link]  
ab_rfc said:
some players dont like playing to 4 in 9ball so just change it to first to 3 like the others, why would anyone have a problem with that,
maximum points available to anyone would become 9

If having 10 points max is a big deal to anyone, that could easily be achieved by adding a bonus point to the overall winner of the match, just like was proposed for the point system.
Deleted User
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16:11 Sun 17 May 09 (BST)  [Link]  
janmb said:
warney said:
Problem with the points system suggested by you Jan is if for example, I am playing the best player on the game at all disciplines and I am rubbish.

I may be able to nick a frame or 2 in some formats, but no chance of getting 3 in one format, for this I get 0 points, what was the point in turning up and trying in the first place

Yes, any point system will make the results a little more black and white for sure, but the idea (just like in football) is that this evens out in the long run.

I know that, but isn't the clan league meant to be a bit of fun, weak players won't find it that fun if they are playing for nothing in the end, with current point system, every member in the team is contributing to the points by winning a frame
Deleted User
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07:30 Wed 20 May 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Firstly to make it clear The piglets will happily play under whatever scoring system is settled upon obviously - in fact we will be as happy as pig in ...... well whatever

Have read the above posts though and have to agree with warney's last comment about it being important for all players to be able to feel like they are contributing. With points for each frame won I don't see why it matters therefore that 9 ball needs to be longer. I also think its important to encourage players of all abilities to take part - giving them a reasonable chance of success either through lucky play or through those rare times where everything they do goes right will help that process. It doesnt (and shouldn't) all have to be geared towards favouring the better player - I think there's enough of that already in a best of five for US8 and UK8.

I would agree with ab - make each game the best of 5 and then I suggest (similar to only1aphex above) that if one player wins in all three game types ie wins 9 games (points) in total they then (and only then) get a one point bonus to make 10 points overall. 10 clearly being a desirable figure to have as a maximum according to other posts.
Posts: 5,373
13:53 Wed 20 May 09 (BST)  [Link]  
In that case, grant the bonus point to the overall winner, also if winning only two out of the three game types - simply because it's deserved.
Deleted User
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14:00 Wed 20 May 09 (BST)  [Link]  
nope - you'll be surprised to hear i dont agree with that one

you could win 3-2, 3-2 and lose 0-3

overall you have lost 6-7 you dont deserve a bonus point for that!

the thing is not to keep them as individual game types but altogether - the bonus only hits if you get to the magic 9.
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Clan Match Scoring System

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