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05:54 Sat 18 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
As a neutral in this war (thankfully ) I have to say it is never good to jump in on the attack based on what you perceive to have read between the lines.

However I do agree a 0-0 for all non-played games would be open to abuse under probably any system but definitely one where every frame counts. Thats not to say a 0-0 should not be an option for a default where neither has made much effort. On the same basis, at the other end of the extreme, a 10-0 should not always be the score in certain circumstances either. It is important that each unplayed game is taken on its own merit with a suitable, justifiable, score awarded.

As another idea to make the whole default system more transparent how about there be a thread set up for each fixture (ie mvp v ut) and players do all their contacting of, and arranging to play, opponents, as well as any other comments relating to their games on there so that it is clear for all to see.

They can still private message and pm as well of course but what goes on that thread is the basis for (hopefully) the minority of games that dont get played and have to have a default result decided. Each thread can then be capped at the end of the period. I realise it means a lot more threads and some more work for those that cap these things but it might be worthwhile? If there is an issue of dead threads taking up server space then I am sure they can be deleted at an early stage after they have been capped.
Posts: 881
05:55 Sat 18 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
I had 16:30-16:35. What were ya doing up so early man?
Deleted User
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06:13 Sat 18 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
What attitude? Nobody felt bad about the result, not even about the scoring system, or the 10-0 default win. T'was a suggestion. nothing more.

If there's someone who should be annoyed about something, thats should be about over-reacting.
Posts: 5,373
06:15 Sat 18 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
ex_champ said:
Maybe there should be no points for default wins.. coz thats aint a legitimate win :D

If whether a game gets played or not rested entirely on yourself and was not potentially completely out of your control, I'd agree whole-heartedly.

Problem is, the moment you were to decide a default = 0-0 then it would be exploited like mad. Weak players knowing they would most likely lose the game would simply make sure to stay offline until the fixture is over.
Deleted User
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07:01 Sat 18 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
seasons over and well done ut on double

back to thread topic please
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
07:56 Sat 18 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Good luck for forthcoming season, just remember its meant to be a bit of fun not a reason for everyone to get at eachothers throats.

Lets hope the defaults get sorted pretty quick so theres no arguments from any sides
Deleted User
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08:34 Sat 18 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
mich said:
Good luck for forthcoming season, just remember its meant to be a bit of fun not a reason for everyone to get at eachothers throats.

Lets hope the defaults get sorted pretty quick so theres no arguments from any sides

thank you and well said
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13:00 Sat 18 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Posts: 8,149
18:02 Sat 18 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  

results are in......

3rd place:

pot_the_lot - 9 votes

2nd place:

walker666 - 15 votes


ab_rfc - 17 votes

thank you for voting and well done to all captains.
Deleted User
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18:09 Sat 18 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Woooooooooooooooooo well done ab

Was meant to be me really but i told joker you would cry and to just lie and let you have it...
Posts: 7,940
18:23 Sat 18 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
wooooooooooo thank you, I would like to thank all the untouchables for voting for me lol
Posts: 8,149
18:29 Sat 18 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
lol ang you was joint 7th,

lmao at that ab
Posts: 5,373
19:03 Sat 18 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
ab_rfc said:
wooooooooooo thank you, I would like to thank all the untouchables for voting for me lol

Don't mention it mate - now where's the sterling you promised me?
Posts: 881
12:47 Sun 19 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Well done ab, well deserved winner of the best captain award
Deleted User
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10:00 Mon 20 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Does this mean alan's goin back to captian again?
Posts: 7,940
13:26 Mon 20 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
NO, im sure keith will do a great job as captain
Deleted User
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13:29 Mon 20 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
good good just was wondering after kev's comment on blackout
Posts: 9,926
09:32 Tue 21 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Trial Game

MVP v Warriors

hightops v kirk__1989
_niall_ v speedy65
damee v weirdo_1
adidas v _kingchiz_
egotistical v keysersoze
g_shot v dannymiller
ab_rfc v deano75
horse10000 v davidsylvian

This game is trialling the 3 points for an overall win for the clan system. Play race to 3 at the 8 Ball games and race to 4 at 9ball as usual. The clan who gets the most frames overall, will get 3 points and the clan who get less, will get nothing at all.

Good Luck all, please try and get these games played as soon as possible.

Any problems, please let me know.

Posts: 7,940
15:04 Tue 21 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
MVP 26 - 13 Warriors

ab_rfc 10-1 deano75
hightops 10-3 kirk__1989
horse10000 6-9 davidsylvian
_niall_ v speedy65
damee v weirdo_1
adidas v _kingchiz_
egotistical v keysersoze
g_shot v dannymiller

This game is trialling the 3 points for an overall win for the clan system. Play race to 3 at the 8 Ball games and race to 4 at 9ball as usual. The clan who gets the most frames overall, will get 3 points and the clan who get less, will get nothing at all.

Edited at 21:32 Tue 21/07/09 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
06:51 Wed 22 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Hi all,

I have read all options and posts and welcome discussion but please dont adopt the "any changes are too complicated so we will do nothing approach"

I accept the point re awarding 3 pts for a win argument that states if a player is ahead and cant be caught he will simply give up which doesnt seem a good idea, but the existing system has a similiar flaw as if a couple of players get a hammering whether unlucky or not it disincentivises the team for all other games and makes them effectively pointless.

In my opinion you should be awarded a point for each format won and 2 or 3 points for an overall win or 1 each for a draw with frame scores being used as a kind of goal/frames difference in event of equal points.

This makes season interesting and competative for all teams all the way through.

It also negates argument that players will chuck it if they cannot recover match as they can still get points for format win.

This really isnt very complicated to put in place and I cannot see any negatives.

As for straight being included I personally dont mind it but think it would place more pressure in getting time to complete games.

As for default under my system award 4 points but do not use frame count in figures as game was not played.

Your thoughts people
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