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World cup - whos gona win the 2006 world cup?

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08:16 Sun 29 May 05 (BST)  [Link]  
My tips are:-
Czech Republic
possibly Italy or germany (only bcoz they are hosts)

Edited at 13:16 Sun 29/05/05 (BST)
Deleted User
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09:48 Sun 29 May 05 (BST)  [Link]  
Deleted User
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14:23 Sun 29 May 05 (BST)  [Link]  
Papua New Guinea or The Democratic Republic Of Congo
Posts: 1,556
17:17 Sun 29 May 05 (BST)  [Link]  
I'll say what I said last world cup, Brazil.
Deleted User
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17:27 Sun 29 May 05 (BST)  [Link]  
nah no one has ever won 2 times in a row
Deleted User
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17:28 Sun 29 May 05 (BST)  [Link]  
When its been held in europe a european team has always one

When it has been held outside europe a south american team has always won
Posts: 1,556
17:42 Sun 29 May 05 (BST)  [Link]  
doesn't mean it can't be done
Deleted User
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18:01 Sun 29 May 05 (BST)  [Link]  
as you all know im not a huge footie fan. but i understand the rules and i know a good team when i see one. england has not got a chance
Deleted User
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19:39 Sun 29 May 05 (BST)  [Link]  
I think we have a very good chance, now we have the best defence ever

Edited at 00:52 Mon 30/05/05 (BST)
Deleted User
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19:49 Sun 29 May 05 (BST)  [Link]  
triangl u have no right to talk about 'a piece of leather goin abck and forth'. I think we have a good set of players jsut the manager worries me, I dont think hes gd enuf. On paper we should win because we have the best team, but the brazillians luk gd wiv ronaldo, ronaldinho, carlos, adriano, kaka etc. Czech have a brilliant team and keeper. Italy will go far I think maybe quarters or semis. but i dont think theyll win. Holland have some good players also and with germany being in ther own country helps. I dont fancy argentina's chances at all.
Deleted User
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13:56 Mon 30 May 05 (BST)  [Link]  
hmmm...i think england have good player but they are lacking a real strong leader. usually you would pick a captain who is a good leader but beckham just hasnt got that leadership instinct. Brazil will always have a good team and are always a threat. the Czechs along with holland always look good on paper but always seem to disappoint. the germans do have the homecrowd advantage but are lacking in firepower upfront. and italy, defensively sound and good on the attack. however they have been known too suffer major pieces of bad luck in recent time so i wouldnt put my house on them winning.

i think Spain have a very good chance. the spanish may not have the strongest deffence so will concede. but they can easily double what they concede with a strikeforce including raul, torres, jaoqin, reyes. and creative talent of liverpool starts xavi alonso and luis garcia. i think they will do well
Deleted User
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04:50 Sat 4 Jun 05 (BST)  [Link]  
This is what I think will happen. It may seem unlikely but everyone has their opinion.

- Czech Republic will go out in the Semi Final.

- England will go out in the Quarter Final to the team that will go on to win the World Cup.

- Spain will reach the final.

P.S. Brazil are my favourites to win.
Deleted User
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05:55 Sat 4 Jun 05 (BST)  [Link]  
portugal looked strong last time around
Deleted User
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08:13 Sat 4 Jun 05 (BST)  [Link]  
lmao ur sad u lot every1 shud have faith in england! the england team weve got now is the best weve ad for years if were eva gunna win it again 2006 is gunna b our best chance for a while and i bet u wont b sat there with ya brazil shirt on wen da world cup comes round will u .... if ur sayin other teams are gunna win u aint propa england fans!
Deleted User
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08:21 Sat 4 Jun 05 (BST)  [Link]  
ill be wearing a spain shirt mate. im only partly spanish, but im a bit of a glory hunter when it comes to football (having no real preference, may as well go with the best.) spanish football is exciting and fast so is italy's, england cant play as a team i guarantee they will not win this time around (much as i would be pleased if they did)
Deleted User
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08:25 Sat 4 Jun 05 (BST)  [Link]  
lol but im talkin about the english supporters who are backin other teams and as u sed b4 u aint much ov a football fan lol
Deleted User
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08:42 Sat 4 Jun 05 (BST)  [Link]  
oh i know, but a) i used to be b) im not too bad a player myself, and c) like i also said i understand the game, and i know what a good team is. like when i first started supporting football, ajax amsterdam were the best, they didnt have a good team on paper, but they won everything and they were a great team.
Deleted User
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10:20 Sat 4 Jun 05 (BST)  [Link]  
So danclivo, you think that England will go out to Brazil, in the 1/4 finals, just like 2002?

Quite unlikely

Czech Republic
Deleted User
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11:47 Sat 4 Jun 05 (BST)  [Link]  
Yeah but Lambert it was also the best 2 years ago etc. I'm as patritoc as a bull dog with an england flag tatto'd to it's forehead. But with football I can't see us winning for some time, the team don't play as one. There are too many me me me's in the team. One day we'll have glory again. But it ain't gonna be in Germany sadly I think.
Deleted User
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12:26 Sat 4 Jun 05 (BST)  [Link]  
thats exactly what i was trying to say goo!
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World cup - whos gona win the 2006 world cup?

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